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Greasemonkey script - Conquer Club Turn Watch

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Greasemonkey script - Conquer Club Turn Watch

Postby chipv on Mon May 05, 2008 4:36 pm

Conquer Club Turn Watch

Note There is a quick link to this post next to the Turn Watch text in the left menu.
(It's the current version number but will jump to this page when you click on it.)


What does it do

Delivers detailed information (both text and graphical) about the last turn made in any game.
Games are listed in a menu in the left sidebar and can be sorted by time remaining, produce alerts, and a single click can bring up
text and graphical information about the game and the last turn made (even if in the middle of the turn).
You can get also get an up to date popup map with turn info and several useful graphical features for help with the game (see below).
Popup map now auto-refreshes every 2 minutes. Clicking on magnifying glass will also get fresh data.


You get an alert box with full turn info whenever a new turn has happened. (Strictly speaking it's whenever you
refresh or go to a new page currently but there are other methods). In other words once you see an alert
for a particular game, you will not get an alert for that game until the next turn has happened and you have gone
to a new web page - try this out to see what I mean.

You can get an alert box on
  • Anyone's turn
  • Your turn
  • Team mate's turn
  • Any new game chat
  • Being attacked
  • Game finished

Sidebar Menu

Lists all active games with links, next player to play, complete details of last turn including total number of cards
for the last player. This appears on every conquerclub page, not just the active game page or game list.
The game labels look like this:


Click on the map to jump straight to the game page.
5/5p means 5 players surviving out of 5 who started the game.
rd6 means Round 6
Click on the Image to open up the popup map
Click on the X to remove the game from your list of turn watches.
Click on the text to get a dropdown with full turn info including the turn log and any attacks on you.


Any move that attacks or involves you is highlighted with a red border. (Same in the popup map).

You can also get games without round information - these are games awaiting players. Dropdown shows who has joined so far.
Also T=tournament, S=speed game,P=private game

e.g. 4/5p rd6 PS is a private speed game with 4 players left out of 5 in round 6.


The game label text is higlighted:

5/5p rd8 when someone has completed their turn.
5/5p rd8 when it is your turn
5/5p rd8when someone is taking their turn
5/5p rd8when it is a team mate's turn
5/5p rd8when there is new game chat
Game label has a strikethrough when you are eliminated
There is a red background when the game has finished.

Click on "Mark All As Read" to clear the colours. Clicking on the game label also clears its colour
with the exception of green (your turn).

Adding and Removing Games
On a game page you will see "Add This Game" in the sidebar menu if you don't already have it. Click to add to your list.
On a games listing page (mygames or game finder) you will see a "Turn Watch" link next to the games you don't have.
Click to add to your list.
Delete by clicking the red X on the game label.

Popup Map


You can hover anywhere in the box and can get useful graphical information like weak borders , turn log, team and continent info:
Any move that attacks or involves you is highlighted with a red border.

  • Hovering over map
    Hover over any territory.
    All neighbours highlighted in occupying player colour.
    Black border means neighbour has more than twice the armies than this territory
    Grey border means neighbour has more armies.
  • Hovering over turn log
    Each move will be highlighted on the map.
    Hover down through the log to walk through the whole turn.
    Green is fortying territory.
    Green with white border is fortified territory.
    Yellow is deployment
    Red is attacking territory.
    Red with white border is conquered territory.
  • Hovering over player names at bottom of popup
    All occupied territories highlighted
    Grey border means a neighbour has more armies
    Black border means a neighbour has at least twice the armies
  • Hovering over continent names at bottom of popup
    All territories highlighted.
    Black border means neighbour has more than twice the armies than this territory
    Grey border means neighbour has more armies.
    Continent name will have same background as owner.
    Bonuses in brackets next to name.
  • Hovering over team numbers at bottom of popup
    All joint occupied territories highlighted
    Grey border means a neighbouring team has more armies
    Black border means a neighbouring team has at least twice the armies

List Sorting
The sidebar menu includes an options where you can select alerting and sorting options.
You can sort by game number or time remaining to next turn.


You must be running Firefox with Greasemonkey installed.
Full instructions for Firefox and Greasemonkey from scratch: viewtopic.php?t=41487
No facility for autologin is yet implemented so you do need to be logged in or you can use the
Auto-login script

Click on this link (with Firefox and Greasemonkey installed)
Conquer Club Turn Watch
Click on Install and that's it.
Once installed you will see at the top of the Turn watch menu in the left sidebar:
Latest Version Installed.
If a new version is available you will see it change to
New Update Available
Click on this to install new version.
An alert describing latest features will come up before and subsequent installation - please read.

Currently for testing this is set to run only on the conquerclub web pages but you can still have
the turn info alerts wherever you are so long as you are logged in or have the autologin script above.
Change the include pages to * instead of* to get an alert anypage you go to.
To do this, in Firefox click on Tools->Greasemonkey->Manage User Scripts. Click on Conquer Club Turns and change
the value in Included Pages from* to just *
Last edited by chipv on Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:39 am, edited 17 times in total.
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Re: NEW Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURNS (Testing Phase)

Postby yeti_c on Tue May 06, 2008 2:40 am

I've got it installed - will let you know how it works when I get notified.

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Re: NEW Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURNS (Testing Phase)

Postby chipv on Tue May 06, 2008 3:39 am

Great, thanks, yeti_c.

I'll wait to hear from you - I was just about to add an indication of turn in progress
but you'll get an alert anyway if someone is actually in the middle of playing.
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Re: NEW Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURNS (Testing Phase)

Postby lancehoch on Tue May 06, 2008 10:00 pm

I just installed the script, and I have a couple of suggestions:
    Can you make the sidebar information into a dropdown list, or some other collapsible item (similar to the BOB menu?

    I am saw the popups when I installed the script, but it seemed like I was being attacked by them, and I only have three games going, I wonder how people with more games will feel
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Re: NEW Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURNS (Testing Phase)

Postby Twill on Wed May 07, 2008 2:10 pm

Agreed with the above, there is too much info for people with up to 300 games going on at once (yes, this happens!)

Consider changing the background colour of the various different action types, maybe highlighting things that happened TO you.

i.e. attacks have a red background, fortifications have a green background, deployments have a yellow background, card summaries get a blue background or something like that.
Then put a red border around anything that involved you (i.e. "Bob attacked Twill" would get a red border for me, but "Bob attacked chipv" would keep the black border)

It's a very nice script indeed, but needs some UI/UX improvements. Your biggest problem will be information overload for people with lots of games.
Config options to display only "my turn" "games I was attacked in" "all games" etc would be great!
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Re: NEW Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURNS (Testing Phase)

Postby greenoaks on Wed May 07, 2008 3:15 pm

i have 240 active games and it is definitely info overload. i would rather not use it as it is.
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Re: NEW Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURNS (Testing Phase)

Postby RedRover23B on Wed May 07, 2008 3:17 pm

Great script. I agree with the changes requested and I think I will add an another.

As Twill was saying some people have a lot of games (for me 50 or so) but with your script all it shows is game numbers. I can't keep track of which games to to which numbers so maybe you could engineer it in some say to tell you the map or the players in a game...something to give it a better identity.

I do not know how hard it would be to do but if you had Game Number as you do now and once you click it a drop menu comes down and a tab could be Map / Players / Game Type...something.

Keep up the good work.
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Re: NEW Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURNS (Testing Phase)

Postby Twill on Wed May 07, 2008 3:50 pm

RedRover23B wrote:Great script. I agree with the changes requested and I think I will add an another.

As Twill was saying some people have a lot of games (for me 50 or so) but with your script all it shows is game numbers. I can't keep track of which games to to which numbers so maybe you could engineer it in some say to tell you the map or the players in a game...something to give it a better identity.

I do not know how hard it would be to do but if you had Game Number as you do now and once you click it a drop menu comes down and a tab could be Map / Players / Game Type...something.

Keep up the good work.

Perhaps allow people to change the game number to a note??
Store it in a cookie, when the game ends, it deletes the entry in the cookie.
I don't know how easy it is for greasemonkey to set cookies....
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Re: NEW Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURNS (Testing Phase)

Postby chipv on Wed May 07, 2008 5:44 pm

Thanks for all the feedback, excellent.

Taken on board all suggestions.

You may want to uninstall and install the latest version as it is now dropdown with no alerts but alerts will become configurable.
Shortly there will be an option to customise the game list as it appears some people have a huge
number of games, so that will appear tomorrow if not later on.
This makes it easier to determine what the game type is.
For example, team games will currently tell you which team plays next.

Please keep the ideas and feedback coming - if you want something, it may be possible to put in the script quickly, you never know without asking.

I'll keep everyone notified of changes.
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Re: NEW Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURNS (Testing Phase)

Postby lancehoch on Wed May 07, 2008 8:46 pm

I have installed the new version, but have not had anyone take a turn yet. I like the look of the drop down lists. You are doing well with the script, keep up the good work.
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Re: NEW Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURNS (Testing Phase)

Postby RedRover23B on Wed May 07, 2008 9:24 pm

I like the game notes idea that Twill had. That would be a great addition. Consider this also if it is not too much trouble...The game numbers / notes change colors to represent different things...For example, if it was your turn in Game X it should be Green, as opposed to if some thing is new it should be red.

Also, the flashing to indicate which games there have been change in is a little excessive in my opinion...changing of colors should be enough at least for me.

As I said before, well done with the script. I am surprised that you have addressed some of the changes already.
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Re: NEW Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURNS (Testing Phase)

Postby Ninjai Jr on Thu May 08, 2008 1:39 am

my suggestions...

1. add the "latest version installed" part at the bottom like in AJAX BOB to tell when 2 update script (especially with the testing)
2. for those who have a ton of game allow it to do it in pages where it only displays 5,10,20 with << and >>
3. allow it to be sorted by number, or put the games im up on....on top of list

just some thoughts... not sure if you can do all that in script

BTW...awesome add on i can see the possibilitys
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Re: NEW Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURNS (Testing Phase)

Postby yeti_c on Thu May 08, 2008 2:27 am

Twill wrote:
RedRover23B wrote:Great script. I agree with the changes requested and I think I will add an another.

As Twill was saying some people have a lot of games (for me 50 or so) but with your script all it shows is game numbers. I can't keep track of which games to to which numbers so maybe you could engineer it in some say to tell you the map or the players in a game...something to give it a better identity.

I do not know how hard it would be to do but if you had Game Number as you do now and once you click it a drop menu comes down and a tab could be Map / Players / Game Type...something.

Keep up the good work.

Perhaps allow people to change the game number to a note??
Store it in a cookie, when the game ends, it deletes the entry in the cookie.
I don't know how easy it is for greasemonkey to set cookies....

Bad boy - goto your room without dinner. Cookies are bad.

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Re: NEW Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURNS (Testing Phase)

Postby chipv on Thu May 08, 2008 6:03 am

RedRover23B wrote:Great script. I agree with the changes requested and I think I will add an another.

As Twill was saying some people have a lot of games (for me 50 or so) but with your script all it shows is game numbers. I can't keep track of which games to to which numbers so maybe you could engineer it in some say to tell you the map or the players in a game...something to give it a better identity.

I do not know how hard it would be to do but if you had Game Number as you do now and once you click it a drop menu comes down and a tab could be Map / Players / Game Type...something.

Keep up the good work.

Ok, I'm doing this now, will let you know when uploaded.
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Re: NEW Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURNS (Testing Phase)

Postby chipv on Thu May 08, 2008 6:24 am

I've put the game info as requested - it's at the top of the dropdown when you click on a game #.

EDIT: I could probably give the map type as well, but not sure if it will work for all map types, let's see.
Number of players could also be added.
Last edited by chipv on Thu May 08, 2008 6:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NEW Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURNS (Testing Phase)

Postby yeti_c on Thu May 08, 2008 6:28 am

chipv wrote:I've put the game info as requested - it's at the top of the dropdown when you click on a game #.

Looks good - I guess the only thing you are missing - is the number of players...

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Re: NEW Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURNS (Testing Phase)

Postby chipv on Thu May 08, 2008 6:48 am

Done. Number of players has been added.
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Re: NEW Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURNS (Testing Phase)

Postby chipv on Thu May 08, 2008 7:01 am

Forgot to mention - you can add and remove games from this list.
Press the red 'X' to remove game.

You can add any game when you are on the game page.
(You will see an "Add This Game" button underneath TURN INFO on that page)

I'm thinking of making this checkboxes instead so you can remove a load in one go
if anyone thinks that is better?
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Re: NEW Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURNS (Testing Phase)

Postby RedRover23B on Thu May 08, 2008 3:58 pm

chipv wrote: I could probably give the map type as well, but not sure if it will work for all map types, let's see.

You want to give it a try to see how it is going to work?

Also, I do not mean to be bugging you with this but are you / can you make the "Game X" label customizable?

I like the new features that you added with the game information that does help.
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Re: NEW Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURNS (Testing Phase)

Postby chipv on Thu May 08, 2008 4:24 pm

Hi, RedRover23B.

Sorry, got sidetracked - I've put in colour information as some people requested.

Yellow if someone is in the middle of a turn.
Green if it's your turn next.
Blue if it's your team-mate's turn next.
Red otherwise (as it was before).

Ok, I will give the maptype a go, but this is potentially not definitive, so we'll see if it copes
with all of them.

Actually, sorry, I'm not sure what you mean by making the Game label customizable - how and please expand a little, thanks.
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Re: NEW Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURNS (Testing Phase)

Postby chipv on Thu May 08, 2008 4:36 pm

Actually, the map type was dead easy - I've uploaded it so you can uninstall and install to see.
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Re: NEW Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURNS (Testing Phase)

Postby chipv on Thu May 08, 2008 6:20 pm

Ninjai Jr wrote:my suggestions...

1. add the "latest version installed" part at the bottom like in AJAX BOB to tell when 2 update script (especially with the testing)
2. for those who have a ton of game allow it to do it in pages where it only displays 5,10,20 with << and >>
3. allow it to be sorted by number, or put the games im up on....on top of list

just some thoughts... not sure if you can do all that in script

BTW...awesome add on i can see the possibilitys

Thanks for the suggestions!

Just added latest version installed, so you'll always know if you're up to date after you install this version.
The page idea is a nice one, let me see how it goes and I will let you know.

Sorting by number or time to go is a definite ToDo - again I'll let you know.

Keep suggestions coming, everyone and thanks.
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Re: NEW Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURNS (Testing Phase)

Postby chipv on Thu May 08, 2008 6:56 pm

If you installed within the last hour, you'll need to do it again for the version checking to work now.

The version checking will work from this post onwards only.
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Re: NEW Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURNS (Testing Phase)

Postby lancehoch on Thu May 08, 2008 9:22 pm

chipv wrote:Forgot to mention - you can add and remove games from this list.
Press the red 'X' to remove game.

You can add any game when you are on the game page.
(You will see an "Add This Game" button underneath TURN INFO on that page)

I'm thinking of making this checkboxes instead so you can remove a load in one go
if anyone thinks that is better?

I clicked the 'X' and it removed the game from the list, however I do not see the "Add This Game" button that you mentioned.
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Re: NEW Greasemonkey script - CONQUER CLUB TURNS (Testing Phase)

Postby yeti_c on Fri May 09, 2008 12:19 am

lancehoch wrote:
chipv wrote:Forgot to mention - you can add and remove games from this list.
Press the red 'X' to remove game.

You can add any game when you are on the game page.
(You will see an "Add This Game" button underneath TURN INFO on that page)

I'm thinking of making this checkboxes instead so you can remove a load in one go
if anyone thinks that is better?

I clicked the 'X' and it removed the game from the list, however I do not see the "Add This Game" button that you mentioned.

You have to go fully into the game to get the "Add this game" button... (It's on the left bar - so if you hide menu with BOB you won't see it!)

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