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Oggiss [cleared]

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Postby cisco2001 on Thu Mar 13, 2008 3:48 pm

I'm very surprised by how adamant/ passionate Klobber has been about this whole accusation. After all, the post is intended to notify the mods that there is a problem. It appears that this has almost become a personal issue for Klobber. I'm certain that nobody, including Klobber, wants to see Ogiss permabanned unless he has done something to deserve it.

Otherwise, it would lead one to believe that Ogiss is, in fact, innocent and that he has been framed or unjustly accused. I can't imagine that any member of CC would want to see another player punished for personal reasons. After all, this is a game about war and any animosity can be exercised in the game itself.

Have a nice day.

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Postby oggiss on Thu Mar 13, 2008 4:37 pm

It's actually a great risk playing these circus maximus games. Sometimes when you are last to start (in freestyle or sequential) in the round then you sometimes have 1 or 2 areas left because one noob has attacked like 3-4 "countries". But indeed I have stolen the idea by KLOBBER.

To prove that I am not cheating why don't someone put up like 30 circus maximus games and you'll see that a lot of noobs join. I can't assure you that only privates will join but that is what I have done. Sometimes the games take ages to fill and then one day when they are on the first page (I think, can't see them) privates join.
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Postby wrestler1ump on Thu Mar 13, 2008 4:39 pm

I have never had a problem with Oggiss. I have always found his posts to be entertaining, and he has never cheated in a game I played in.
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Postby oggiss on Thu Mar 13, 2008 4:47 pm

wrestler1ump wrote:I have never had a problem with Oggiss. I have always found his posts to be entertaining, and he has never cheated in a game I played in.

I have never cheated in any games.
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Postby greenoaks on Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:38 pm

oggiss wrote:It's actually a great risk playing these circus maximus games. Sometimes when you are last to start (in freestyle or sequential) in the round then you sometimes have 1 or 2 areas left because one noob has attacked like 3-4 "countries". But indeed I have stolen the idea by KLOBBER.

To prove that I am not cheating why don't someone put up like 30 circus maximus games and you'll see that a lot of noobs join. I can't assure you that only privates will join but that is what I have done. Sometimes the games take ages to fill and then one day when they are on the first page (I think, can't see them) privates join.

i have been tempted to try that to prove you are not a cheat. unfortunately i lose more games and points against n00bs than i do against those of higher rank.

also i don't like that map, particularly with no cards. i find myself going round and round and round and i get dizzy easily.
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Postby spyhunter on Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:38 pm

Oggiss said:
Some days ago I counted the noobs in my circus maximus games (my still active ones) and there were 317 players if there are players with similar names there is quite a big possibility.

add commander bob to the list of KLOBBERs noobs, but I only found one in your games is:


but in KLOBBERS game are also noobs:

general gersh
general O
generalleeadyck (isn't that last one so KLOBBER)

and in yours is: generalgavin



in Ogg's is omegagamer

theres more I'm sure
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Postby oggiss on Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:48 pm

spyhunter wrote:Oggiss said:
Some days ago I counted the noobs in my circus maximus games (my still active ones) and there were 317 players if there are players with similar names there is quite a big possibility.

add commander bob to the list of KLOBBERs noobs, but I only found one in your games is:


but in KLOBBERS game are also noobs:

general gersh
general O
generalleeadyck (isn't that last one so KLOBBER)

and in yours is: generalgavin



in Ogg's is omegagamer

theres more I'm sure

if I now created multies I would definetely not use similar names. And names is besides quite a vague "proof".

PS. I am not cheating and never will.
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Postby oggiss on Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:49 pm

greenoaks wrote:
oggiss wrote:It's actually a great risk playing these circus maximus games. Sometimes when you are last to start (in freestyle or sequential) in the round then you sometimes have 1 or 2 areas left because one noob has attacked like 3-4 "countries". But indeed I have stolen the idea by KLOBBER.

To prove that I am not cheating why don't someone put up like 30 circus maximus games and you'll see that a lot of noobs join. I can't assure you that only privates will join but that is what I have done. Sometimes the games take ages to fill and then one day when they are on the first page (I think, can't see them) privates join.

i have been tempted to try that to prove you are not a cheat. unfortunately i lose more games and points against n00bs than i do against those of higher rank.

also i don't like that map, particularly with no cards. i find myself going round and round and round and i get dizzy easily.

hehe, although I play all my games with cards =)
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Postby wrestler1ump on Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:20 pm

oggiss wrote:
wrestler1ump wrote:I have never had a problem with Oggiss. I have always found his posts to be entertaining, and he has never cheated in a game I played in.

I have never cheated in any games.

I do not doubt that for one instant.
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Postby Warsteiner on Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:28 pm

Oggis is most surely not a cheater <3

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Postby Snorri1234 on Fri Mar 14, 2008 11:12 am

Warsteiner you sig makes me scroll sideways.
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Postby Snorri1234 on Fri Mar 14, 2008 11:12 am

Get rid of it. (Or make it shorter.)
"Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill."

Duane: You know what they say about love and war.
Tim: Yes, one involves a lot of physical and psychological pain, and the other one's war.
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Postby oggiss on Fri Mar 14, 2008 11:23 am

Or you guys could get a bigger screen :D
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Postby Capt Killroy on Sun Mar 16, 2008 3:17 am

yo i know you oggiss you play with honor and skill
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Re: yo

Postby oggiss on Sun Mar 16, 2008 6:49 am

Capt Killroy wrote:yo i know you oggiss you play with honor and skill

Thanks, that was warming :)
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Postby juventino on Sun Mar 16, 2008 11:10 pm

I didnt see this and the klobber stuff until a day ago. Funny reading.

It is interresting this stuff.

It is one thing cheating with fake accounts and another case taking advantage of a "loophole" in the scoringsystem.

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Postby Genghis Khan CA on Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:07 am

spyhunter wrote:but in KLOBBERS game are also noobs:

general gersh
general O
generalleeadyck (isn't that last one so KLOBBER)

and in yours is: generalgavin

Are you serious? General is a popular name on a world domination website?

There are 73 generals on the scoreboard, perhaps they are all multis too, not to mention 68 bobs :roll:
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Postby yeti_c on Mon Mar 17, 2008 11:29 am

Genghis Khan CA wrote:not to mention 68 bobs :roll:

Bugger - they found me.

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Postby Syndrome on Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:14 pm

Here are some problems your facing....

Strontus - Ip from Sweden. Also missed every turn he has ever played.

this looks really fishy.....actually the question marks are all dropping like flies...this is more than coincidence.
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Postby lord voldemort on Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:19 pm

Syndrome wrote:Here are some problems your facing....

Strontus - Ip from Sweden. Also missed every turn he has ever played.

this looks really fishy.....actually the question marks are all dropping like flies...this is more than coincidence.

just let the mods handle it mmmk

im quite sure he is not a cheater. now stop being some stalker
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Postby oggiss on Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:25 pm

Syndrome wrote:Here are some problems your facing....

Strontus - Ip from Sweden. Also missed every turn he has ever played.

this looks really fishy.....actually the question marks are all dropping like flies...this is more than coincidence.

Seriously dude, that is one of like 400 privates that has joined my game that is from sweden.

And it might seem fishy BUT I AM NOT CHEATING, I can swear on my mothers grave that I ain't. That is a quite big commitment.
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Postby lord voldemort on Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:39 pm

oggiss wrote:
Syndrome wrote:Here are some problems your facing....

Strontus - Ip from Sweden. Also missed every turn he has ever played.

this looks really fishy.....actually the question marks are all dropping like flies...this is more than coincidence.

Seriously dude, that is one of like 400 privates that has joined my game that is from sweden.

And it might seem fishy BUT I AM NOT CHEATING, I can swear on my mothers grave that I ain't. That is a quite big commitment.

seriously dont feed the troll
let sully do it.
he can go fishing
then once your cleared, you can flame the crap out of him
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Postby Syndrome on Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:41 pm

haha im right though, i started by looking at it from your angle

and now im on the other side because it is very fishy.
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Postby oggiss on Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:49 pm

Syndrome wrote:haha im right though, i started by looking at it from your angle

and now im on the other side because it is very fishy.

Have you read the whole topic?
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Postby TheBro on Mon Mar 17, 2008 9:02 pm

Syndrome wrote:Here are some problems your facing....

Strontus - Ip from Sweden. Also missed every turn he has ever played.

this looks really fishy.....actually the question marks are all dropping like flies...this is more than coincidence.

Pathetic. There are 7 players from Sweden on the first page of the scoreboard. Apparently Swede's play CC? No no! Oggiss is controlling all of them. :roll: You find 1 guy from Sweden and actually think that is any evidence whatsoever to make him guilty.

7 question marks.

7 question marks.

Has it really taken 16 pages to prove he's cleared? My gosh.
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