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meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [closed]

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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby t-o-m on Tue May 06, 2008 2:56 pm

i think its fine to do that
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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby cramill on Tue May 06, 2008 2:59 pm

meathead wrote:Seriuosly, stick to sequential!

Why? I like doubles freestlye, that way you and your partner can be going at the same time. You can't do that in sequential. I would like freestlye a lot more if people didn't use the double turns exploit.
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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby alster on Tue May 06, 2008 4:53 pm

cramill wrote:
meathead wrote:Seriuosly, stick to sequential!

Why? I like doubles freestlye, that way you and your partner can be going at the same time. You can't do that in sequential. I would like freestlye a lot more if people didn't use the double turns exploit.

My God... you remind me off another monkey that lurked the forums back in Ā“06...

Either you play freestyle or you play sequential. Simple as that. Take the loss, walk away having learned something. Don't whine over a perfectly good freestyle tactic.
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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby cramill on Tue May 06, 2008 5:07 pm

alstergren wrote:Don't whine over a perfectly good freestyle tactic.

Perfectly good?! Its cowardly and cheap. (Oh, lets take 2 turns in a row to get an unfair advantage.) And it goes against the stated rules of freestyle! Need I quote them again?

In a freestyle game ... After the last player takes his turn, a new round begins immediately. The player who triggers a new round is blocked from taking a second back-to-back turn and must wait until either an opponent begins their turn or half of the round passes.
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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby BladiN on Tue May 06, 2008 6:29 pm

The player who triggers a new round is blocked from taking a second back-to-back turn and must wait until either an opponent begins their turn or half of the round passes.

If you don't end you do not trigger a new round. Next time don't forget to bold out the most important part of that sentence.
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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby cramill on Tue May 06, 2008 10:19 pm

BladiN wrote:If you don't end you do not trigger a new round. Next time don't forget to bold out the most important part of that sentence.

Sure you do, if you decide to go last in the round you shouldn't be able to go first in the next round. You should get nothing for not ending your turn, not an cheap advantage.
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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby meathead on Wed May 07, 2008 5:00 am

Incorrect, the new round is triggered becauxse the clock ran out, its nothing to do with me.
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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby BladiN on Wed May 07, 2008 7:07 am

cramill wrote:
BladiN wrote:If you don't end you do not trigger a new round. Next time don't forget to bold out the most important part of that sentence.

Sure you do, if you decide to go last in the round you shouldn't be able to go first in the next round. You should get nothing for not ending your turn, not an cheap advantage.

That is not what is stated there. A new round is only triggerd when all people ended.
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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby Thezzaruz on Wed May 07, 2008 8:04 am

BladiN wrote:That is not what is stated there. A new round is only triggerd when all people ended.

Well thats the real issue isn't it. The rule was designed to stop back-to-back turn taking but neither the wording nor the coding does have that effect. So what to do then, abolish the rule completely or update the wording and coding to reflect the intention of the rule? I'd suggest the latter but in the end that is up to Lack and the rest of the crew.
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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby Bruceswar on Wed May 07, 2008 8:31 am

Every freestyle player who plays knows this is what you do in no cards. It is no secret. Play any speed game and there is never a reason to end. NO CARDS... Clock runs out 99% of the time. Take your lumps.
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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby meathead on Wed May 07, 2008 9:02 am

Thank you Bruce.

Anyway, how long will it take to get my name cleared, i dont want it floating around on the forums that I am a cheat.
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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby lord voldemort on Wed May 07, 2008 9:14 am

you'll be right meathead. its bending the rules sure but i do it too. its simple freestyle no cards strat...
anyone serious about freestyle needs to learn the rules.....almost as annoying as getting a neg for someone whining because me and a teammate took our turns together in a free dubs game
anyway on topic u did nothing wrong. i dont know why your not cleared
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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby Thezzaruz on Wed May 07, 2008 10:00 am

meathead wrote:Anyway, how long will it take to get my name cleared, i dont want it floating around on the forums that I am a cheat.

I don't think you are a cheat and nor is anyone else that uses that strategy. But I do think that it shouldn't be possible to use that strategy as is goes against the spirit of the rules.
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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby treefiddy on Wed May 07, 2008 10:01 am

lord voldemort wrote:i dont know why your not cleared

They are likely in a discussion to see if what happened is available by intended design, or something they need to fix.
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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby cramill on Wed May 07, 2008 12:54 pm

meathead wrote:Incorrect, the new round is triggered becauxse the clock ran out, its nothing to do with me.

I think thats a cop out answer - It has everything to do with you. You went last and you shouldn't be able to go first. This tactic might be fine in a speed freestyle game where everyone is online and aware that that is what the person is doing, but in a casual game this tactic is a hit below the belt. This needs to be changed and not allowed.
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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby TheScarecrow on Wed May 07, 2008 10:19 pm

i doubt very much that this cheating.

it is, imo, a little bit of freestyle trickery. but as meathead says... even if meathead had waited for half the round or someone to take their turn... you would never have had your bonus for that turn.

on the flip side though, what CAN NOT be disputed is the fact that meathead had back to back turns. this can not be allowed.

i doubt though that meathead will be busted. i woule hope though, that Lack and co will soon patch this loophole.
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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby westsidekilla6 on Wed May 07, 2008 10:49 pm

cramill wrote:
meathead wrote:Incorrect, the new round is triggered becauxse the clock ran out, its nothing to do with me.

I think thats a cop out answer - It has everything to do with you. You went last and you shouldn't be able to go first. This tactic might be fine in a speed freestyle game where everyone is online and aware that that is what the person is doing, but in a casual game this tactic is a hit below the belt. This needs to be changed and not allowed.

Why dont you quit your fucking whining like a 3 year girl and quit playing freestyle if you dont like the tactics used!
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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby cramill on Wed May 07, 2008 11:39 pm

TheScarecrow wrote:even if meathead had waited for half the round or someone to take their turn... you would never have had your bonus for that turn.

Yes, it would have been the same if half the round passed and we didn't go yet. But if he started his turn after us, we would have gotten more armies for the territories he took in his double turn - so its not the same as starting right after us.

TheScarecrow wrote:on the flip side though, what CAN NOT be disputed is the fact that meathead had back to back turns. this can not be allowed.

... i woule hope though, that Lack and co will soon patch this loophole.

I agree and just want this changed as well.
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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby cramill on Wed May 07, 2008 11:41 pm

westsidekilla6 wrote:Why dont you quit your f%$@&^ whining like a 3 year girl and quit playing freestyle if you dont like the tactics used!

Excuse me? I'm not whining I'm trying to make a point. Your post had nothing to add to the discussion, so please don't comment again unless you have something usefull to say.
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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby treefiddy on Thu May 08, 2008 1:46 am

westsidekilla6 wrote:Why dont you quit your fucking whining like a 3 year girl and quit playing freestyle if you dont like the tactics used!

I probably said this same thing 1,000 times back when everyone was debating the defacto double turn that was fixed a few months ago.

Loopholes do not define freestyle. Telling people not to play freestyle if they don't like someone else using a loophole against them is the lamest statement anyone can come up with. Freestyle allows you to play at the same time as your teammate and opponent; and restricts all rounds to a defined 5 min or 24 hour time period which makes for faster games. No one should ever have to quit a game style because people are abusing the mechanics of it to gain an unfair advantage.
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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby alster on Thu May 08, 2008 5:47 am

cramill wrote:
alstergren wrote:Don't whine over a perfectly good freestyle tactic.

Perfectly good?! Its cowardly and cheap. (Oh, lets take 2 turns in a row to get an unfair advantage.) And it goes against the stated rules of freestyle! Need I quote them again?

In a freestyle game ... After the last player takes his turn, a new round begins immediately. The player who triggers a new round is blocked from taking a second back-to-back turn and must wait until either an opponent begins their turn or half of the round passes.

That's not the rules. It's the instructions. That is an important disticntion.

It has nothing to do with being a coward and cheap. Just freestyle. E.g. let's say you end first in round 1, then waiting 10h for your opponent to be offline before moving. Cheap? No, just freestyle tactics. Let's say your opponent ends first, you waith 24h without taking your turn in order to be able to go first in the next round. Cheap? No, freestyle tactics. The same with this tactic not ending a turn. Just a very good tactic in certain situatios (some, not all). It's all part of the freestyle package. If you don't like it play sequential. That way you are sure that people play nicely one after another.
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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby Sameroh on Thu May 08, 2008 7:55 am


in my opinion meathead did nothing wrong - as it is perfectly possible to do this (e.g. not a cheat/hack). I would though like to see it be a half round wait, like always when finishing your turn (when nobody else plays). In the case everyone does let the time run out, the turn would then just start straight away.

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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby cramill on Thu May 08, 2008 11:50 am

treefiddy wrote:Loopholes do not define freestyle. Telling people not to play freestyle if they don't like someone else using a loophole against them is the lamest statement anyone can come up with. Freestyle allows you to play at the same time as your teammate and opponent; and restricts all rounds to a defined 5 min or 24 hour time period which makes for faster games. No one should ever have to quit a game style because people are abusing the mechanics of it to gain an unfair advantage.

Well said.

alstergren wrote:That's not the rules. It's the instructions. That is an important disticntion.

I disagree. Theres not much of a difference between an instruction and a rule. Besides, the "Rules" page on this site says nothing about the rules of the game - just the rules of the site itself. If you have an instruction handbook for a game, isn't that the same as the rules? It tells you how the game should be played.

alstergren wrote:It has nothing to do with being a coward and cheap. Just freestyle. E.g. let's say you end first in round 1, then waiting 10h for your opponent to be offline before moving. Cheap? No, just freestyle tactics.

Nothing cheap there - within the rules.

alstergren wrote:Let's say your opponent ends first, you waith 24h without taking your turn in order to be able to go first in the next round. Cheap? No, freestyle tactics.

No problem here either, you sacrifice a turn to be able to go first next round.

alstergren wrote:The same with this tactic not ending a turn. Just a very good tactic in certain situatios (some, not all). It's all part of the freestyle package.

I disagree. It is not the same. You didn't sacrifice a turn to go first, you didn't sacrifice anything to go first unless you are playing with cards. But still, when you don't take a card to use this double turn exploit, i think that is an unfair advantage and not within the rules of freestyle.

alstergren wrote:If you don't like it play sequential. That way you are sure that people play nicely one after another.

Please don't anyone say this again. I enjoy freestyle because of the (usually) shorter games and different strategy - you and your teamate (or opponents) can be going at the same time. I'm trying to convince everyone that the double turn exploit should not be allowed because I don't think that it is in the freestyle spirit. Or "Casual" game spirit. I don't want to have to know exactly when the rounds of my games are ending just to watch to see if anyone is going to try to use this exploit.
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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby cramill on Thu May 08, 2008 2:20 pm

treefiddy wrote:I probably said this same thing 1,000 times back when everyone was debating the defacto double turn that was fixed a few months ago.

Just a question: What was fixed? What is this "defacto double turn" you mentioned?
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Re: meathead cheated freestyle - game 2348827 [Pending]

Postby alster on Thu May 08, 2008 3:31 pm

cramill wrote:
treefiddy wrote:I probably said this same thing 1,000 times back when everyone was debating the defacto double turn that was fixed a few months ago.

Just a question: What was fixed? What is this "defacto double turn" you mentioned?

lol... :D

See the monkey...

Somewhat ironic, I was not in favour of the de facto double turn initially. I did change my mid though having played more freestyle games.
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