Moderator: Cartographers
edbeard wrote:I chose it because I thought it would make for a good game of risk. The main reason for maps is to play risk on them, obviously.
natty_dread wrote:I was wrong
CatfishJohnson wrote:nice idea gimil
natty_dread wrote:I was wrong
gimil wrote:For the ocean issues, could you make the sea darker at bit to represent differnt depth. Might give it that extra umph that it needs.
natty_dread wrote:I was wrong
natty_dread wrote:I was wrong
CatfishJohnson wrote:DISCUSS people lol
edbeard wrote:I'm confused by you saying nord's bonus is too high. maybe you have a different calculator.
edbeard wrote:I don't understand how you said the exact opposite of what you meant on all accounts because of the screen resolution.
edbeard wrote:Nord - 3
Artiboninte - 4
Central - 2
Ouest - 4
Sud - 2
Sud-Est 3
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