ZeakCytho wrote:The border between Sopdu and Khent-abt looks kind of funny. The angle of it makes it hard to see bevel, so, without closer examination, it just looks like a plain line. Could you maybe change the angle of this border to fix this? If there's no room for fudging borders because of historical accuracy, I'm not sure how else to fix this.
Changed the angle of that line, not sure if it's an improvement, but its caused by the angle of the overall bevel.
AndyDufresne wrote:Hm, I made this suggestion on your other Egypt map...may be something to consider...bringing out the foreground images a little---like the pillars, so they don't seem to be on the same plane. But I'm liking the map either way.
bryguy wrote:i agree with both andy and oaks about the pillars, and heres some more comments
1) nitpicking: thers a small annoying black line along the bank of a little lake in the area that says upper for upper egypt
2) the bevel/emboss (dont know which u used... or what the difference is between them) looks great everywhere but on amkhent
3) is the little river in am-pehu supposed to stop before the nile?
4) at a quick glance it kinda seems like ament/sapi-res are touching, same for
5) Could u blend the nile a little more when it reaches the open water?
6) is there a purpose for the dows on those big arrows?
yes...to show they are "shipping" attack lines...artistic embelishment
7) there seem to be sticks sticking out of some of the dows....
Yes those might the masts of the boats otherwise the sail would fall down
thats for the small map
large comments
1) Theres a little island thing between the upper part of sap-meh and khaset, and the bevel/emboss on part of it looks bad...
2) it also looks like that island and khaset are connected
3) same thing for pillars here
4) see # 7 for the small comments
5) see # 6 for the small comments
6) theres a thin strip between the heq-at and the egypt part of upper egypt
7) see # 5 for small comments
and i dont like how on the left pillar the pictures are blurred
Won't do much about the things you don't like...that's personal preference.
But the things you identified as needing fixing aredone now in version 18 below.