codeblue1018's response: This feedback system is awesome. Play a game / get suicided against / confront the bad players = negative feedbacks. I love it. Nonetheless, no worries pal, we will never meet again. Ignore listed!
The above quote was taken from Codeblue1018's own response to one of his numerous negatives lately.
I think he has gone on a rampage against any and all who dares challenges him.
I was playing a three player fog-of-war game with him last night (1959212) ....and he tour into me like I was thanksgiving day turkey...but woe, let me dare attack him back..and all hell brake lose... along with trash talk, threats, accusations, alliance theories, and you name it, he threw it out there....
Finally, I was able to play apart in getting rid of him. (MY MISTAKE)...He tore me a new one... and then added me to his
REVENGEful Negative Attack & Retaliation Feedback and Ignore list
WOW... I don't know if its a blessing or a curse...(may be a blessing)
But then browsing through his other games to see if there is a pattern, or if he was just having a bad day.... And lo and behold, I found myself reading the game chat of game (1958044) and I could swore I was reading of replay on our game...
He obviously starts with assumptions & intimidation, then he moves on to ridicule and insults, crass language..... (oh did I forget THREATS), and then before you know it,
He is reporting you to the authorities because he just knows you are apart of some secret alliance.
this guy is a joke...
abuse of rank... if it was a crime, he would behind bars.
How he gets away with this is beyond me.
My advice for all, Just ignore the chats, (unless your are in a team game)... Or otherwise be sure to ignore "CodeBlue1018" because, if you attack him and you are successful in doing so; he will leave you a very colorful negative feedback suprise...
peace out.