by DeathConquerer on Wed Jun 11, 2008 6:08 pm
Names of the accused: pconnolly365, field doctor, suebell15, colonel bogies and didosdildo.
Reason: Multi
Related Games: 2402797 plus many, many more, too many to list.
Reasons: Game number 2402797 is a 5 player game, containing all 5 of the people listed above. Their turns are taken back to back to back from start to finish. They are all listed as being from the U.K. If you check field doctors game history, he has played 68 games, of which pconnolly365 has been a part of 32. They were all multi player games and pconnolly365 won 30 of them. Thats 93.75%. After researching all games with all the players listed above, there is a definate pattern, pconnolly365 always wins when they play, if pconnolly365 is not in the game, colonel bogies or suebell15 wins, the final two are fillers.