Conquer Club

Ryan32 [permaband]

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Ryan32 [permaband]

Postby chapcrap on Wed May 21, 2008 6:50 pm


The accused are suspected of:
Other: <he is obscene and very offensive in what he says. i'm not the only one who thinks so or that it's happened to. if you take a cursory glance at his feedback you can see that he has used excessive foul language towards many people. he used racial slurs against me. this is not right and should not be tolerated. just take a look at his feedback.
*EDIT* he also just said he was going to give me a negatve feedback for no reason. *EDIT*
*EDIT* I removed the Multis, pm abuse and secret alliance. I had mistakenly left those on. My only complaint is this guy's behavior. *EDIT*

Game number(s):

Last edited by chapcrap on Tue May 27, 2008 3:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Ryan32

Postby Ryan32 on Thu May 22, 2008 6:23 pm

I gave you a neg cause you didnt use a strategy you had like 10 less armies then me attacked and didnt lose any.
Being Multis
Having a secret alliance
Severe PM abuse
you said i did these things and 1. It was a 1 player game
2. I never pmed you.
Corporal 1st Class Ryan32
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Re: Ryan32

Postby Pip Squeek on Fri May 23, 2008 6:43 am

I wouldn't say secret alliance, PM abuse or Being Multi

His feed backs maybe questionable, but after looking threw some of the game chats. I would call some of the game chats out of line. I think he maybe over doing it, being out right rude and abusive in some of his chats.

It is a game, some times you win some times you loose. in a 1 vs 1 game suicide is a strategy, but 9 out of 10 times it back fires and lets the other person run over them, but I have found myself in spots that sometimes the only move left is a suicide, but if some one suicides early so what. Just take advantage of there mistake...;)
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Re: Ryan32

Postby chapcrap on Tue May 27, 2008 3:21 am

I didn't suicide at all. He's full of it. That's the bottom line. He's lying to try and get away with his childish behavior. I put this original complaint up before he even left me a negative feedback and now I've opened an e-ticket to get it taken off because there is absolutely no reason that I should have a negative, especially from this guy and especially when he's lying about the reason for the negative.
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Re: Ryan32

Postby killmanic on Tue May 27, 2008 3:44 am

chapcrap wrote:I didn't suicide at all. He's full of it. That's the bottom line. He's lying to try and get away with his childish behavior. I put this original complaint up before he even left me a negative feedback and now I've opened an e-ticket to get it taken off because there is absolutely no reason that I should have a negative, especially from this guy and especially when he's lying about the reason for the negative.

Umm you are a little late on this he has been banned
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Re: Ryan32

Postby cisco2001 on Tue May 27, 2008 7:17 am

Thank the Lord. It was about time.
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Re: Ryan32

Postby chapcrap on Wed May 28, 2008 2:14 am

killmanic wrote:
chapcrap wrote:I didn't suicide at all. He's full of it. That's the bottom line. He's lying to try and get away with his childish behavior. I put this original complaint up before he even left me a negative feedback and now I've opened an e-ticket to get it taken off because there is absolutely no reason that I should have a negative, especially from this guy and especially when he's lying about the reason for the negative.

Umm you are a little late on this he has been banned

good, he needed it.
Lieutenant chapcrap
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