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Outting other players in FOG [Closed]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Outting other players in FOG [Closed]

Postby TheWhip on Mon May 26, 2008 7:21 am

I am playing a person now in a three player game. It is in FOG. He/she has just let the other player know my strength and possible position. It seems he/she has done this before in a FOG game and the opposite player left a negative comment about this. This player states in their response to that negative that there is nothing wrong with this and it is 'not against the rules'. I personally think it is cheating and not in good form. Would the admin/mods please address this issue and possibly make a ruling on it? Maybe a rule is needed to keep people (cheaters) from doing this. If not, FOG is then not a good option, as you plan your moves and positions due to the fact no one except bordering enemies can see your positions and strengths. If an abutting player can just blurt out your position to other opponents the game, your game, can be ruined. Without a rule against this sort of childish play FOG is no longer an option to play under.

The Whip


Replace or delete any xxxxxxx with the appropriate information.
Delete any accusations or entries which do not apply.

Be sure before you accuse someone!


The accused are suspected of:
  • Being Multis
  • Having a secret alliance
  • Severe PM abuse
  • Other: <Explanation>

Game number(s):
  • [game]xxxxxxx[/game]
  • [game]xxxxxxx[/game]
  • [game]xxxxxxx[/game]
  • [game]xxxxxxx[/game]

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Re: Outting other players in FOG

Postby TheScarecrow on Mon May 26, 2008 7:31 am

i, like you, would call this cheating. BUT the general consensus is that if ONE person knows where you are and how strong you are... he can tell whoever he likes.

SO what can you do in future?

There are a couple techniques i use:

1) DONT have ALL your armies parked on your borders. CONCEAL some INSIDE your borders. say for example have 10 armies on each border and have the rest scattered elsewhere within said borders.

2) You can be just as SNEAKY. If person A says, "Fred has 50 armies on his his border... he must be strong KILL HIM." You can answer, "ROFL. Guys this jerk has like 67 armies parked on his borders... i suggest he is the bigger THREAT."

With no.2 i have found that people will usually attack Mr 67 Armies... just to make sure. this usually leaves everybody else weakened and you, with the aid of some dice, win the game within a round or two.

Play smart and conquer!
a poor workman always blames his tools... SO STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT THE DICE FFS

All those people who whinge about losing points to low rankers need to read a book entitled "Losing 40 Points V The End of the World : A Study in Contrast"
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Re: Outting other players in FOG

Postby KLOBBER on Mon May 26, 2008 8:51 am

This behavior could also be considered to be under the heading of "unannounced alliances," which is definitely cheating.

You may be able to clip this individual for cheating.

If not, then you lose nothing for turning him in. Either way, you should turn him in.

You need to fill the form, though, and state the screen name of the cheater.

Best wishes!
Last edited by KLOBBER on Tue May 27, 2008 8:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Outting other players in FOG

Postby firth4eva on Mon May 26, 2008 8:52 am

If you can't handle FoW don't play it or quit whining when you do.
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Re: Outting other players in FOG

Postby cheekydevil on Mon May 26, 2008 8:53 am

You need to but the game number and that so people can have a look at the game and who you are accusing and what you are accusing them of.
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Re: Outting other players in FOG

Postby lord voldemort on Mon May 26, 2008 8:54 am

agreed...u can use it to your advantage...its about deception and gear
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Re: Outting other players in FOG

Postby wicked on Mon May 26, 2008 8:56 am

Nope, not a secret alliance. We're not going to make rules about every little nuance in gameplay. Besides, it's a great way to give misinformation as well. Feel free to leave feedback for the player.
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Re: Outting other players in FOG

Postby KLOBBER on Mon May 26, 2008 8:59 am

wicked wrote:Nope, not a secret alliance....

Sorry, Whip!

You don't have to play this cheater any more, and please let us know who he is and post the game number here.

Best wishes!
Last edited by KLOBBER on Tue May 27, 2008 8:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Outting other players in FOG

Postby Dancing Mustard on Tue May 27, 2008 8:01 am

The smallest Billy Goat Gruff was first to reach the bridge. Trippity-trop, trippity-trop went his little hooves as he trotted over the wooden planks. Ting-tang, ting-tang went the little bell round his neck.

"Who’s that trotting over my bridge?" growled the troll from under the planks.

"Billy Goat Gruff," squeaked the smallest goat in his little voice. "I’m only going up to the mountain to seek clarification over the rules in a certain gametype that people are constantly complaining about, and which could do with some kind of public sticky to notify the community of the state of play."

"Oh no, you’re not!" said the troll. "I’m going to whinge and whine and act like an ass! Then I'll de-rail this whole thread with my childish tantruming over moderators. Eventually people will laugh at me so much that I'll go make a sad little blog to try to get back at them with. Then I'll retire into obscurity and prey on n00bs a bit more, while everybody else laughs at me for being a skill-less jerk and arrogant blowhard"
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Re: Outting other players in FOG

Postby Twill on Wed May 28, 2008 1:33 pm

DM, there's no need to insult or attack a poster.

You know where flame wars is.

And wicked is right - if the information sharing is in open chat, there is nothing illegal about it, although it may not be popular.

Feedback is where that info should go.

Please don't PM me about forum stuff any more.

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Re: Outting other players in FOG

Postby Anarkistsdream on Wed May 28, 2008 1:36 pm

Sick'em Twill!
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Re: Outting other players in FOG

Postby KLOBBER on Wed May 28, 2008 7:30 pm

Thank you, Twill, I appreciate that.
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Re: Outting other players in FOG

Postby t-o-m on Wed May 28, 2008 7:54 pm

love the story DM, how about writing a book?
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Re: Outting other players in FOG [Closed]

Postby Fireside Poet on Sun Jun 01, 2008 4:58 pm

Thread is closed. Thank you for playing.
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