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U need to recheck Lardindg in game number 2407412

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U need to recheck Lardindg in game number 2407412

Postby mighty dumpling on Sun May 11, 2008 7:00 pm


The accused are suspected of:
  • Being Multis
  • Having a secret alliance

Game number(s):

Hey fireside I know I already accused the other two involved in my game of being mutli's and they were cleared, but I'm telling you something is going on, and the other player (willboyau) may be an innocent bystander and he may not, but something is going on. This guy lardingd has only attacked willboyau to try to get a bonus in the beginning of the game and that is it. I made a snapshot after willbayou's last go just to confirm this. I had 10 armies on Brazil and lardingd had 11 on North Africa, willboyau took over East Africa from lardingd allowing him to only have 3 armies on his next go. He deployed all 3 on North Africa and took on my 10 vice willboyau's 1 or less guarded bonuses. THIS IS AN ALLIANCE, and it was unsaid, so its a SECRET ALLIANCE, now willboyau may be attacking lardingd but lardingd is doing nothing about it but helping him to widdle me down and battle both of them.
Lardingd always ALWAYS goes about 10 minutes after willboyau, this is round 7, so unless these guys live on here I don't see how this cant be viewed as suspicious. Maybe there friends and one calls the other to tell him to take his turn, which if there not the same IP address, then yeah there not multis but there is clearly an unsaid certainty there that willboyau can have free reign on this game and not worry about lardingd trying to break him up.
Another lil addition, in the chat I told these guys that I had made a claim about them in here and got a response from willboyau. Now mind you willboyau is going before lardingd is but this is what willboyau wrote in chat:
2008-05-11 03:59:39 - willboyau: haha what a joke i saw the guy was going so i took my turn
Now I don't know how this could be a typo, cause why would he saw he saw the other guy going on every turn and took his turn promptly after that when he follows me. I analyze this as he thought he was typing from lardingd's account, because thats the only way that would make sense.

There is something going on here.. This needs to be addressed, and looked further into, cause it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out. Its pretty cut and dry. Even if they cant be traced as multi's or somehow cleared of an alliance, this type of play should not be tolerated !!!

mighty dumpling
Mr. T 868 wrote: And I'm not racist against Asians, I like Chinese food and that place were they cook in front of you (Shogun), and some of my good friends are Asian, like Hanson, Trevor, and Jee-Ae.

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Re: U need to recheck Lardindg in game number 2407412

Postby willboyau on Sun May 11, 2008 7:21 pm

check the other thread uv already made about me i already answered the question as to why he takes his turns the way he does he does it in every single game that he plays im no multie and im no cheater iv played over 400 games on this site and iv never been in any type of alliance secret or announced i hate alliances they take the fun out of the game, also i dont need to form alliances in order to win games as u obviously do when u tred to make an alliance with green earlier in the game acoording to ur feedback i am not surprised by ur accusations because it seems to me that u love to piss and moan whenever someone refuses to play the game ur way as for the other player idk what his deal is and idk why he is making the moves that he is making but il say this that neither one of u will be playing with me again id be happy to put the other guy on my ignore list also if u check my games we have never played with each other before...i personally think that u are just pissed off that u cant win games without the help from other players.....i hope this investigation will quickly prove my innocence go ahead and check my inbox the mods will see that i have not exchanged messages with green and after i am cleared i will expect an apology
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Re: U need to recheck Lardindg in game number 2407412

Postby mighty dumpling on Sun May 11, 2008 7:29 pm

u may not be mutlis, and i dont need an alliance to win the game, or any game but u have to admit that he is sure helping ur cause. and i checked his other games and his turn around in those are not as quick as they are in ours, plus how do u explain ur blurb u wrote in chat. about u getting on and taking ur turn promptly after him when your taking ur turn after me?

u may not be multis but there is an unsaid alliance going on there, which is Illegal, u can read the rules if ud like.
and thats what im asking to be checked somehow, i mean its pretty obvious what he is doing, and idk maybe you guys are buddies in this together or something.

believe me i will never play with that fool again, and woould like something checked up on him

i kept ur name out of the accusation except for the part about maybe its an unsaid thing, maybe ur friends and ur chat .....
Mr. T 868 wrote: And I'm not racist against Asians, I like Chinese food and that place were they cook in front of you (Shogun), and some of my good friends are Asian, like Hanson, Trevor, and Jee-Ae.

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Re: U need to recheck Lardindg in game number 2407412

Postby willboyau on Sun May 11, 2008 7:34 pm

ok i just checked the game log of our turns before the accusations even those turns before the accusations i took 5 of green's territories and 5 of blue's player took 3 of my territories and 2 of blues player took 4 of my territories and 2 of green's territories how does that add up to me and the green player double teaming u? we all had a continent when u proposed ur alliance with green we were all basically even at this point and then u accuse me and the green player of cheating when he doesnt take ur alliance and attacks u....seems to me like ur just a sore loser buddy suk it up and get a life and as i said before im putting both of u on my ignore list at the conclusion of this game so can we just finish without any more crying?
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Re: U need to recheck Lardindg in game number 2407412

Postby willboyau on Sun May 11, 2008 7:38 pm

ok well as i said in game chat i was refering to u not to the green player i was talking about my turn taking idk what the green players turn taking habits are and also if we were buddies then wouldnt it make since for us to be in more games together i don't know who green is never talked to him havent exchanged pm's nothing also maybe we didnt check the same games in his game history but the one's that i was looking at were faster than our game i saw some turns that he took that a minute hadnt even passed by and he was taking the turn
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Re: U need to recheck Lardindg in game number 2407412

Postby willboyau on Sun May 11, 2008 7:44 pm

can the mods please check my pm's so that they can see that me and green have no correspondence thank you
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Re: U need to recheck Lardindg in game number 2407412

Postby mighty dumpling on Sun May 11, 2008 11:26 pm

this is resolved

Mr. T 868 wrote: And I'm not racist against Asians, I like Chinese food and that place were they cook in front of you (Shogun), and some of my good friends are Asian, like Hanson, Trevor, and Jee-Ae.

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Re: U need to recheck Lardindg in game number 2407412

Postby lancehoch on Mon May 12, 2008 12:17 am

By the way, mighty dumpling, there are plugins that tell you when it is your turn. Conquer Tell gives you notice at five minute intervals. There is also a new plugin that is in the testing phase "Conquer Club Turns" that will tell you when anything in any game happens when you load any page. Therefore, it is conceivable that I would know it is my turn within 15 seconds of the previous person going. Also, I could be like some people who never leave the site and sit hitting refresh map for 24 hours. Another thing you need to learn is that, if one person is far and away the leader in a three person game, it is good strategy to attack them. This does not mean that there is a secret alliance, it just means that both other people realize that they will lose if they do not do their part in weakening the strongest player.
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Re: U need to recheck Lardindg in game number 2407412

Postby lardingd on Wed May 14, 2008 12:56 am

I admit I'm the sadder of those options, I keep hitting refresh :/. Between cramming for exams, everyone leaving the dorms, storing most of my stuff, and quiting my main game I was quite bored the last week so there were times I just sat there hitting refresh a lot :/.
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