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RapeDemon Seriously offensive name

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Is RapeDemon an obscene and offensive name?

Total votes : 45

Re: RapeDemon Seriously offensive name

Postby Frop on Fri Jun 20, 2008 12:36 pm

SFC_J11 wrote:If you don't like the name, then put him on the ignore list and move on.

Darwin, you posted with the wrong account.
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Re: RapeDemon Seriously offensive name

Postby SFC_J11 on Fri Jun 20, 2008 12:41 pm

Darwin, you posted with the wrong account.

Off-topic much?
Anyway, Darwin and myself were cleared. Look in the thread if you must.
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Re: RapeDemon Seriously offensive name

Postby cisco2001 on Fri Jun 20, 2008 12:42 pm

I'm sorry that you missed the point of my post. I think that you are just angry because you were found guilty of cheating and are using this as a way to retaliate.

I was just trying to make the point that, sometimes, there is no way to keep everyone happy. I know what the term "rape and pillage" means. I was just pointing out that, maybe just maybe, Rapedemon did not set out to promote or glorify rape when he chose his user name. Saying that I condone rape is something that you made up to suit your argument and to disparage me.

It's like saying that by playing a "war type" game we all condone and encourage violence, death and destruction. Therefor we all promote murder, rape and terror.

My previous post was about two things:

1. I could not understand what you were saying in your previous post and I asked for clarification. Which, by the way, you have yet to respond.
2. It is impossible to police player's names because the possibility exists that somebody may be offended. Unless it is BLATANT, I think that we should just ignore it and make the PERSONAL decision to ignore a player that WE may not like or approve of his name.

This is a common sense issue. Gabon and Anarkist have already pointed that out. I'm sorry that you are upset that not EVERYONE agrees with you. The bottom line is that people have different opinions about this issue just as we all have different opinions about names.

Please try not to take everything personally. This is an open forum and, as such, open to different and diverse opinions. It is not necessary for you to become incensed when I do not agree with you. Nor is it necessary to insult me or disparage my character. I'm sorry that I do not agree with you. I did state that I understand your point and I do see why you think that it's offensive. I happen to think that rape is a horrible and disgusting crime. However, in this instance, I think that it's possible that Rapedemon was not deliberately trying to be offensive.

Again, try not to take everything personally. I am entitled to my own opinions as are you.

Why don't you change your signature? "You have two choices, you can agree with me or be wrong," is a not the type of signature/ statement that conveys an open mind or freedom of speech. Frankly, it appears to say that you are absolutely opposed to any idea or opinion other than yours. Your signature conveys a tyrannical philosophy that imposes your personal will over others; much like imposing physical will. The kind of physical will that is associated with rape....

Have a very nice day!
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Re: RapeDemon Seriously offensive name

Postby Darwins_Bane on Fri Jun 20, 2008 12:43 pm

my bad frop.....i wasnt under the impression that i was not cleared? and kind of not even on the same topic. You shouldn't believe everything you hear....especially from sore losers. But if you have evidence hidden somewhere that i dont know about....go ahead and post the correct thread plz.

Frop wrote:
SFC_J11 wrote:If you don't like the name, then put him on the ignore list and move on.

Darwin, you posted with the wrong account.
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Re: RapeDemon Seriously offensive name

Postby albertq on Fri Jun 20, 2008 12:44 pm

Frop wrote:
SFC_J11 wrote:If you don't like the name, then put him on the ignore list and move on.

Darwin, you posted with the wrong account.

chips on shoulders and fire that smoulders
look at my monkey it's playing with boulders

you dirty ginger bastard

P.S. cisco you need someone to toss you a nice cold one or something don't you. you rapist.
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Re: RapeDemon Seriously offensive name

Postby Curmudgeonx on Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:21 pm

Hmm, as a followup, I am going to protest with the United Nations Horticultural Mission regarding the RapeSeed.

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Re: RapeDemon Seriously offensive name

Postby cisco2001 on Fri Jun 20, 2008 2:11 pm

Soloman wrote:The word Nigger is a term that originally was used for a niggardly person. For the uneducated that means a ignorant person. Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
nig·gard Audio Help /ˈnɪgərd/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[nig-erd] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. an excessively parsimonious, miserly, or stingy person.
–adjective 2. niggardly; miserly; stingy.

Wow, you just made up your own definition and origin of the word niggardly. You have no idea of what you are talking about. Your credibility diminishes every time you start pounding on the key board. I think you need to spend a little time studying before you
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Re: RapeDemon Seriously offensive name

Postby Soloman on Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:56 pm

Anarkistsdream wrote:Ahhh... You want to argue that point, eh SOLO-MAN who always plays with his brother???

Very well...

1. the unlawful compelling of a woman through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.

2. any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person.
3. statutory rape.
4. an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation: the rape of the countryside.
5. Archaic. the act of seizing and carrying off by force.
–verb (used with object)
6. to force to have sexual intercourse.
7. to plunder (a place); despoil.
8. to seize, take, or carry off by force.
–verb (used without object)
9. to commit rape.

Looks to me that out of 9 meanings, only 4 have to do with intercourse of any kind...

You lose.

Maybe then we have different math systems as I see 6 of them as being applied to violating the body of a individual 1,2,3,4,6&9 .As with the word Nigger they all imply to the same thing even if you try to take it on the most literal original usage of the word the implication is the same and known just by its use. The earliest etymology derives the word from the Latin Negro(black) it was transversely used to describe dark skinned individuals and or ignorant individuals in Northern Europe as the common misconception was that they darker skinned peoples in Europe were backwards, inferior or ignorant in nature and actions. While this was extremely biased it did not carry the same connotation it carries today as it was commonly also applied to whites(the Irish a lot in Britain and against southern Europeans by Northern Europeans) that were either ignorant in action or socially destitute and spurned.

This is prime in earlier European literature in such works as The Nigger of the 'Narcissus': A Tale of the Sea, The Lair of the White Worm or even Agatha Christie's novel And Then There Were None. As time Progressed from the European stand point it went from ignorant person to a member of a socially disadvantaged class of persons as exampled in the Merriam-Webster list of definitions. This context can be seen in the work of John Lennon's Woman is the Nigger of the World. Only in America did the word become so derogatory and racially charged in its usage as an oppressor against Black peoples. Amongst African Americans(my primary ethnic group) who have thought to reclaim the word and get proper context on it, the word Nigger is used to describe A overtly Ignorant person, while socially the term Nigga which is distinctive by the emphasis of the A versus ER ending and pronunciation, is used in similarity to homie or friend or even the common American phrase dude.

So given all that context for any who choose to divert the topic any further in hope of Undermining the point. The common and excepted use of the word Nigger is a Term to Demoralize Black people and the word Rape is a term that is used to describe the Sexual violation of an individual. Maybe if had named himself raperoftheland the name would be less offensive but given the fact that the term demon is known in context to be an entity that torments individuals the overall implication and motivation of the name cannot be argued or denied. Again this is another example of poor and unscrupulous defense of the indefensible and an example of a disingenuous and reprehensible character by both the posters to whom I am replying and the afore named individual this thread is about. The fact so many people find nothing wrong with it is caricature of how our society is becoming immoral, apathetic and deviant.
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Re: RapeDemon Seriously offensive name

Postby cisco2001 on Fri Jun 20, 2008 5:14 pm

Nice job with the copy and paste. As usual, you have neatly avoided all previous commentary.
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Re: RapeDemon Seriously offensive name

Postby Soloman on Fri Jun 20, 2008 5:31 pm

nmhunate wrote:
Soloman wrote:The word Nigger is a term that originally was used for a niggardly person. For the uneducated that means a ignorant person. With that said and under your rationale the name Niggerkiller should no problem as it would mean ignorance killer right? Before you attempt to respond to what you know is a rhetorical question we all know the answer no it is offensive and it is common knowledge as to why. Again Casting aside the fact that I know your post was only taken as your own niggardly swipe at me I press that the blatant illogical ignorance of it from just a generalized stance.

I think you're mistaken here Soloman... If I recall correctly the etymology of nigger comes from either the Spanish or Portuguese negro and before that the Latin Nigro all meaning black. So nigger stems from a word meaning black.

The word niggardly, however has a different etymology. Niggard comes from the Norwegian word nigle meaning stingy. Other than the fact that the two words sound alike, nigger and niggard have nothing in common. English is a truly interesting language with all of its homophones... Its sad and silly that people can be offended at niggardly when it has no racial meaning.

Forgive my spell check as change niggerly to niggardly I did not pay as close attention to override as I am now. The overall point should not be lost in typo's. As I am sure you learned while researching the etymology of the word Nigger and how it was used in Europe prior to the slave trade here in America.

nmhunate wrote:True, I didn't address the OP... It is one of my pet peeves when people confuse niggardly with nigger.

I do not find the user name rapedemon to be offensive. There are many stories in the world that address that very idea. A succubus for example is a demon that rapes people. And even past that there are stories where the God Zeus rapes mortal women.

If one were to ban the user name rapedemon where do we stop? It is a slippery slope. Using my example couldn't we also ban the user name Zeus because of all the bad things that he did? Or even further... To me wicked's avatar looks like a succubus, I say we ban that picture because it promotes demon rape.

You further my point with the context of use and word combination of the name he is not talking about pillaging as the double epithet reinforces the context and use of the words it is composed of. I could agree with you on Wicked's avatar if it showed the act of a rape being committed but it does not and again that is reaching on your part. The rapes Zeus was famed for were footnotes in his history that showed his darker side just as the alleged rapes of slaves BY Thomas Jefferson were small portions of his history and not what he was famed for, again you are reaching with the comparison as the word Zeus is never used as a substitute term for rape.

Your whole counter argument hinges on use and context of the terms yet your examples do not have the same usage in 1 part and reinforce the context portrayed in the other part. The slope is not slippery if there is any sense used in the intention of the name and what it is attempting to portray. I doubt the site will allow a name MolesterPriest, FagShooter Or MuslimDefiler as it goes against the guidelines against bigotry this name falls into that same category as it is demeaning to the victims of the crime in the same way those names are demeaning against the peoples described.
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Re: RapeDemon Seriously offensive name

Postby Soloman on Fri Jun 20, 2008 5:35 pm

cisco2001 wrote:Nice job with the copy and paste. As usual, you have neatly avoided all previous commentary.
Thank you I lifted most from an essay I wrote on the subject of the word Nigger it's History and evolution in African American culture a few years back and the rest I ad libbed, While I am sure you are attempting to accuse me of plagiarism I challenge you to find it. I started the post earlier before leaving for a few hours and had forgot to press post before leaving I adjusted to address a few things when seeing all the new post but I kept the reference back to whom I initially intended to respond to.
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Re: RapeDemon Seriously offensive name

Postby Incandenza on Fri Jun 20, 2008 5:46 pm

I think the main point that's been missed thus far is that he in fact could intend the name to mean that he rapes demons. And since demons are bad, isn't that a stance we can all get behind? :D

Seriously, it's just a name, and it's kinda funny. Sorry if it offends your delicate sensibilities, solo, but as my grandpappy once said to me, "Tough shit, kiddo." If the handle of some anonymous bloke on a risk site is enough to get your dander up, then you're clearly living in some sort of polymer bubble like the guy in that crappy disney movie.

P.S. What you may not realize is that "Incandenza" is actually an ancient Inuit word that means "Polar Bear Who Rapes The Nubile With His Ursine Shaft Of Doom". So, y'know, maybe you'd like to start a thread about my offensive username.
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Re: RapeDemon Seriously offensive name

Postby GabonX on Fri Jun 20, 2008 5:47 pm

I think Twill handled this pretty well. the forum guidelines have a list of things which are never excusable..They are as follows.
Bigotry (e.g. racism, religion-bashing, aggressively homophobic language);
Betting or gambling on, through, or because of CC;
Pornography in posts, avatars or hyperlinks;
Trolling (including multiple postings, spam, abusive content, and specific attempts to cause chaos, disruption or headaches to the community members or staff)
The word "rape" doesn't actually violate any of these. It's understandable that people may take offense to the name but because it doesn't actualy break any of the sites rules it is allowed. Twill pmed the member to see if he's interested in changing it. Unless the powers that be want to officialy change the rules this is the proper course of action.

I think it's interesting that the word "rape" gets such a response. I would think that the act of murder is worse than the act of rape. Currently there are two members with "murder" in their name and 56 with "killer" in their name. To my knowledge none of them have been asked to change their names which doesn't make sense as murder is just as bad, if not worse, than rape. Also to a christian, the word "demon" may be just as offensive as the word "rape." All worthwhile things to consider..

I think the logical conclusion to draw in regards to these names is that they are not actually advocating murder or rape. They are just stupid names which will offend the easily offended.
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Re: RapeDemon Seriously offensive name

Postby richardgarr on Fri Jun 20, 2008 5:59 pm

as amusing as this thread is,( i have choked on my coffee a few times now , reading all this hilarity), I believe the topic has gone way off base and perhaps this needs to be moved to chatter box, or whatever it is called this week. Seems this is a discussion about free speech, mixed in with a bit of self righteous preaching.
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Re: RapeDemon Seriously offensive name

Postby AndyDufresne on Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:11 pm

If you'd like to start an Off Topic thread to continue the discussion, by all means. But for now, this post is going to be zipped.

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