Conquer Club


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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]


Postby Ghost715 on Wed May 21, 2008 3:17 pm

Accused: stewmeat101

The accused are suspected of:
  • Other: Cheating within game play. game 2462928
    I was online watching stewmeat101 play. I noted that the armies that s/he got was placed on
    Realm of Might 7. Then I saw that Realm of might 6 was attacked successfully. There were 7 armies there. Then I saw that Realm of might 5 was attacked successfully. There were 1 amy on 6, 1 army on 5, 2 army (nuetral) on the castle. I thought 'hee, hee, s/he made a mistake!". Then as I was refreshing, I saw that the number of armies on 7 went from 23 to 18, and then there were his armies in the castle.
    Normal game play is that Realm of Might 7 cannot attack the realm of Might castle.
    I posted a comment in the game, and filled out this form.

Game number(s):2462928

Could be a bug, but it doesn't fit the usual pattern of how armies would show up. If it was caught in mid-move, it would have show the new armies in the moved into location, before the rest of the armies were advanced.
Corporal Ghost715
Posts: 9
Joined: Thu Jul 12, 2007 11:29 am
Location: Chicago-area

Re: stewmeat101

Postby stewmeat101 on Wed May 21, 2008 3:29 pm

to expain because obviously you did not watch close enough. I attacked from R.O.M 7 to ROM 6, advancing 6. I lose all of those trying to take the castle, then attack from ROM7 to ROM5 and advance 5 and then take the castle advancing what armies were left on ROM 5.
Lieutenant stewmeat101
Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:15 pm

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