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satenialynn and his/her merry gang [Busted +2]

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satenialynn and his/her merry gang [Busted +2]

Postby Hamanu on Sun May 18, 2008 5:54 pm


The accused are suspected of:
  • Being Multis
  • Having a secret alliance

Game number(s):

This is such an obvious bunch of multis it makes me sick. They're all from Canada, they've played a bunch of games together and each game was won by satenialynn. The reason I'm requesting an intervention is that I'm playing a nocards game now 2435943 and, of course, while satenialynn is conquering Oceania and holds LaPlata and doesn't bother defending against mommy_of_2_girls who is pressuring me in Central America. How the hell am I supposed to play the game if I'm always going to end up caught between 2 or more multis???
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Re: satenialynn and his/her merry gang

Postby Fireside Poet on Sun May 18, 2008 7:21 pm

* satenialynn
* mommy_of_2_girls
* here_to_get_mom
* kissable_kristy
* nutbar_101
* zash666
* bigdaddyof2

Verdict: Busted for multiple accounts along with nick32 & satenia
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Re: satenialynn and his/her merry gang [Busted +2]

Postby satenialynn on Sun May 18, 2008 8:37 pm

Sent at: Sun May 18, 2008 9:28 pm
by cisco2001
I would just cut and paste what you just wrote to the accusation in the forum. You have to address the accusation or else it will seem that you have multis. Good luck
Re: Your rank

Sent at: Sun May 18, 2008 9:06 pm
by satenialynn
She is a teenager, and the first time I told her not to unless we were on the same team. i did not think as team mates was a big issue. She was originally joining to try to get my points same as she did to me in canasta and the bugger eventually learned well enough to steal them too.

She was away then for school and it should have shown that we were in the same province but 2000 miles a part. Now she is home about 2 weeks ago. I told her the other day not to join games I am in unless they are doubles, etc....

I can't get out of a game when she joins as the last player and it is then initiated. Which is what she had done, trying to be a smart ass. As I had dropped 4 games that were not yet full that she had joined that I was in.

I am sure she will not be joining anymore once I tell her about the headache this has caused.


* Quote cisco2001

Re: Your rank

Sent at: Sun May 18, 2008 8:59 pm
by cisco2001
You need to notify the moderators in the cheating and abuse section. As it looks right now, it appears that you are cheating. A player has accused you of cheating. If you are not aware, playing from the same IP w/ out notifying the moderators is against the rules. Why not have your daughter join games that you are not in. It looks very suspicious and I can assure you that every other player is going to be thinking the same thing.
Re: Your rank

Sent at: Sun May 18, 2008 8:48 pm
by satenialynn

Not sure who you are or why all the issue? First of all I have no multi account so go ahead and do whatever it is that is done about that. I have earned my rank, and it has been from many many many losses and much learning.

If you are referring to the recent games in the past couple of weeks with the same players? Well my daughter who has been a member for w bit now has had some of her friends join and I played a couple games with them to show them how things work, as well as they were trying to get points from me was a fun personal thing. A couple of them I have had on a team with me as well recently.

However, that is a few of the many many games I am in at the moment.

So not sure what is up with you. I don't even know you.


* Quote cisco2001

Your rank

Sent at: Sun May 18, 2008 7:10 pm
by cisco2001
You only got your rank because you use multis. How does it feel to be a filthy double crossing cheater? I'm going to make sure that you are busted. You better not join any more games.
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Re: satenialynn and his/her merry gang [Busted +2]

Postby cisco2001 on Sun May 18, 2008 8:57 pm

Let me have 5 other daughters that join your games after you asked them not to. Filthy cheater!
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Re: satenialynn and his/her merry gang [Busted +2]

Postby satenialynn on Sun May 18, 2008 9:08 pm

No I never said the other were my daughters. First of all I believe and I don't know how to check to make sure I am not in error. Other then the few fun games we played together without anyone else from the general public. That it has only been my daughter that has tracked me down and joined my games. As well they should be able to check and see that when she joined she was using an isp that was 2000 miles from me. Yes we played and I showed them different styles of games. There is harm in that? Of over 1000 games I have played I think there was 4 or 5 games we played together without other general people in them. Two of them were terminator one freestyle and one not. If you look I did not eliminate everyone, but be damned I was letting the little shits eliminate me without a fight. As for in multi player team games I think maybe 8 games with her friends showing them how it works giving them advice. My daughter maybe a little more often. Now you cannot tell me my daughter cannot be on my team as I have seen this openly talked about in other games. Children, spouses, roommates, etc.

I don't know if it is that so many here have nothing better to do but cheat and there is a huge issue with it and that is why all this fuss. Trust me I have many better things to do. I come on here to relax and maybe some of you need to relax a little and not be so nasty all the time.

Of all the people I am being accused of cheating with would never have thought it to be ones i don not play much with. As I do have a regular partner and a couple others that I play with as well, and it has been way more often then I have ever played with my daughter or any of her friends.
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Re: satenialynn and his/her merry gang [Busted +2]

Postby cisco2001 on Sun May 18, 2008 9:19 pm

Whatever you want to call was cheating. If it was not cheating then why did you win every game? In the chat you even told your "daughter and her friends" to let you win. Why did you all take back to back turns? Finally, why were 8 players using the same IP address?
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Re: satenialynn and his/her merry gang [Busted +2]

Postby Hamanu on Tue May 20, 2008 8:36 am

If mommy_of_2_girls was deleted, how come the account is still active in the game?
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