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Hell. Is it a real place?

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Postby Mirak on Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:00 pm

Incidently in all fairness perhaps I should answer my own questions :roll:

I have read extracts of most of the major holy books...but by no means am an expert on any..

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Postby heavycola on Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:28 pm

Hell was only ever a way to keep people in line, a reason for them to follow orders unquestioningly and live their lives in fear.

These days I like Sartre's definition - Hell is other people.
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Postby jay_a2j on Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:12 pm

Mirak wrote:Jay...a couple of questions....
If you consider them too personal or inappropriate, I apologise in advance and withdraw them...absolutely no offence intended..

Have you ever read translations of the Torah, or the Koran or the Avesta (Zoroastrian holy book)?

I understand that a majority of US citizens do not even own a you? (own a passport that is)

I have read bits of the Koran. I had a passport at one time (came back from Germany in 1989)
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Re: Hell. Is it a real place?

Postby UCAbears on Mon Oct 30, 2006 5:17 pm

Backglass wrote:
Hell is a fairy tale. Whether you believe it or's a fairy tale.

your a dumbass, whether you beileve it or not..... your a dumbass
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Postby happysadfun on Mon Oct 30, 2006 5:35 pm

I think Hell is not fiery, because fire is a gift from God. God provides heat. Coud not Hell be infinitely cold and black?
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Postby Stopper on Mon Oct 30, 2006 6:19 pm

happysadfun wrote:I think Hell is not fiery, because fire is a gift from God. God provides heat. Coud not Hell be infinitely cold and black?

If you're talking about Hell, Norway, then yes, it will be cold and dark for a long time, now it's November, I imagine.

EDIT: Or rather, nearly November.
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Postby rama kandra on Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:03 pm

well i very much doubt the reliabillty of this report (have to look more into this guys work though) but still, heaven is, asfar as known, no real place, so why should hell be? i mean his conclusion is based upon indirect evidence (he hasnt actually seen it and a temp. increas and hearing voices can be explained by many thing, I.E. getting close to the a magma chamber and a sound mistaken for another). now I do believe there is an heaven and hell, but the only way to reach them is to die permanantly.
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Postby Stopper on Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:14 pm

I imagine living in Hell, Norway, is sort of dying a permanent death.
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Re: Hell. Is it a real place?

Postby Backglass on Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:19 pm

UCAbears wrote:your a dumbass, whether you beileve it or not..... your a dumbass

Ahhh...the name calling begins. How very christian of you! :roll:

I guess your going to hell now for not "turning the other cheek". You had probably give a few hundred extra dollars this Sunday...just to make sure your god isnt angry. After all he might "smite" you for being such a hateful christian.
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Re: Hell. Is it a real place?

Postby jay_a2j on Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:14 pm

Backglass wrote:
UCAbears wrote:your a dumbass, whether you beileve it or not..... your a dumbass

Ahhh...the name calling begins. How very christian of you! :roll:

I guess your going to hell now for not "turning the other cheek". You had probably give a few hundred extra dollars this Sunday...just to make sure your god isnt angry. After all he might "smite" you for being such a hateful christian.

Ya know, with all your blaspheming God, mocking Him and the like it would be very easy to fall into the trap of retaliation. (I myself have had to resist the temptation)

Your first mistake is the assumption that Christians do not sin. We do, we are human... but we can go to God and find forgiveness.

Secondly you don't "pay" for forgiveness. It can't be was already paid for on the cross. It is a gift from God. But it must be recieved.

I find comfort in the verse "Vengence belongs to the Lord". Christians don't have to worry, God has our back. :wink:
PLAYER57832 wrote:Too many of those who claim they don't believe global warming are really "end-timer" Christians.

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Postby strike wolf on Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:16 pm

strike wolf wrote:He's rejected evil. Mr. Hale this is truely a glorious event.

No one got my Crucible reference. :evil:
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Re: Hell. Is it a real place?

Postby Backglass on Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:11 pm

jay_a2j wrote:I find comfort in the verse "Vengence belongs to the Lord". Christians don't have to worry, God has our back. :wink:

Of course it gives you's the cosmic copout. It absolves the reader of any responsibility and allows them to clear their concience and feel better inside. "Let god sort em out", etc. :roll:
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Postby Sammy gags on Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:21 pm

Backglass wrote:
Sammy gags wrote:y do u always go out of your way 2 disprove religion?

Why do the others go out of there way to prove it and why is your keyboard broken?

because they think that they r right wen really they have no clue wut they r talking about, & niether do u so wen u dont know anything its best 2 keep ur beliefs 2 urself unless u want 2 be called a dumbass again
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Re: Hell. Is it a real place?

Postby Sammy gags on Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:24 pm

Backglass wrote:
UCAbears wrote:your a dumbass, whether you beileve it or not..... your a dumbass

Ahhh...the name calling begins. How very christian of you! :roll:

I guess your going to hell now for not "turning the other cheek". You had probably give a few hundred extra dollars this Sunday...just to make sure your god isnt angry. After all he might "smite" you for being such a hateful christian.

i dont think u get the whole idea of religion, not every christian believes in an actual god & pay 4 forgivness. Going 2 church & listening 2 the morals of the teachings & learning form them helps make u become a better person, & churches spend the money feeding the poor & fixing their actual churches
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Postby OnlyAmbrose on Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:30 pm

jay_a2j wrote:
OnlyAmbrose wrote:
jay_a2j wrote:Scary, all the non-shalant attitudes concerning hell. Cause what if its real? Jesus spoke of it many times. This hardly seems a topic to joke around with. :cry:

...I wholeheartedly believe in hell but I don't for one minute believe that you can drill into it on earth. I'm afraid the book is heresy mate. Hell isn't a place beneath the earth, just as you can't fly a plane through the clouds and find heaven.

The quatation of the guy drilling into the Earth and the book I refered to are not one in the same.

Eze26:20 " I will make you dwell in the lowest part of the earth, in places desolate from antiquity, with those who go down to the pit."

32:18 "... cast them down to the depths of the earth... with those who go down to the pit."

Math 12:40 "... so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."

As for the Russian who drilled into the earth, I do not find it credible for the main reason that we would not be able to hear the spiritual realm just as we cannot see it (apart from the instances where the spirit relm is made visable to us)

The Bible also states that we should call nothing "father" but God. I don't know about you, but I call my dad "father" every once in awhile. I think the Bible meant something more "symbolic" than what the literal meaning of said verse is. Obviously this is the same way. Hell is a spiritual place and thus can't be said to have a physical "location". Just like we can't define where the "soul" is.
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Re: Hell. Is it a real place?

Postby Backglass on Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:24 pm

Sammy gags wrote:not every christian believes in an actual god

Hmmm...christians who dont believe in god? I think they have a name for people like that. :P

And I agree. Sad they dont have the strength to come out and say it in public. To much fear of shame and humiliation from the "believers". At least you are honest about not believing in a god...bring it up next Sunday and see what everybody else says. Watch out though, somebody might call you a dumbass because they cant face facts. :lol:

Sammy gags wrote:Going 2 church & listening 2 the morals of the teachings & learning form them helps make u become a better person

Well, I think it makes you feel better about yourself...a "I go to church so I am a good person" kinda thing but. Cause we all know bad people dont go to church. Some people dont need to go somewhere and be preached to to improve their moral selves.

Sammy gags wrote:churches spend the money feeding the poor & fixing their actual churches

You dont need a church to feed the poor...and I agree with the second one.
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Postby wolf_man on Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:54 pm

Since no one here is 100% positive whos right and whose wrong (thats why they call it faith) can we at least show a little respect for differing opinions?

Anyone who is willing to face ridicule to say what they believe or don't believe in deserves more than a four letter brush-off.
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Postby zarvinny on Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:03 am

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Postby strike wolf on Tue Oct 31, 2006 7:47 am

strike wolf wrote:
strike wolf wrote:He's rejected evil. Mr. Hale this is truely a glorious event.

No one got my Crucible reference. :evil:

People still haven't gotten my Crucible reference. :evil:
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Postby Mirak on Tue Oct 31, 2006 8:18 am

Nobody can agree
so I take over
My Hell!

Sorry wrong thread :wink:
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Postby viking thunder on Tue Oct 31, 2006 9:37 am

I do beleive in Hel, a grand place to go when you die.

Hell is but a christian myth to me.

but then again you can all beleive whatever you wish. tis not my right nor duty to sway your opinion.
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Postby Sammy gags on Tue Oct 31, 2006 9:01 pm

wen i used 2 go 2 church, i had a priest who didnt believe in god because he thought that the idea was ridiculous & saying that there is no god is just as ignorant as saying that there is a god
In a way ppl who go 2 church r better ppl cuz some ppl can hear the stories in the bible & them someday wen they come across a situation they will remember that story & know wut the right thing 2 do is
u dont need a church 2 feed the poor but it can help alot 4 those ppl who r embarassed 2 be seen at the warm sheltor, & wut i hate about religion (besides all the stupid wars fought over it) is that they spend so much money on those nice churches wen they can be feeding the poor, talk about hypocrites
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Postby vtmarik on Wed Nov 01, 2006 1:06 am

viking thunder wrote:I do beleive in Hel, a grand place to go when you die.

Hell is but a christian myth to me.

but then again you can all beleive whatever you wish. tis not my right nor duty to sway your opinion.

Don't you mean Valhalla? Hel is the goddess of Niflheim, the place where the unvalorous go to rest in eternal misery and cold.
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Postby viking thunder on Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:36 am

Valhalla is where a warrior goes who dies in battle.

Hel, a good place. is where a warrior goes who dies in his sleep/sickness, etc. it is also where all good people who worshipped the gods but were not warriors go.

Helgafell, is a place where you go if you were bad or lived an immoral life. there are nine levels of helgafell, each one worse than the next. you were placed in the one equal to the quality of your life.

In most stories the definition of hel is very simalar to christian descriptions of heaven. it is a place of eternal happiness where people are reunited with their dead loved ones who are also there.

Valhallah is a place where warriors who die in battle go to feast with the gods. they will wait there until Ragnarok(the end of the world), when they will take up arms and help the gods to defend our world against the giants and other evil beings.
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Postby Backglass on Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:04 am

Sammy gags wrote:wen i used 2 go 2 church, i had a priest who didnt believe in god because he thought that the idea was ridiculous & saying that there is no god is just as ignorant as saying that there is a god

Wow...what kind of church is that? I'll bet Jay wouldnt go there. ;)

Sammy gags wrote:In a way ppl who go 2 church r better ppl cuz some ppl can hear the stories in the bible & them someday wen they come across a situation they will remember that story & know wut the right thing

I completely understand where you are coming from. I don't doubt that the stories in the bible are intended to get people to live good lives and do good things, but they were written by men. The PEOPLE in those Churches help many people, do thousands of other non-denominational charities, but it is PEOPLE just like you & me doing the "good"...not a god.

I believe in people.
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