edbeard wrote:Bonus-wise I think more discussion needs to take place.
West Ashley is not worth the same as East Ashley. If S. St. James is only worth 2 then Ashely is probably 2 as well. Furthermore, is Folly Beach really worth 3?
Lets look at some things.
WA - 2 border, 2 attacking, 2 continents
SSJ - 2 border, 4 attacking, 3 continents
FB - 2 border, 4 attacking, 4 continents
EC - 2 border, 3 attacking, 2 continents
I'd say WA and EC are 2 and SSJ and FB are 3.
f*ck it. Lets put together the whole list. Obviously strength of neighbors and size of continents should be considered but these are just starting points.
WA - 2 border, 2 attacking, 2 continents
EA - 3 border, 4 attacking 2 continents
SJI - 3 border, 3 attacking, 3 continents
NSJ - 4 border, 4 attacking, 4 continents
SSJ - 2 border, 4 attacking, 3 continents
FB - 2 border, 4 attacking, 4 continents
NC - 2 border, 2 attacking, 2 continents
HD - 3 border, 6 attacking, 6 continents
MP - 4 border, 4 attacking, 4 continents
EC - 2 border, 3 attacking, 2 continents
IP - 2 border, 3 attacking, 3 continents
I say we ignore size except for the extreme cases. In my opinion only SJI, HD, and possibly NC should be considered 'large' getting maybe an extra bonus from their size.
Just looking at the numbers (without looking back at the map) or the size, I'd say bonuses should be...
2 - WA, NC, EC
3 - EA, SJI, SSJ, FB
4 - NSJ, MP
5 - HD
IP i'm not sure. 3 seems too much and 2 too little. Possibly a gameplay change could solidify this one.
Including the 'size' bonus I talked about we are left with...
2 - WA, EC
3- EA, NC, SSJ, FB
4 - NSJ, MP, SJI
6 - HD
That's mostly what you had I think except probably the changes I had suggested above. So maybe convince me about Isle of Palms being worth 2 or 3, or make it more evident with a gameplay change.
I'm sorry ed. I remembered reading this, but then it got buried and I forgot to address some of this. I did make South James worth only 2 instead of 3, but we can have more discussion around gameplay from this point. I've been focused more on graphics for the past week or 2. I'll have to take some time and read through this post, but I'll see what I can make of it.
As far as the pastel colors. At one point I liked them also, but now I'm kind of liking these darker colors a bit more. The pastels were almost too light.
gameplay is my weak area (hence my rank) so this is where I do appreciate the feedback. It seems like I did remember after changing S.James to a +2, instead of +3, that all was well. But as I said, more discussions can take place.
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