Termination: Doodle Earth
Part III: Doodle Earth Termination
***Opened for premium members***
I can't believe it but I want to run a tournament on Doodle Earth. Silly little tournament to "celebrate" my 25th tourney

- There will be 2 divisions of 9 players.
- Best 2 (highest score=kill count) from each division will advance to Final Termination (aka final 5 games) and the person who gets most points from those games is the winner of the tournament - Doodle Earth Terminator.
- Divisions will be put together according to your points (points are checked an hour up to a few days before first games are made).
- All games are made with the List Randomizer of random.org
Map: Doodle Earth
Players: 3 per game (final games: 4 per game)
Play Order: Sequential
Cards: Escalating
Fortifications: Unlimited
FoW: no (aka sunny)
Number of games: 3 games per week, overall 12 games (+5 final games)
Games are made on Mondays
Points Terminating a player = 1 point
Tiebreaker In case of a tie, a 5 game series will be played.
It's fairly simple tournament but if I missed something or you have any questions then PM me or post to this thread.