Conquer Club

Buizerd,Scott-Land,jan1976 [retracted]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Postby roadwarrior on Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:23 pm

Scott-Land wrote:disliking someone isn't a valid reason to post and say that they're a cheat- but i know that there are gonna be players that do that for an example road, a player that has been proven a cheat, but thats ok, take this opportunity to be vindictive. i don't expect anything less from those types of people.

nothing i can say will change anyone's opinion of me- so i wont say anything except it's ridiculous- an idiotic and utterly false accusation. those of you who think i've cheated will remain to think that. for the rest of you that know im a damn great player and how much i hate cheaters... well that's all that matters. ive accomplished almost everything i set out to.... outside of being short a few points of hitting 4K.

take this chance to post how much of an asshole and cheater i am-- and i hope it makes you feel better about your inadequacies.

What are you talking is you that is being investigated and I believe the mods will carry out a thorough investigation here.
There are 2 witnesses saying the same things about you from different there are reasonable grounds to suspect.

This is more than can be said of you who falsely accused me out of some personal liking of luckywar, your friend and you were not even in the game.

For the record, I don't dislike just that you exhibit certain arrogance and tend to smear people (just look at your posts, they are damning you) and this should be stopped. Now that there are suspicions of you being a cheat, you should be investigated like everyone else.
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Postby TheTrust on Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:38 pm

I am interested in hearing more of this "I suicided into a player last game, so he will suicide into you this game for me so that we don't play for another five hours" business.

Can someone (scott?) Clear that up for me?

Thanx hun.
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Postby Scott-Land on Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:53 pm

TheTrust wrote:I am interested in hearing more of this "I suicided into a player last game, so he will suicide into you this game for me so that we don't play for another five hours" business.

Can someone (scott?) Clear that up for me?

Thanx hun.

I haven't pulled that game up but from the chat it looks like a stalemate game. a game in which the armies far exceed the cash value where there isnt a a tactical kill... one in which you will lose far more armies that you will ever recover. a standard tradition , that i did not start but have practiced. so all the players suicide on each other so the highest rank in the game gets the win..... so that all players lose the least amount of points. prank, enelra and i for awhile there played so often that when the situation ora stalemate did arise , we would take turns getting the win to try to make it as fair as possible since we were all somewhat close in rank. ive given far more stalemates away than ive received. so instead of playing infinitely and still no winner, we all decided to suicide.

it obviously doesnt happen on a regular basis but it does happen frequently enough to where we tried to make it fair for all involved. notice that i say we ... that's because all the remaining players must agree first before the intentional suicide occurs.

as a matter of fact, last week-- my last stalemate game poo-maker got the win....even though i was the higher ranked.
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Postby hulmey on Sat Mar 22, 2008 1:10 am

Scott-Land wrote:
TheTrust wrote:I am interested in hearing more of this "I suicided into a player last game, so he will suicide into you this game for me so that we don't play for another five hours" business.

Can someone (scott?) Clear that up for me?

Thanx hun.

I haven't pulled that game up but from the chat it looks like a stalemate game. a game in which the armies far exceed the cash value where there isnt a a tactical kill... one in which you will lose far more armies that you will ever recover. a standard tradition , that i did not start but have practiced. so all the players suicide on each other so the highest rank in the game gets the win..... so that all players lose the least amount of points. prank, enelra and i for awhile there played so often that when the situation ora stalemate did arise , we would take turns getting the win to try to make it as fair as possible since we were all somewhat close in rank. ive given far more stalemates away than ive received. so instead of playing infinitely and still no winner, we all decided to suicide.

it obviously doesnt happen on a regular basis but it does happen frequently enough to where we tried to make it fair for all involved. notice that i say we ... that's because all the remaining players must agree first before the intentional suicide occurs.

as a matter of fact, last week-- my last stalemate game poo-maker got the win....even though i was the higher ranked.

you just stuck yourself on a cross and hammered in the nails :?
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Postby friendly1 on Sat Mar 22, 2008 2:21 am

Hmmm, if playing intelligent 8 player freeestyle strategy is cheating, I'm in trouble about half the games I play :(

I'm drunk in the other half, so no intelligence involved, safe there :D

Accusing these players of cheating is funny, probably not to them as it is also insulting, but the accusation itself shows the accusor has no understanding.
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Postby nagerous on Sat Mar 22, 2008 12:47 pm

The suicides in the game were not agreed upon more often than not and me and a couple of other players whos names I won't mention for now got rather irritated and chose to boycott those games purely because they were more often than not ended with one of you two suiciding on the remaining players so your friend could win. This happened in many games and just got plain annoying. Also, you guys would never eliminate each other in the early rounds and make sure both of you last as long as possible.
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Postby Scott-Land on Sat Mar 22, 2008 2:56 pm

nagerous wrote:The suicides in the game were not agreed upon more often than not and me and a couple of other players whos names I won't mention for now got rather irritated and chose to boycott those games purely because they were more often than not ended with one of you two suiciding on the remaining players so your friend could win. This happened in many games and just got plain annoying. Also, you guys would never eliminate each other in the early rounds and make sure both of you last as long as possible.

hmm-- are we making things up as we go along ? we played three 8 man games and one went to a stalemate. in one game 2007-12-20 16:31:11 - nagerous: yah I enjoyed it, 3rd place meh lol, there was no complaints in any of the games. suddenly now you are accusing me -- hmm .... sure thing. is it just me or is prankcall being accused as well? if so id like to see you fill out the proper forms to accuse me.
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Postby nagerous on Sat Mar 22, 2008 3:02 pm

That was before the incident and then I saw other games, which I had not been in where a similar situations had taken place. It will take me a while to find the links as I wasn't in the games but other people complained with similar issues in private msn conversations.. I did send sully a PM around the time with my complaints and he said it seemed like it should be investigated and to PM him with more information but I never got round to it because of time and real life personal constraints, which have gone for now.
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Postby chessplaya on Sat Mar 22, 2008 3:05 pm

scott is a cheat... ask me i know

he cheats little kids for their bonbons

I dont know about risk though :? .. nah i dont think he is a cheat... so newbie thread starter ... go play monopoly kid-o!
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Postby Scott-Land on Sat Mar 22, 2008 3:06 pm

nagerous wrote:That was before the incident and then I saw other games, which I had not been in where a similar situations had taken place. It will take me a while to find the links as I wasn't in the games but other people complained with similar issues in private msn conversations.. I did send sully a PM around the time with my complaints and he said it seemed like it should be investigated and to PM him with more information but I never got round to it because of time and real life personal constraints, which have gone for now.

perhaps you should-- if youre gonna accuse me of something then do the necessary things so it can be investigated. after all you are dragging my name in the mud with your empty accusations
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Postby nagerous on Sat Mar 22, 2008 3:11 pm

To be honest I didn't start up a cheating thread against you... I'm just commenting on someone elses views and am posting comments made by you in a game, which could be construed as cheating. It's up to other people to decide whether or not this is breaking rules #2 of CC and if people say what you did was legitimate then fine. Its not like I just made a thread saying Scott-land is a cheater, OMGZ LOL!!! And if you want more examples I can give them to you, I think this was the first time you tried that strategy..

nice end to an open 8 player game..

2008-01-01 12:24:43 - Scott-Land: you owe me 2 now prank
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Postby chessplaya on Sat Mar 22, 2008 3:30 pm

nagerous wrote:To be honest I didn't start up a cheating thread against you... I'm just commenting on someone elses views and am posting comments made by you in a game, which could be construed as cheating. It's up to other people to decide whether or not this is breaking rules #2 of CC and if people say what you did was legitimate then fine. Its not like I just made a thread saying Scott-land is a cheater, OMGZ LOL!!! And if you want more examples I can give them to you, I think this was the first time you tried that strategy..

nice end to an open 8 player game..

2008-01-01 12:24:43 - Scott-Land: you owe me 2 now prank

I think he meant .... well actually I know he meant ... that because of him coming short twice of killing another player Prankcall won 2 games ... and so as a joke he said u owe me 2 now prank

this doesnt prove anything

all this thread is built on b.s
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Postby madmort0 on Sat Mar 22, 2008 6:20 pm

i saw in chat recentley where scott encouraged buzzard to start a new character because he was movin to his gf and would have a new that cheatin?
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Postby wrestler1ump on Sat Mar 22, 2008 9:11 pm

Scott-land, codeblue- you've both got terrible attitudes and can't take losses or negative feedbacks. There- will that suffice for a compromise? As for the game, I read through the log and it's pretty clear that Scottland did have at least one secret alliance/multiple account going on in there.
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Postby skaterchild3 on Sat Mar 22, 2008 9:40 pm

wrestler1ump wrote:Scott-land, codeblue- you've both got terrible attitudes and can't take losses or negative feedbacks. There- will that suffice for a compromise? As for the game, I read through the log and it's pretty clear that Scottland did have at least one secret alliance/multiple account going on in there.

I agree with wump.
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Postby skaterchild3 on Sat Mar 22, 2008 9:41 pm

madmort0 wrote:i saw in chat recentley where scott encouraged buzzard to start a new character because he was movin to his gf and would have a new that cheatin?
yep hed have a multi.
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Postby Scott-Land on Sat Mar 22, 2008 9:52 pm

madmort0 wrote:i saw in chat recentley where scott encouraged buzzard to start a new character because he was movin to his gf and would have a new that cheatin?

for crying out loud-- retards are coming out of the woodwork....
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Postby Bruceswar on Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:23 am

This is totally absurd! Having played many freestyle games with all 3 of these guys I can tell you there is no time for a secret alliance. The games are fast and flying. If you cannot take the heat get out of the kitchen. Freestyle Escalating games are not for the slow people. You need to be quick to win. Scott is one the best freestyle players there is. All of you who are accusing him have prolly never played a freestyle game with him or Jan or Buz....

This is Lame... NEXT!
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Postby hulmey on Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:29 am

Bruceswar wrote:This is totally absurd! Having played many freestyle games with all 3 of these guys I can tell you there is no time for a secret alliance. The games are fast and flying. If you cannot take the heat get out of the kitchen. Freestyle Escalating games are not for the slow people. You need to be quick to win. Scott is one the best freestyle players there is. All of you who are accusing him have prolly never played a freestyle game with him or Jan or Buz....

This is Lame... NEXT!

let CC decided what they are going to do. If you have nothing to add, then find another corner!

Ps...nobody is above an investigation :D
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Postby Bruceswar on Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:34 am

hulmey wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:This is totally absurd! Having played many freestyle games with all 3 of these guys I can tell you there is no time for a secret alliance. The games are fast and flying. If you cannot take the heat get out of the kitchen. Freestyle Escalating games are not for the slow people. You need to be quick to win. Scott is one the best freestyle players there is. All of you who are accusing him have prolly never played a freestyle game with him or Jan or Buz....

This is Lame... NEXT!

let CC decided what they are going to do. If you have nothing to add, then find another corner!

Ps...nobody is above an investigation :D

I can I add that I have played a game in which all the played... they went after each other alot. Sour grapes is what I see here..
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Postby hulmey on Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:41 am

no ones asking you what you see! CC will look into it!

Ps. you have been on the site 3 months and think you know it all :?

Let the professionals deal with this. they have many valuable tools at their disposable and will more than likely prove scott-land innocent. Then you can throw a party!
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Postby Bruceswar on Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:56 am

No party will be thrown. Just sad that any player can say whatever they want and call someone into being looked into.
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Postby TheTrust on Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:36 am

I know its frustrating hun lol.

however... When this is all done and over with I'd like to see these players apologize to Scotty boy. They dont necessarily have to like him but hiding behind this whole "I thought it was suspicious so I posted it" won't cut it. Scotty gave his explanation and I can understand where games go into those types of stalemates that actions could be taken to end them quick, but it does nothing to show that they intentionally work together, especially throughout the game.

We all hear cases of: "This person suicided into me and gave the game to Player X" and whether you call it boredom, failed strategy or both, it is a part of the game, to openly coordinate a game ending after it goes on too long should be fine, you get the accusations of secret alliances if you don't.

So if he's innocent, you guys should own up and apologize, [-X if not, he needs a really big spanking :-s
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Postby madmort0 on Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:43 am

why? he doesn't apologize for being a jackass.
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Postby firstholliday on Sun Mar 23, 2008 8:15 am

It's like in everyother game. Say scott is in a game with Buiz and Prank and 1 of them can't win they will take out someone else with a much lesser score or weaken a player so that 1 of the others can win. This is called 'pointprotection' This does not only happen in freestyle but in any game that has high ranks and low ranks involved.

Thats why the pointsystem isn't any good.
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