Conquer Club

purplepixie and coreyusmc [noted]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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purplepixie and coreyusmc [noted]

Postby Skiman on Sun Apr 27, 2008 3:05 am


Replace or delete any xxxxxxx with the appropriate information.
Delete any accusations or entries which do not apply.

Be sure before you accuse someone!


The accused are suspected of:
  • Being Multis
  • Having a secret alliance

Game number(s):

Joined on the same day within 10 minutes of each other, both live in canada, joined 5 games together, fight each other very little, claim to live in different cities but seem unsure how they should know this information about each other, claimed they didn't know each other and that it was their first game - but a quick search turned up five more games

If they aren't a multi (I don't think they are), I think they at least know each other and haven't been upfront about that relationship - should probably be barred from playing together at a minimum
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Re: purplepixie and coreyusmc may be cheaters

Postby coreyusmc on Sun Apr 27, 2008 3:09 pm

skiman is a poor loser. He attacked me, i attacked him...then he accuses me of cheating...I lost too buddy. Theres more to life than video games...take a chill pill.
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Re: purplepixie and coreyusmc may be cheaters

Postby coreyusmc on Sun Apr 27, 2008 3:30 pm

ya...i tried playing 4 other games....i had to wait 24 i paid for a premium membership and played my first game against skiman. He attacked me i attacked him...he accused me of cheating. I don't care what he thinks. I don't play as a team. I play for myself to win. if purplepixe joined the same 4 games as me....ask her...i didn't follow anybody. I should be cleared..purplepixe and skiman both teamed up and attacked me...they should be questioned for cheating.
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Re: purplepixie and coreyusmc may be cheaters

Postby delboy01 on Sun Apr 27, 2008 3:46 pm

Ha ha ha, you are really funny. Its you and purplepixie that are the multi's my friend. You joined a number of games together, he leaves you both feedback accusing you of being a multi so you log an accusation in the cheating forum accusing him. Priceless absolutely priceless. You are both from the same country and joined at the same time as well. Skiman has been around forever, and has one neg feedback and over 200 positive.

Just so that you know, when found guilty you will lose your premium rights on both accounts.......which may well be the only record you will ever hold. Losing your premium on two accounts before losing your (?)s.
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Re: purplepixie and coreyusmc may be cheaters

Postby cisco2001 on Sun Apr 27, 2008 8:44 pm

Man this is rich. These two are so guilty. I love that this multi tried to carry conversations with his alter ego in order to make it seem more legitimate. There goes $50 right out the window.\

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Re: purplepixie and coreyusmc may be cheaters

Postby delboy01 on Mon Apr 28, 2008 7:11 am

coreyusmc wrote:ya...i tried playing 4 other games....i had to wait 24 i paid for a premium membership and played my first game against skiman. He attacked me i attacked him...he accused me of cheating. I don't care what he thinks. I don't play as a team. I play for myself to win. if purplepixe joined the same 4 games as me....ask her...i didn't follow anybody. I should be cleared..purplepixe and skiman both teamed up and attacked me...they should be questioned for cheating.

Lets see. You have both played 5 games and they are the same 5 games. The spped game being entered at a separate time and day than the others. Wonder what the odds on that are!!! You accuse Skiman of being a multi with Purplepixie and yet this is the only game they have played......... Hmmm, straws clutching there at. The minimum is that you know each other and are playing as a team.
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Re: purplepixie and coreyusmc may be cheaters

Postby demon7896 on Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:33 pm

are you frickin' SERIOUS!!! BOTH of them became premiums??!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: purplepixie and coreyusmc may be cheaters

Postby Skiman on Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:54 pm

there's no way for me get the 50 points back, is there?
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Re: purplepixie and coreyusmc may be cheaters

Postby cisco2001 on Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:33 pm

Nope...they've gone to pp and corey. Your only hope is that they get busted and they lose $50
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Re: purplepixie and coreyusmc may be cheaters

Postby Skiman on Wed Apr 30, 2008 12:06 am

Have these two not been busted yet?
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Re: purplepixie and coreyusmc may be cheaters

Postby cisco2001 on Sun May 04, 2008 8:58 pm

Bump...these guys need to get nailed. They're still playing
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Re: purplepixie and coreyusmc may be cheaters

Postby cisco2001 on Wed May 07, 2008 2:54 pm

I wonder what is taking so long to resolve this. Not even a "pending" from the mods. This thread was started 3 weeks ago!!
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Re: purplepixie and coreyusmc may be cheaters

Postby cisco2001 on Sat May 10, 2008 12:39 am

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Re: purplepixie and coreyusmc may be cheaters

Postby cisco2001 on Sat May 10, 2008 10:20 pm

Will this ever be resolved?
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Re: purplepixie and coreyusmc may be cheaters

Postby cisco2001 on Mon May 12, 2008 12:05 pm

Are these players busted or not?
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Re: purplepixie and coreyusmc may be cheaters

Postby Skiman on Sat May 17, 2008 1:01 am

Probably doesn't matter now - looks like this guy has stopped playing.

I gotta say, I think it's ridiculous that my 50 points can't be restored - someone please explain to me why you can't be returned the points you lose to cheaters, how hard can that be?
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Re: purplepixie and coreyusmc may be cheaters

Postby lancehoch on Sat May 17, 2008 1:11 am

Skiman wrote:Probably doesn't matter now - looks like this guy has stopped playing.

I gotta say, I think it's ridiculous that my 50 points can't be restored - someone please explain to me why you can't be returned the points you lose to cheaters, how hard can that be?

Either Twill or Andy explained it once a while back. To restore the points would mean one of two things: deleting the game or adding points to just your score. To delete the game apparently causes a lot of problems (it was not explained fully, but it might have to do with how points are calculated and other games that have finished since that time). If this were done, everyone who has ever played a game against these people will want their games deleted as well. This might cause a huge strain on the server and would wildly throw off points calculation. Giving you points back would not only have the same problems as the previous solution, but would also add to the point inflation that has been occurring.
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Re: purplepixie and coreyusmc may be cheaters

Postby Skiman on Sat May 17, 2008 2:46 am

I understand why you wouldn't want to go back and re-calculate everyone's score, but I fail to see how returning points lost to cheaters contributes to "point inflation" in some way. I'm not even asking for the roughly 16 points I would have gotten if I'd beaten two privates - just to make it as though the game never happened

I also think it would make sense to strip points from cheaters - you get caught cheating - back to private. That would make a huge disincentive, which is needed
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Re: purplepixie and coreyusmc may be cheaters

Postby lancehoch on Sat May 17, 2008 2:20 pm

Skiman wrote:...but I fail to see how returning points lost to cheaters contributes to "point inflation" in some way. I'm not even asking for the roughly 16 points I would have gotten if I'd beaten two privates - just to make it as though the game never happened

Point inflation is due to a net influx of points into the system. Currently this comes from people signing up, joining games, deadbeating, and not coming back. For every point that one person loses in a game, someone else gains that point. If lack/Andy/Twill were to give you back the ~25 points that you lost this would contribute to a net influx of points, since no one is losing points. Again, there is also the issue of everyone who has ever lost to these people (and to some extent played against these people) wanting their points back.
Point stripping is a rare occurrence that is usually reserved for people who achieved officer ranks or had pages of games won by secret alliance or multi. Most of the smaller instances do not result in a point reset.
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Re: purplepixie and coreyusmc may be cheaters

Postby king achilles on Tue May 20, 2008 12:22 am

purplepixe and coreyusmc may or may not know each other in real life, but as of now, they do not appear to be multis with each other nor can we conclude that they were having a secret alliance. Because of the report on them, it also appears they have stopped playing or deadbeated their remaining games. There is no conclusive evidence that directs to a guilty verdict as of now, in fact, it can go either way. This report is noted.
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