Here we go; one more player to add to the list of multis for KIDPAT:
SresHere are the facts:
KIDPAT is from Italy and Sres is from Italy
Sres and KIDPAT have played 109 games together
KIDPAT has won 50 of those games and Sres has won 15. **KIDPAT is getting the better deal and ,again, KIDPAT has a 50% win rate.
Most of the time they join in sequential order with some minor exceptions
Of course, they take back to back turns. **NOTE: It's interesting that KIDPAT does make an effort, early in the game, to leave 10-30 minute intervals between his and Sres turns. However, later in the game he becomes impatient and less careful; then the turns are just a few minutes apart. KIDPAT followed this pattern rigorously with his other multis; Heyday and Dinamitebla.
I could go through the trouble of listing examples over and over again. For the sake of brevity I will just reference one game. Any interested partied can look at more but they all follow the same pattern
Game 2442239In this game we have Sres, Heyday and KIDPAT in this sequential order. Early on they take back to back turns. KIDPAT very carefully manipulated Sres and Heyday to chip away at player orange. Then, in the 6th round, he makes his move. Sres weakens orange all over the map even though there is no strategic logic to these attacks. Heyday's turn is next and he also makes some very strange moves; attacking players and taking over territories and leaving only singles in his path. Then comes KIDPAT, attacking orange where he was weakened by Sres and systematically eliminated him. The last step is to follow Heyday's singles to orange's last army which he easily wipes out and takes the cards. From there it's a snowball effect, he takes out the already weakened Sres and Heyday; turns in cards and neatly wipes out the last remaining players. They never stood a chance.
I wonder how KIDPAT feels? Is he proud of his rank? What drives someone to go to such extremes? Whatever it is; I wonder if it's worth it now?