Alright, not a major update, but let me address the latest round of concerns...
Ruben Cassar wrote:Change the text to Mare Internvm to be in line with the other oceans and seas. Wonderful Latin.
yeti_c wrote:That territory just wraps round on to the other side of the map... hence the singular territory border on the 1 side. Having said that though - that border looks different to all the others!!
South America border has been fixed on the main map... seems I had both kinds of borders there, territory and region.
ZeakCytho wrote:Some of the rivers look pixely/jagged compared to other things on land (animals, mountains, etc.). I suggested a while ago that you reduce the opacity on the layers for land-stuff (animals, mountains, rivers, etc.) - not sure if you missed that or just disagree.
They do. The manner in which I chose to draw the rivers (layer mask so you're actually seeing through the land to the water color behind) doesn't make for easy tweaking of the opacity, so I need to come up with a solution or just redraw them. It was a mistake and I may end up redrawing them entirely.
I lightened the animals with the last update and I think they're better.
ZeakCytho wrote:There's some weirdness in the minimap by South America/Antarctica - they look like they're connecting, almost. I think this is because on the Scotia sea, you have a dotted line between the territory and the "To South Sea." But on the South Sea territory, this line isn't there. Personally, I don't think the line is necessary. It's obvious enough that they're two separate continents.
The line is supposed to reflect the border on the actual map, but I agree that it isn't entirely necessary. For the sake of consistency I'm leaving it, but it has been significantly lightened up.
bryguy wrote:1) You have to take a second glance to see that there is a 'to so south sea' and 'to scotia sea'
I can live with it the way it is, unless anybody has another solution - I'm guessing that anybody playing the map won't miss it.
bryguy wrote:2) I like the dotted lines, and i noticed that u put them over the ships to if u needed to, yet u didnt for the thing between scotia sea and cape basin, could u?
Actually all of the borders on a layer behind all of the ships and monsters. Some of the monsters aren't as dense so you can see through them, as you can the whale in the pacific. I think they look better on top of the border - in fact I'd probably rather hollow out the whale than place the border over any others. And I've tried to place the ships and monsters in locations where they only cross long stretches of a single border to avoid any gameplay confusion, but if you see a bad spot let me know.
bryguy wrote:3) this is probably unimportant, but u cant really read the white text saying what the seas are (the white text under the territory names)
At first I didn't want to put the region names on there at all, but I caved. When you think about it the region names aren't necessary - somehow we play Classic without them - so I would rather make them obscured than make the territory titles or borders more difficult to make out.
I would also like to increase the size of the quote a bit, but I don't want to go over the map itself and I don't really think it's worth changing the space it has... thoughts?