by White Moose on Fri May 30, 2008 4:39 pm
Child Art!
You have just drawed your first drawing! You gazed opon a world map and decided to draw the world of your own.
The creation was, Doodle Earth! You and your little friends decided to play a game of RISK which your bigger brother teached you.
Things got so rough that you started to suck and lick on the dices. So the bunch of you decided to play a tournament.
This is a 16-player bracket style tournament. The bracket will be randomly made. You will play your opponent 3 times, the one who wins the most games will advance to the next round. The gameplay will be the same through out the whole tournament until there is only one player left, our Winner.
Premium Membership in Conquerclub
Map: Doodle Earth
Number of Players: 2
Game Type: Standard
Play Order: Sequential
Bonus Cards: Escalating
Fortifications: Chained
Fog of War: No
Sign up
1. Ryall55
3. fireedud
4. poptartpsycho18
5. LordMetro
6. grant.gordon
7. hatta76
8. dezzy26
9. brendan man
10. ewillaman
11. MyrrhMan
12. gcwca_4_life
13. bspride
14. Terminalcase56
15. luckyderus
16. Sunshiner
Last edited by
White Moose on Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:11 am, edited 21 times in total.
Highest Score: