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meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [closed]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby prismsaber on Fri May 16, 2008 5:31 am

This tactic is very common among the high ranked players and it definitely helps them to gain an advantage and thus maintain their high rank, especially since most of their opponents are more inexperienced players who do not understand the intricacies of the freestyle game.

I do not approve of this "strategy" and I have no idea why it is still allowed seeing how often it is abused. I would like to see the programming changed - if a player runs out of time or misses their turn they should still have to wait half of the round to go again.

That being said, there should be no investigation here and there is no case to be made against meathead as long as the programming allows this type of game play.
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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby cramill on Fri May 16, 2008 9:56 am

prismsaber wrote:This tactic is very common among the high ranked players and it definitely helps them to gain an advantage and thus maintain their high rank, especially since most of their opponents are more inexperienced players who do not understand the intricacies of the freestyle game.

I do not approve of this "strategy" and I have no idea why it is still allowed seeing how often it is abused. I would like to see the programming changed - if a player runs out of time or misses their turn they should still have to wait half of the round to go again.

I don't think that if anyone misses a turn that they should be blocked until someone else goes or half the round passes - it wouldn't be a double turn because they didn't take a turn in the previous round. It should be those who ended their turn last in the round or those who didn't end their turn before the round ended.

prismsaber wrote:That being said, there should be no investigation here and there is no case to be made against meathead as long as the programming allows this type of game play.

Yes, I don't think this is a case of meathead cheating anymore, since many other players use this 'tactic' and meathead thought he was perfectly fine doing that. We just want this changed so this 'tactic' can't be used anymore.
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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby wicked on Mon May 26, 2008 1:06 pm

This is a known loophole that we've yet to find a feasible solution for. Treefiddy just posted a suggestion here, so please carry the conversation there. Since this isn't cheating, this'll be locked. Feel free to leave feedback though.
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