Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
Lexitonia5 wrote:Yes, it is obvious that they know each other. They kill in freestyle games (118 to be exact) which would be real easy if you are sitting together in the same room. However, in my OPINION [emphasis added], they should at least give a heads up to the other team(s) so that it is known that they have an advantage over other players who may or may not even be on the same team with someone in even in the same country. Its called "courtesy."
I withdrew my complaint because the other post says they were cleared. That's all I feel I need to do aside from taking action to make sure I don't play them anymore.
Also, I see you've posted on this forum 79 times. Do you always represent the defendant, or have you prosecuted from time to time? Or, let me guess, someone acused you of some misreprsentation in the past that you were cleared of and now you have vowed to defend the innocent?
Get over yourself dude I am typing not for a class or work report but free time online GO grammer police somewhere else Poor sport...Lexitonia5 wrote:First of all, I'm not embarrassed about anything and since my team is more than likely going to win the one and only game we are involved in with these two players, I'm not as dumb as you may think. I also know how to use proper grammar when typing text, Soloman, a lesson you may want to learn so people take you more seriously when you comment on other people's posts. I play the game just fine.
Second, Cisco2001, I didn't read your posts nor will I. That is why I asked the question. And yes I did notice they were playing team games, not that I feel I need to prove that you to you. I thought it looked suspicious and, guess what, I still do.
My concern is that a player who is playing on here for free may be taking advantage of the system by having two accounts. I didn't lose to these people unfairly so I'm not complaining for that reason. I was simply pointing out that even though their strategy is a sound one, it may cause them, as it has already, to be accused of being one person with a multiple account or cheating because they sign on and make their moves so close together. I am sorry that neither one of you is understanding that, but you need to move on to someone else's thread now. I'm done.
yawn so you are a dudette ,I do not care, why not do this, go learn to play risk and quit complaining about a team game because you are not coordinated aight...haha Lol you probaly do not know the true meaning of that word talking about intelligence and HoliDay hahaha whine later...ooohhhh yeah I am sure a ego like yours needs the last word so you are free to have it I said my piece...peace lolLexitonia5 wrote:First, I'm not a dude, dude.
Second, grow up. Intelligence should never holiday. You learn things in school so you can use them in life too.
"GO grammer police somewhere else Poor sport..." What the hell does that mean? This is my thread, you interloped on it. If you don't want to deal with me, you should never have posted on my thread. And I'm a poor sport why?
Yes it does there is a whole thread devoted to team games in general in regards to babysitting but sadly people like you are the reason it is having such a hard time due to your lack of concept on the nature of TEAM games...Lexitonia5 wrote:Yes, you are correct it does take a "big man" to admit when one is wrong; however, I'm not a man. And I'm not admitting I'm wrong about anything either. I did check my homework. I reviewed the facts. I was not comfortable with what I found. You came to a different conclusion. That doesn't make me wrong.
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