Moderator: Clan Directors
Blitzaholic wrote:subprime wrote::roll: bump uglies
Where? When? and why the hell wasn't I invited!!!
jiminski and clapper invited me
[RFA]Juggalo wrote:all you sent me was one word: ideas? how am i sposed to know what that means
littlebrother2k7 wrote:come on 1stholiday we all been waiting on ur clan bring what u got.... we aint shy just waiting for u... i wont talk trash cuz i do got some respect for some of ur clan... also cuz assassin07 my son is respected by some of u.... but there is one of u that was one of us and i want him to come out and play... u know who u r and i shall hunt u down like a dog... so get ur clan ready and juggs will get ours... REGULATORS ARE COMING FOR YOU... run and hide jalen45 cuz i am callin u out..
littlebrother2k7 wrote:come on 1stholiday we all been waiting on ur clan bring what u got.... we aint shy just waiting for u... i wont talk trash cuz i do got some respect for some of ur clan... also cuz assassin07 my son is respected by some of u.... but there is one of u that was one of us and i want him to come out and play... u know who u r and i shall hunt u down like a dog... so get ur clan ready and juggs will get ours... REGULATORS ARE COMING FOR YOU... run and hide jalen45 cuz i am callin u out..
firstholliday wrote:TSM won the clanwar.
Regulators refuced to let jalen play.
clapper011 wrote:who's next?
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