by amazzony on Mon Jul 14, 2008 1:13 pm
I'm sorry for the long brake after last round started. There are several reasons for that but as we can't turn back time then accept that I will count all the last round actions now and after that if I'll give simor time, he will play the last round for you and when all games end then we will count all that you have and declare the winner of this board. As Conqueropoly map isn't ready on time then we've decided that the winner of each board will advance to play off board where another Monopoly: CC Edition will be played.
ACTIONS of final round
calchmbrs (Car): MISS
badmoon (Hat): MISS
oziris (Scottish Terrier): Round 14 no other actions but challenge these three to rent games: Shoe, Thimble, Cannon.
Rallyraider (Shoe): MISS
sd031091 (Thimble): accept rent game
wurmsrus (Wheelbarrow): no action
Drunk_Idiot (Boat): Round 14 no action
thedoggdakdes (Cannon): accept rent game if requested
"Thou shalt accept thy dice rolls as the will of the Gods" (Church of Gaming)
"amazzony is a beast" (Woodruff)