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Re: Madagascar Version3 Pages 1&2

Postby t-o-m on Fri Apr 25, 2008 12:32 pm

thanks Z,
here the updated version
Version 3.4:
Click image to enlarge.

ive added the compass rose - i made it lol - i changed the title font of "Provinces", i moved the colours corospondance on the legend, and some other things, cant really remember what else - but i think i did most of what you suggested Z,
soon i will add mountains and trees/forests
oh yea i altered the glow on the terit names in an atempt to make it less blurey, i changed the type or glow it was, i cant remember exactly but i changed it to precise and turned the ocpacity up a lil bit
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Re: Madagascar -UPDATE- Version3.4 Pages 1&2

Postby lord voldemort on Fri Apr 25, 2008 1:56 pm

gameplay wise you need some un-passables or something
that and it needs something else gameplay wise to appeal to me
its just a peice of land. small and stuff
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Re: Madagascar -UPDATE- Version3.4 Pages 1&2

Postby t-o-m on Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:00 pm

yea immpassables are in the works, i am hoping to include some of their culture and trees and stuff aswel - when i get round to it :)
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Re: Madagascar -UPDATE- Version3.4 Pages 1&2

Postby jako on Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:26 pm

nice going so far t-o-m. i would replace the compass with a Madagascar pic. a title compass just looks out of place considering the entire country is not at the correct angle anyways.

u mentioned where u were suppose to put the cont bonuses, for now dont worry about that as u still have to figure out impassables which will radically alter bonus and gameplay anyways, so why bother right now.

no comment from me, graphics-wise, dont really know any of that stuff, but have u thought about adding some gameplay features that will make the map not so linear. right now, if ur placed mostly to the south, there is no way for u to attack the north other than to go through the entire continent. so while ur thinking about impassables, try coming up with sea routes or ports that will connect the south to the north to enhance gameplay and not make it so dull. :D

keep up the great work, man.

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Re: Madagascar -UPDATE- Version3.4 Pages 1&2

Postby t-o-m on Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:57 pm

cheers jako,
the immpassables are going to be along the right hand side-ish; here:
Description of where they will be:h
theres mountains along the right hand side of madagascar one terit in from the right, thats where they'll be
im just waiting to get some mountains help
the compass - dont really mind about that, although madagascar has been rotated like that
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Re: Madagascar -UPDATE- Version4 Pages 1&2 IMMPASSABLES ADDED

Postby t-o-m on Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:17 am

ok heres version 4,
Click image to enlarge.

i added immpassables - mountains and forests (its the first time ive made 'em so go easy ;) lol)
i also added a lil bit of bevel to the compass rose - so hopefully it looks more realistic,
what do people think?
any comments on what bonuses you think there should be?
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Re: Madagascar -UPDATE- Version4 Pages 1&3 IMMPASSABLES ADDED

Postby cena-rules on Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:22 am

The mountains look like simple lines but the forests are ok.
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Re: Madagascar -UPDATE- Version4 Pages 1&3 IMMPASSABLES ADDED

Postby t-o-m on Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:32 am

thanks, yea the mountains need work - as i said never done em before lol
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Re: Madagascar -UPDATE- Version4 Pages 1&3 IMMPASSABLES ADDED

Postby Ruben Cassar on Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:21 am

Hi Tom.

The yellow looks a bit too bright in my opinion. Maybe you could tone it down a bit? Even the army shadows are a bit lost on that background.

I also don't like the background of the title text and edges of the biscuit like thing! Hehe it reminds me of the Plasmon biscuits they give to little kids and babies. :)

Keep up the good work.
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Re: Madagascar -UPDATE- Version4 Pages 1&3 IMMPASSABLES ADDED

Postby t-o-m on Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:34 am

Ruben Cassar wrote:Hi Tom.

hi :D
Ruben Cassar wrote:The yellow looks a bit too bright in my opinion. Maybe you could tone it down a bit?

thats what i was thinking when i first did that - but then no1 commented on it so i kinda forgot about that
Ruben Cassar wrote:Even the army shadows are a bit lost on that background.

yea i saw that, that will change
Ruben Cassar wrote:I also don't like the background of the title text and edges of the biscuit like thing! Hehe it reminds me of the Plasmon biscuits they give to little kids and babies. :)

lmao - no i dont know what you mean by that - funny story though,
i think i will try somethings different with the title and things
Ruben Cassar wrote:Keep up the good work.

d'you think i should make the yellow darkers, or just take some of the colour out of the yellow?
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Re: Madagascar -UPDATE- Version4 Pages 1&3 IMMPASSABLES ADDED

Postby Ruben Cassar on Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:42 am

Tom this is a Plasmon biscuit. :)


About the yellow colour region why not try adding some opacity to it or applying a filter to see how it looks?
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Re: Madagascar -UPDATE- Version4 Pages 1&3 IMMPASSABLES ADDED

Postby TaCktiX on Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:52 am

Gameplay-wise, the yellow and green continents are very open. Is there any chance of adding some impassables to their left sides? I noticed the use of trees in certain areas, so I suppose there's a game preserve in that area to help you out. ;)
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Re: Madagascar -UPDATE- Version4 Pages 1&3 IMMPASSABLES ADDED

Postby jiminski on Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:54 pm

Nice map.. needs more Lemurs!
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Re: Madagascar -UPDATE- Version4 Pages 1&3 IMMPASSABLES ADDED

Postby ZeakCytho on Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:30 pm

I think both the mountain and jungle impassables need major work.

The compass rose really pops out - I'd make it much less opaque so it blends into the ocean. Also, the N, E, and S letters are not properly rotated or aligned with the actual direction. W seems fine.

I think the ocean could use more work too. It's very flat right now. I'd make it darker and, if possible, create a sense of depth to it.
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Re: Madagascar -UPDATE- Version4 Pages 1&3 IMMPASSABLES ADDED

Postby t-o-m on Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:33 pm

Ruben Cassar wrote:Tom this is a Plasmon biscuit. :)


Ruben Cassar wrote:About the yellow colour region why not try adding some opacity to it or applying a filter to see how it looks?

ill try that
TaCktiX wrote:Gameplay-wise, the yellow and green continents are very open.

yea i aggree
TaCktiX wrote:Is there any chance of adding some impassables to their left sides?

sure thing :)
TaCktiX wrote:I noticed the use of trees in certain areas, so I suppose there's a game preserve in that area to help you out. ;)

its not really game reserve, its more of acctaul forest/tree areas - but the same principle lol
jiminski wrote:Nice map.. needs more Lemurs!

lol, i might try that ;) just for youu lol
ZeakCytho wrote:I think both the mountain and jungle impassables need major work.

mountains yea sure, jungle i didnt think was so bad is it? i can always make another one but i didnt think that the jungle one was that much of a problem???
ZeakCytho wrote:The compass rose really pops out - I'd make it much less opaque so it blends into the ocean.

ok, maybe i could try sort of fading it into the ocean by trying a colour/gradiant overlay at a very low ocpacity? what ya think of that?
ZeakCytho wrote:Also, the N, E, and S letters are not properly rotated or aligned with the actual direction. W seems fine.

mmm - ill get onto that,
the "W" seems fine coz its italic i think :)
ZeakCytho wrote:I think the ocean could use more work too. It's very flat right now. I'd make it darker and, if possible, create a sense of depth to it.

darker yes,
do you think that a pattern would do it? with a lil bit more depth in it? would that help or make it look stupid?
ill try and include all of these in my next update - hopefully soon :)
thanks very much for all of your suggestions :D
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Re: Madagascar -UPDATE- Version4 Pages 1&3 IMMPASSABLES ADDED

Postby ZeakCytho on Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:38 pm

t-o-m wrote:
ZeakCytho wrote:I think both the mountain and jungle impassables need major work.

mountains yea sure, jungle i didnt think was so bad is it? i can always make another one but i didnt think that the jungle one was that much of a problem???

I don't like the trees very much. They're just sticks with circles on them and don't seem to convey the spirit of the jungle of Madgascar at all. Also, they're not very pretty to look at.

t-o-m wrote:
ZeakCytho wrote:The compass rose really pops out - I'd make it much less opaque so it blends into the ocean.

ok, maybe i could try sort of fading it into the ocean by trying a colour/gradiant overlay at a very low ocpacity? what ya think of that?

Just setting the compass to a lower opacity (maybe 50%?) should solve the problem. A color overlay could work too, but it might not be necessary.

t-o-m wrote:
ZeakCytho wrote:I think the ocean could use more work too. It's very flat right now. I'd make it darker and, if possible, create a sense of depth to it.

darker yes,
do you think that a pattern would do it? with a lil bit more depth in it? would that help or make it look stupid?

If the pattern is at a very low opacity, it could be good. If it's too strong, then it might just look stupid ;)
It's hard to say without actually seeing it, though.
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Re: Madagascar -UPDATE- Version4 Pages 1&3 IMMPASSABLES ADDED

Postby t-o-m on Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:42 pm

thanks Zeak - i would quote you but i just did loads of that lol so ill just say things randomly ;) :
the trees - yea i see ur point - 1st time ive done them so i did lolly pop trees lol
compass ocpacity lowered - yea ok ill try that
pattern - i will try that aswel - low ocpacity ;)
thanks Zeak
i might update it now - but ive just got in and its 10.40pm so i probably wil do it later on, like in a couple a hours - check back then :)
thanks again :)
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Re: Madagascar -UPDATE- Version4 Pages 1&3 IMMPASSABLES ADDED

Postby t-o-m on Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:57 pm

ok here we go, the sea isnt very dark - i tried but ive got a thing about lightness lol
Version 4.5:
Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Madagascar -UPDATE- Version4.5 Pages 1&3 IMMPASSABLES ADDED

Postby rocky mountain on Sat Apr 26, 2008 11:24 pm

as for bonuses, i think:

of course i'm no expert cartographer, so...
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Re: Madagascar -UPDATE- Version4.5 Pages 1&3 IMMPASSABLES ADDED

Postby hadati on Sun Apr 27, 2008 3:50 am

use the exel tool in map making tools for bonuses
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Re: Madagascar -UPDATE- Version4.5 Pages 1&3 IMMPASSABLES ADDED

Postby t-o-m on Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:44 am

hadati wrote:use the exel tool in map making tools for bonuses

no that only gives ideas - it isnt very accurate and gives bad readings sometimes,
i would prefer to make some up and get critisism from people,
ill do that now
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Re: Madagascar -UPDATE- Version4.5 Pages 1&3 IMMPASSABLES ADDED

Postby t-o-m on Sun Apr 27, 2008 6:14 am

Ok, bonuses added - thats it
Version 4.6:
Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Madagascar -UPDATE- Version4.6 Pages 1&4 BONUSES ADDED

Postby Kaplowitz on Sun Apr 27, 2008 9:00 am

Cool map!

-I dont like the forest near Melaky, the green circles are noticeably just green circles.
-The army circles are a little pixely. Maybe you could have a more unique one a lemur head or something.
-The colors are a little too similar, and it may be hard to tell which is which....
-IMO the mts look...slimy...if no one else cares, i wouldnt worry about that.
-Maybe some recognizable Madagascar images in the bg?
Click image to enlarge.

-All of the bigger bonuses are on the bottom of the map, but that may not be bad. Im just pointing that out.

Just some points, take em or leave em
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Re: Madagascar -UPDATE- Version4.6 Pages 1&4 BONUSES ADDED

Postby Ruben Cassar on Sun Apr 27, 2008 9:02 am

I think you should make a mini map to portray the bonuses.
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Re: Madagascar -UPDATE- Version4.6 Pages 1&4 BONUSES ADDED

Postby t-o-m on Sun Apr 27, 2008 11:26 am

Kaplowitz wrote:Cool map!

thanks :D
Kaplowitz wrote:-I dont like the forest near Melaky, the green circles are noticeably just green circles.

i totally agree - its a bit on its own and doesnt fit in...
Kaplowitz wrote:-The army circles are a little pixely. Maybe you could have a more unique one a lemur head or something.

interesting idea - i might try that ;) :lol:
Kaplowitz wrote:-The colors are a little too similar, and it may be hard to tell which is which....

i dont really see any similarities in the colours! - apart from the beigey colur and the brown - mainly on the legend/key
Kaplowitz wrote:-IMO the mts look...slimy...if no one else cares, i wouldnt worry about that.

mmm - its just a line with 0% hardness with bevel on it - thats all so its nothing special lol - i might try and make some better ones but not in the next update
Kaplowitz wrote:-Maybe some recognizable Madagascar images in the bg?

maybe i dont know - thats not a big deal for the mo - i will try that in a later version :)
Kaplowitz wrote:-All of the bigger bonuses are on the bottom of the map, but that may not be bad. Im just pointing that out. that a big problem?
if the big bonuses were at the bottom and there were some small ones next to it, if they held the big one they could easily take the small ones and win quicker - so i dont see that as a problem
Kaplowitz wrote:Just some points, take em or leave em

take 'emm cheers :)
Ruben Cassar wrote:I think you should make a mini map to portray the bonuses.

umm...i dont know why but i dont wanna do that is there enough room?
maybe if a few other want it i will add it :)
thanks for the suggestuions :)
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