fossunited wrote:I have a quick question, and can't be arsed trawling through 42 pages to see if there is an answer in there. How on earth do you win this map? I've been involved in a terminator game, where obviously you can't terminate because of the bottomleft corner.
I have seen someone take all of the objectives, and they didn't win. So now, I have no idea how on earth we are meant to get rid of this map? If we can't terminate, and a player doesn't win when taking all 4 of the objectives, I can't see how on earth we are meant to clear it.
Ideas anyone?
I have won a game on this 4 player mode by gaining the objective and holding it for one round. That is what is required. You must hold the objectives for one turn, get them and providing no-one takes them from you, at the beginning of your next turn, you will win the game. If you lose them, then it's back to the gaining the objective again. Lesson: make sure that when you get them, you fortify them with plenty of reserves so that they can't be taken. Eventually someone will win.