Conquer Club

Cheaters: Hoofdschudder/Hulk75 [Blocked]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Cheaters: Hoofdschudder/Hulk75 [Blocked]

Postby mdr0903 on Mon May 19, 2008 11:51 pm

Hoofdschudder & Hulk75

Hoofdschudder & Hulk75


The accused are suspected of:
[*]Having a secret alliance

Game number(s):

These guys admitted they wouldn't attack each other because they were friends! It seems this is te main way I end up losing points. Why should they deserve my hard earned points at all? They teamed up and I deserve their points. Maybe that's what it will take to make this type of cheating to stop. Allowing them to get away with it doesn't work obviously, because it keeps happening! Negative feedback may stop some of their abuse, but in my case, I tried to start a 3 player game, and two accomplices joined my game and took my points. Do you guys really think this is fair? I don't think banning them from playing is the answer, they can always get new IDs. I don't think allowing it, and telling them not to do it anymore is fair to the person they teamed up on, and taking away the points they CHEATED to receive seems the most fair. When people steal, they are suppose to return what they took. Why not on Conquer club?
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Re: Cheaters

Postby TheScarecrow on Wed May 21, 2008 2:51 am

i reckon this one is pretty open and shut.... they only really 'admitted' it once you called them on it. You will still lose your points though. At best what will happen is that these guys will (?) get blocked from playing each other.
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Re: Cheaters

Postby mdr0903 on Tue May 27, 2008 2:52 am


If you realize that this was an open and shut case of collusion to take my points, tell me why cc doesn't give back to me what is rightfully mine? I'm taking about my points. Seems points are easy enough to steal, but not so easy to keep, and once stolen they are not returned. Does this really make any sense?!

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Re: Cheaters

Postby erazor on Tue May 27, 2008 3:45 am

You won't get your points back, that i know for sure.
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Re: Cheaters

Postby lancehoch on Tue May 27, 2008 9:20 am

There are a few reasons that CC will not give back points that were lost to cheaters. First, if you ask for your points back and you get them back, then everyone who has ever played in a game with the cheaters will have the right to ask for their points back. This would either cause point inflation, where points are introduced into the system without a new player, or CC would be forced to take points away from legitimate players who won games that involved cheaters. Second, lack has previously stated that this would put enormous strain on the server. Now granted this person cheated you out of points, but this is an online game. Just have fun. If points are that important to you, I am sure you will be able to win them back in no time.
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Re: Cheaters

Postby Fireside Poet on Thu May 29, 2008 8:17 am


Verdict: Blocked for secret alliance.
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Re: Cheaters

Postby HannibalSmith on Thu May 29, 2008 11:47 am

Fireside Poet wrote:Suspects:

Verdict: Blocked for secret alliance.

i wish i would have seen this thread sooner. Hulk75 is also currently suspected of having a secret alliance in the Skeleton & Crew thread as well.
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Re: Cheaters

Postby HannibalSmith on Thu May 29, 2008 11:54 am

mdr0903 wrote:Scarecrow,

If you realize that this was an open and shut case of collusion to take my points, tell me why cc doesn't give back to me what is rightfully mine? I'm taking about my points. Seems points are easy enough to steal, but not so easy to keep, and once stolen they are not returned. Does this really make any sense?!


yeah like lance says, its a "closed point" system. to fix one game's points causes a chain effect with all players who have had points recorded in other games with the person. then that person would need their scores adjusted. then anyone who played that player since the cheated game would have to have their points adjusted, then anyone that subsequently played that person has to have their score adjusted...and so on.

it sucks about not getting points back, but at least we are preventing others from being ripped off in the future. if too many of these types are allowed to spread then the whole site rots from within.

thank you for reporting this -- it means a lot to the Conquer Club community!
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