The accused are suspected of:
- Having a secret alliance
Game number(s):
First game linked - BlackMages gets eliminated and nameless1 deadbeats the last turn...possibly a coincidence
Second game linked - BlackMages is able to eliminate nameless1 from an assassin game...again could just be a well played game
Third game linked - nameless1 suicides into the third player giving BlackMages an easy win. The two also don't play at the same time much so I would assume they were communicating with each other or such. Also on the last turn, nameless1 doesn't even bother to deploy even thought he is about to die.
Fourth game linked - nameless1 killed 2/3 of the territories of BlackMages target and BlackMage then has an easy win. Also...once again they do not play at exactly the same time.
Fifth game linked - nameless1 kills one of the territories for BlackMage and then a couple of seconds later BlackMage takes another easy win.
Sixth game linked - nameless1 once again kills one of BlackMage's targets territories...hmmm smells like more than coincidence by now.
Seventh game linked - nameless1 does one better this time...he actually kills BlackMage's target for him!
Eighth game linked - nameless1 deadbeats 3 turns in a team game, giving BlackMage and his partner a win.
In total...the pair have played 24 games together...of those, BlackMage has won 10 and nameless1 has won none - this is way above the actual odds and when you look at how all the games have been won, its definately more than a little suspicious. I would also like to say that I only looked at the games whch BlackMage won...who knows if nameless1 tried and failed to help in any of the other games the two played in together.