Moderator: Cartographers
Incandenza wrote:Apologies if this has already been discussed, but the text in the upper left hand corner (the "adapted fictional" bit) is pretty underwhelming. It seems to go out of its way to qualify the map. But the map itself is basically "the castle", so it's not referring to any place/event in particular. I realize that the concept is based on "where eagles dare", but it seems that everything has been fictionalized to the point where you don't need to have a full-throttle qualifier in the legend.
So why not something more aggressive and risk-ish, like "You are part of an elite paratrooper unit deep behind enemy lines. Storm Das Schloss and escape at the airport. The enemy will try and stop you!"
bryguy wrote:congrats! btw u know bbcode is off right?
Natewolfman wrote:wow nice one, i didnt even see it in the foundry discussion/ideasi am instantly drawn to the look of this one, very nice, keep up the good work!
tim02 wrote:Love the details in the backround, they make it seem so real, I LOVE THIS MAP
Natewolfman wrote:2 small graphical cratiques...
1)not major at all, but the whole bottom left corner has a feeling off... blurring? alot of the map is sharp and clean but that corner just feels alittle blured, maybe its ment to be that way but just a thought
2) possibly even less majorbut around your P1 spot the technicolor looks like it suddenly cuts off, just a very sharp end, not rounded or anything almost like you ran out of paper to draw on
cairnswk wrote:Natewolfman wrote:2 small graphical cratiques...
1)not major at all, but the whole bottom left corner has a feeling off... blurring? alot of the map is sharp and clean but that corner just feels alittle blured, maybe its ment to be that way but just a thought
yes this is meant to be that way....obviously very snowed in landscape in the hills
bryguy wrote:one thing
you can hardly see the ends/start of the arrows that have are pointing at/from Das Shlob
cairnswk wrote:bryguy wrote:one thing
you can hardly see the ends/start of the arrows that have are pointing at/from Das Shlob
bryguy, if you can mention them and tell which direction they point in, which i assume you can from the note of your comment, i would say that you can see them adequately enough. Remember this is a snow scene and things are meant to be a little hazy is snow conditions, yes?
bryguy wrote:cairnswk wrote:bryguy wrote:one thing
you can hardly see the ends/start of the arrows that have are pointing at/from Das Shlob
bryguy, if you can mention them and tell which direction they point in, which i assume you can from the note of your comment, i would say that you can see them adequately enough. Remember this is a snow scene and things are meant to be a little hazy is snow conditions, yes?
its easy to tell which direction they point in cause they're between the lift cars and kontrol 2/3, and im just saying that its a little hard to see, just thought i would mention it
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