Attacker Dice Distribution
2s (exp) 16.67%
2s (act) 17.09%
2.5% error
4s (exp) 16.67%
4s (act) 15.85%
4.9% error
Defender Dice Distribution1s (exp) 16.67%
1s (act) 17.74%
6.4% error
Battle Outcomes3v2 (exp) 37.17% / 33.58% / 29.26%
3v2 (act) 38.22% / 33.52% / 28.26%
3.4% error on 2339 rolls
3v1 (exp) 65.97% / 34.03%
3v1 (act) 65.89% / 34.11%
error within margin on 2750 rolls
(Not really enough rolls to bother with the other battle outcomes.)
There are more than enough rolls for a statistcal analysis. Any sample size larger than 2000 should fall within a +/- 3% margin of error. Any sample size larger than 5000 should fall within a +/- 2% error.
The Battle Outcomes are
almost within statistical margins. Defender wins twice on 3v2
3.4% less often than he should - no doubt due to rolling more 1s than expected.
The Dice Distributions listed
are not within statistical margins, and defender's 1s are particularly egregious. I have to admit, I expected defenders 6s to be the problem, but I stand corrected.
While these numbers really seem to point to something being amiss with either the randomizer or the code, it may not be enough off to justify the time it would take to track it down, given the number of other important items on bugs/suggestion list.