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RobinJ [warned]

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RobinJ [warned]

Postby rebelman on Sat Mar 08, 2008 4:07 pm

These are suspected of very serious breach of forum guidelines

Suspect users: RobinJ

Game number: N/A

Thread: ... 6&start=10

Comments: as i was browsing though the join a tournie forum on one thread i was shocked, appalled and seriously hurt by the following comment:

RobinJ wrote:You do all realise that the republicans were a bunch of cunts that day? British AND Irish were both fighting in France and a few wankors decided to stab them in the back. Deserved everything they got - no romantacism about them at all

This is not just flaming outside flame wars as flame wars is meant for flaming only cc related items. It is a bigoted, racist remark that attacks on a very personal level. I hope this can be dealt with promptly as I'm certain cc does not tolerate any form of racism or bigotry no matter what the forum or context.

Don't now why people on here don't like being cooks, remember under siege: A former SEAL, now cook, is the only person who can stop a gang of terrorists when they sieze control of a US Navy battleship.
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Postby wicked on Sat Mar 08, 2008 4:15 pm

Robin has been PM-warned.
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Postby rebelman on Sat Mar 08, 2008 4:19 pm

wicked wrote:Robin has been PM-warned.

Don't now why people on here don't like being cooks, remember under siege: A former SEAL, now cook, is the only person who can stop a gang of terrorists when they sieze control of a US Navy battleship.
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Postby DAZMCFC on Sat Mar 08, 2008 4:30 pm

i think Robin has a fair and valid point. he is not being a bigot or racsist, he is just stating a fact about our history between Britain and Ireland.

you may well think he is being a bigot about this, but that is only because you are from Eire. did anyone say you were being a bigot when you first come to CC with your username Rebelman. you may say that is what people are called from your neck of the woods, but why are they called that,because it is a region full of terrorist.

now surely now that there seems to be peace in Northern Ireland you can forget about things that has happened 100's of year ago.

is this just you trying to abuse your mod power or are you deeply offended what a teenager says on this forum. imay well be offended by these new tournies being created about "the Easter uprising" and other bollocks like that, but as wicked has said before it is a private website.

should i create a Tourney about "Bloody Sunday" would that go down well with you about how our Paras killed some innocent protesters(innocent, while throwing bricks and petrol bombs at the Paras). no it probably would not. you do not now what RobinJ's family have had to go through about the "troubles" so i think you are to quick to judge.

i have nothing against you or the Irish in person. i worked with a man who is from Irish decent and is a staunch Irish supporter. he is what we call a "Plastic Paddy" as i'm probably a "plastic Scot".

right that is the end of my little rant. i just think you've got the wrong end of the stick and are just trying to get someone banned when there is no need what so ever.
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Postby wicked on Sat Mar 08, 2008 4:33 pm

Daz, Robin is nowhere near a ban. S/he was just warned that the post was inappropriate and reminded of the forum guidelines.
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Postby Jock Bomb on Sat Mar 08, 2008 4:53 pm

DAZMCFC wrote:i think Robin has a fair and valid point. he is not being a bigot or racsist, he is just stating a fact about our history between Britain and Ireland.

you may well think he is being a bigot about this, but that is only because you are from Eire. did anyone say you were being a bigot when you first come to CC with your username Rebelman. you may say that is what people are called from your neck of the woods, but why are they called that,because it is a region full of terrorist.

now surely now that there seems to be peace in Northern Ireland you can forget about things that has happened 100's of year ago.

is this just you trying to abuse your mod power or are you deeply offended what a teenager says on this forum. imay well be offended by these new tournies being created about "the Easter uprising" and other bollocks like that, but as wicked has said before it is a private website.

should i create a Tourney about "Bloody Sunday" would that go down well with you about how our Paras killed some innocent protesters(innocent, while throwing bricks and petrol bombs at the Paras). no it probably would not. you do not now what RobinJ's family have had to go through about the "troubles" so i think you are to quick to judge.

i have nothing against you or the Irish in person. i worked with a man who is from Irish decent and is a staunch Irish supporter. he is what we call a "Plastic Paddy" as i'm probably a "plastic Scot".

right that is the end of my little rant. i just think you've got the wrong end of the stick and are just trying to get someone banned when there is no need what so ever.

Well said, cant agree more! I think Robin COULD have put it in a more 'literate' fashion however!
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Postby DAZMCFC on Sat Mar 08, 2008 5:14 pm

wicked wrote:Daz, Robin is nowhere near a ban. S/he was just warned that the post was inappropriate and reminded of the forum guidelines.

i'm not saying he is near a ban, but Rebelman is abusing his mod powers.
if you do not know the history of Ireland and all that then you should not have even warned Robin for him stating the truth. fair enough he could of worded it a bit better, but that is the way he feels.
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Postby rebelman on Sat Mar 08, 2008 5:15 pm

On several grounds I disagree with comments made above but I'm not going to elaborate further as this would not be the appropriate place.
Don't now why people on here don't like being cooks, remember under siege: A former SEAL, now cook, is the only person who can stop a gang of terrorists when they sieze control of a US Navy battleship.
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Postby DAZMCFC on Sat Mar 08, 2008 5:22 pm

your full of shit, just say what you have to say. i'm pretty sure if you flame outside FW you will not get a warning.
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Postby Jock Bomb on Sat Mar 08, 2008 5:24 pm

DAZMCFC wrote:
wicked wrote:Daz, Robin is nowhere near a ban. S/he was just warned that the post was inappropriate and reminded of the forum guidelines.

i'm not saying he is near a ban, but Rebelman is abusing his mod powers.
if you do not know the history of Ireland and all that then you should not have even warned Robin for him stating the truth. fair enough he could of worded it a bit better, but that is the way he feels.

Exactly, its a very dangerous area to try and cover, granted he should possibly have been warned about his language granted.

But as for what is said, that is matter of opinion. Rebelman of course you disagree because its against what you stand for and believe in!

but having had 3 good friends (one on international TV) murdered by the IRA I strongly disagree with you. Yes this could go back and forth all year, but regardless, terrorism was not and is not the way forward.

Is Rebelman a MOD? if so, yes you have completely over stepped the mark as you are NOT neutral and your own beliefs get in the way of any un biased outcome!

The guy does need warned about his language, I agree but there it stops.

Rebelman if this is not the place to discuss this, on a public forum open for debate, where might you suggest? Becasue nobody is completely innocent in the NI/Ulster issues, there and faults and balme on all sides!
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Postby rebelman on Sat Mar 08, 2008 5:27 pm

DAZMCFC wrote:
i'm not saying he is near a ban, but Rebelman is abusing his mod powers.
if you do not know the history of Ireland and all that then you should not have even warned Robin for him stating the truth. fair enough he could of worded it a bit better, but that is the way he feels.

daz i reported a post publicly same as any member of cc can. i have no more say than the next person when it comes to forums - i just enforce the rules over in chat. Anyway if I wanted to abuse powers then surely I would have done it in private not started a thread here same as anyone else would have to do.

Robin's post was factually incorrect and was as I described above on the racist and bigoted spectrum. I have debated Irish history with some of this country's best known unionists and loyalists and all would agree that my knowledge in that area is of a very high level as it needed to be considering my rl activities / occupation. As for families effected by the troubles it might be an idea to check my story before jumping to assumptions, if you believe my family has not suffered loss as well then you are mistaken.

Regarding my name I hail from the rebel county - so called because of our siding with the Brits many years ago - so if anything choosing such a username shows how open minded i am ;)
Don't now why people on here don't like being cooks, remember under siege: A former SEAL, now cook, is the only person who can stop a gang of terrorists when they sieze control of a US Navy battleship.
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Postby Jock Bomb on Sat Mar 08, 2008 5:41 pm

rebelman wrote:
DAZMCFC wrote:
i'm not saying he is near a ban, but Rebelman is abusing his mod powers.
if you do not know the history of Ireland and all that then you should not have even warned Robin for him stating the truth. fair enough he could of worded it a bit better, but that is the way he feels.

daz i reported a post publicly same as any member of cc can. i have no more say than the next person when it comes to forums - i just enforce the rules over in chat. Anyway if I wanted to abuse powers then surely I would have done it in private not started a thread here same as anyone else would have to do.

Robin's post was factually incorrect and was as I described above on the racist and bigoted spectrum. I have debated Irish history with some of this country's best known unionists and loyalists and all would agree that my knowledge in that area is of a very high level as it needed to be considering my rl activities / occupation. As for families effected by the troubles it might be an idea to check my story before jumping to assumptions, if you believe my family has not suffered loss as well then you are mistaken.

Regarding my name I hail from the rebel county - so called because of our siding with the Brits many years ago - so if anything choosing such a username shows how open minded i am ;)

Fair enough reply but again it is NOT bigoted or otherwise it is merely the language that is probably unacceptable!

---------QUOTE ---------
You do all realise that the republicans were a bunch of cunts that day? British AND Irish were both fighting in France and a few wankors decided to stab them in the back. Deserved everything they got - no romantacism about them at all
------end quote ---------

Now if he had said (and this is merely and EXAMPLE of racism and bogotry not my feelings)

You do all realise that the Fenian bastards were a bunch of cunts that day? British AND Irish were both fighting in France and a few pape bastards decided to stab them in the back. Deserved everything they got the fenian mothers - no romantacism about them at all

...... yes that is bigotry! What he said in the legal terms of UK is merely a public order offense or a breach of the peace in scotland, it is NOT racist and is NOT bigoted. Believe me your honour I was a cop after i left the army :wink:

You see the point here?
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Postby rebelman on Sat Mar 08, 2008 5:53 pm

Racism is prejudice or discrimination based on the belief that race is the primary factor determining human traits and abilities. Racism includes the belief that genetic or inherited differences produce the inherent superiority or inferiority of one race over another. In the name of protecting their race from "contamination," some racists justify the domination and destruction of races they consider to be either superior or inferior. Institutional racism is racial prejudice supported by institutional power and authority used to the advantage of one race over others.

Religious Bigotry
Religious bigotry is prejudice or discrimination against one or all members of a particular religious group based on negative perceptions of their religious beliefs and practices or on negative group stereotypes.
Don't now why people on here don't like being cooks, remember under siege: A former SEAL, now cook, is the only person who can stop a gang of terrorists when they sieze control of a US Navy battleship.
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Postby Jock Bomb on Sat Mar 08, 2008 6:00 pm

rebelman wrote:Racism
Racism is prejudice or discrimination based on the belief that race is the primary factor determining human traits and abilities. Racism includes the belief that genetic or inherited differences produce the inherent superiority or inferiority of one race over another. In the name of protecting their race from "contamination," some racists justify the domination and destruction of races they consider to be either superior or inferior. Institutional racism is racial prejudice supported by institutional power and authority used to the advantage of one race over others.

Religious Bigotry
Religious bigotry is prejudice or discrimination against one or all members of a particular religious group based on negative perceptions of their religious beliefs and practices or on negative group stereotypes.

Oh wise up man and stop wining! Be a man and stop hiding behind religion and definitions!

Under the legal terms certainly in Scotland it is nothing more than a breach of the peace. There is NO racist or bigotry terms, threats or meaning to it, he is stating FACTS but in a language that is merely unacceptable!

If you take offense to a factual statement said in an offensive way and then try to get turn this to get a guy in trouble ..... well I am pretty much disgusted! As i said, fair enough the manner in which it was put over is rather strong, but it is certainly not bigotry or racism in the terms of scottish law, nor english law, Maybe the Eire laws are somewhat different but I seriously doubt this would EVER be viewed as bigotry!
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Postby RobinJ on Sat Mar 08, 2008 6:21 pm

Jock Bomb wrote:
rebelman wrote:Racism
Racism is prejudice or discrimination based on the belief that race is the primary factor determining human traits and abilities. Racism includes the belief that genetic or inherited differences produce the inherent superiority or inferiority of one race over another. In the name of protecting their race from "contamination," some racists justify the domination and destruction of races they consider to be either superior or inferior. Institutional racism is racial prejudice supported by institutional power and authority used to the advantage of one race over others.

Religious Bigotry
Religious bigotry is prejudice or discrimination against one or all members of a particular religious group based on negative perceptions of their religious beliefs and practices or on negative group stereotypes.

Oh wise up man and stop wining! Be a man and stop hiding behind religion and definitions!

Under the legal terms certainly in Scotland it is nothing more than a breach of the peace. There is NO racist or bigotry terms, threats or meaning to it, he is stating FACTS but in a language that is merely unacceptable!

If you take offense to a factual statement said in an offensive way and then try to get turn this to get a guy in trouble ..... well I am pretty much disgusted! As i said, fair enough the manner in which it was put over is rather strong, but it is certainly not bigotry or racism in the terms of scottish law, nor english law, Maybe the Eire laws are somewhat different but I seriously doubt this would EVER be viewed as bigotry!

Thanks for the support! I've gotta say this thread is priceless, considering I've never done anything much wrong at CC. You took this too far rebelman. To delete my post was fine but to make a thread in here about it is really not appreciated.

As I have told DAZ and wicked, I was a bit drunk when I posted that and, as Daz said, I would have phrased it better if I had been able. It just annoys me to see Americans justifying what Republicans did. You think something might have been learned from what has happened in America and the Middle East in recent years but so many of the members of that tourney were clearly ill informed. I know the Unionists had their many faults but the Easter Rising was a terrible event considering the state of Britain at the time. There is no racism in my comments - I have many friends from both sides of the community and most Irish themselves were disgusted with what happened. Really I sought to tell the truth, albeit I should have done it just a tad more politely.

Still, I'm not going to get into a row about racism/sectarianism. I don't think you acted very responsibly yourself rebelman - you remind me somewhat of AK on his finer days, although he had considerably more style. :roll:

Let's drop this issue. The incident has been blown out of proportion and I'd rather have it forgotten
nmhunate wrote:Speak English... It is the language that God wrote the bible in.

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Postby wicked on Sat Mar 08, 2008 7:18 pm

DAZMCFC wrote:
wicked wrote:Daz, Robin is nowhere near a ban. S/he was just warned that the post was inappropriate and reminded of the forum guidelines.

i'm not saying he is near a ban, but Rebelman is abusing his mod powers.
if you do not know the history of Ireland and all that then you should not have even warned Robin for him stating the truth. fair enough he could of worded it a bit better, but that is the way he feels.

Daz, rebelman reported an issue as a member of this community, just like we ask everyone of you to do if you're offended by something or see something that isn't right. I really don't see how you can get he "abused power" here at all, and am quite astonished you think so. How else is he supposed to report a forum infraction? The options are here in the abuse forum, via PM, filling out an eticket or catching a mod in chat. Those are all the various ways members here have reported forum infractions to me and other mods. So again, how is rebelman reporting a forum infraction in the proper manner abusing anything? It's not.

The warning given Robin was up to me. And it was just that, a PM reminder to keep within the guidelines.

Now this thread has gotten way out of hand. Daz, or anyone else, if you have a problem with any staff here, take it up with Twill.

This thread has served it's original purpose, so is now locked. If anyone has any questions about anything in this post, feel free to PM me. I'm not shutting this down to stifle any complaints, no matter how absurd, rather because it's turned into a debate about the Irish Republic, and is not an appropriate place for that.
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