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DS Stuff

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What handheld is better?

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DS Stuff

Postby Bob The Bomber on Wed Oct 04, 2006 7:28 pm

My first post here! Dynamite cookies for all!
For people who play DS stuff, list the game and friend code.
I might be able to get Wi-Fi soon, and I want to have someone to play.
I play Animal Crossing and Mario Kart.
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Postby riskproplayer on Wed Oct 04, 2006 7:45 pm

i hate nintendo and playstation but i vote for the psp better

(hint:i can own you in mario kart)
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Postby hawkeye on Wed Oct 04, 2006 8:12 pm

I'm going to get the (super 3 days old) new Code Lyoko Game!

Edit: Sorry DS!
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Postby FRSmk3 on Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:33 pm

The DS owns! now if only people would STOP putting touch screen features in just for the sake of being there, then we'd be on our way to getting better games.

(of course, the PSP got Metal Slug and Guilty Gear Judgement, 2 games I really wanted.)
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Postby Bob The Bomber on Fri Oct 06, 2006 8:51 pm

Time to make some responses!

To riskproplayer: Fine. I think the DS has more good games, but what the PSP does do right gamewise, it dous almost perfectly.(Monster Hunter Freedom, I'm looking at YOU!) And regarding Mario Kart- I wouldn't be suprised, but then again, I might suprise you. Do you snake?

To hawkeye: To quote river city ransom, "BARF!". Please, for the love of GOD, watch some real anime instead of Code Lyoko. The idea was good, but in excecution something went horribly, horribly wrong. I blame Jeremy. Odd owns, though.

To FRSmk3: THANK YOU!!! I now know I'm NOT the only one who thinks people need to stop throwing in useless touch screen crap! That's why Mario Kart was a masterpiece- if they made the touch screen do anything else other than a map, it would have been very, very sad indeed.

Sorry my post was so long, y'all. I just had a lot to say.
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Postby Master Bush on Fri Oct 06, 2006 8:54 pm

For gameplay it's the DS. But the PSP does so much more.
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Postby Bob The Bomber on Sat Oct 07, 2006 12:38 pm

That's what I've been trying to prove for the last year and a half, but everyone I know seems to be extreme one way or the other. Thanks for realizing the truth, Master Bush. I owe you one.

Sorry to edit, but I just wanted to add that I'm an RPG maniac. Who here knows a great RPG for either system that is out now?
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Postby vtmarik on Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:29 pm

I got a DS over a PSP because of the price, the problems, and the games.

The DS was easily $100 cheaper
It didn't have stuck pixels or a square button that doesn't work right because it's too close to the screen
And it's got all the weird, wacky, and experimental games like Wario Ware: Touched, Meteos, and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney along with the great games like Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, Metroid Prime: Hunters, and Super Mario Bros.

I loves my DS, and I loves it to the point that I will trade it in to get the newest iteration (since the new one is better).

As for RPGs, well there's a new one coming out for the DS called 'Contact' I believe that has a similar art style to Earthbound. It's going to be an MMORPG that uses the DS's Wi-Fi. (More Info here.) It's also going to have the remake of the heretofore unreleased (in the US) Final Fantasy III with updated 3D graphics. This isn't the FF3 we had, that was FF6. This is original game from the NES updated to a new glory. (more info here.)
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Postby lilwdlnddude on Sat Oct 07, 2006 3:19 pm

I like playing metroid prime hunters online for the ds, altho i havent played it in a while.
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Postby Bob The Bomber on Sat Oct 07, 2006 8:51 pm

Yeah. I'm a big Final Fantasy geek- can't wait for FF3. Contact... I don't know. But on the plus side, I'm unbiased on it, so I want to try before I buy. Phoenix Wright and Meteos are great- can't wait for Wright 2 in January! I'm not sure if I want a lite, I'm still thinking. I really like it, just not sure if it's worth the money. Mine actually DOES have, like, two dead pixels, one of which is stuck on green. GREEN! But it's so tiny- I really don't mind it too much. And I'd like to know about an RPG that's out now. I need one. And Metroid? I don't actually OWN the game, but I've played a bit. Trace is the only way to go.

On a somewhat related note, Dragon Quest Heroes- Rocket Slime.
I thought it would suck.
I tried it for like, 2 minutes.
I was instantly hooked and bought it within about 24 hours.
This game's tank battles are almost a caffine substitute, they're so good!
Sorry to ramble. I'm done.
Last edited by Bob The Bomber on Sun Oct 08, 2006 8:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby hawkeye on Sat Oct 07, 2006 8:57 pm

hawkeye wrote:I'm going to get the (super 3 days old) new Code Lyoko Game!

Edit: Sorry DS!

Game retard! The show's not bad. The plots twisted and hard to follow if you miss a new season episode, but...
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Postby Bob The Bomber on Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:04 pm

Maybe the game is nothing like the show, and therefore good.
But the fact that Code Lyoko had such a great idea, but fell from its potential, almost makes me wanna cry.
Or laugh.
Or bust my TV.
At the same time.
Impossible, you say?
Funny, those are the same odds of Code Lyoko getting any better.
But Odd still owns.
Put him in a different show, and it'll be great.
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Postby hawkeye on Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:24 pm

ULRICH PWN3S ODD ANYDAY!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!EXCLAMATION!POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Postby hawkeye on Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:25 pm

If you watchesd the show you'd know that... 8)
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Postby Bob The Bomber on Sun Oct 08, 2006 7:59 am

Look, I really don't want to keep going with code lyoko. Let's get back on topic here.
Hawkeye, you want the truth? I used to watch the show all the time. Thought it was great. But after a while, I realised how predictable the show is. Yes, there are twists, but you know when they're coming, which defeats the purpose. What really killed it was the giant teddy episode. But I STILL gave the new season a chance!(and was very dissapointed)
And Orik is a wanna-be cool character. If it weren't for the sword/motercycle combo I'd hate his guts. Yumi is a wuss, I dispise Jeremy, and Aileda? AAAAGH! Odd is the only one I like, along with being the only one I can stand.

But seriosly, folks, this isn't a code lyoko thread. Lets go back to the topic.
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Postby FRSmk3 on Sun Oct 08, 2006 10:08 pm

THIS is why the DS is better than the PSP. Okay, this is the worst of worst, but still, loading time should not be an issue with a handheld gaming system.
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Postby Bob The Bomber on Mon Oct 09, 2006 4:57 am

It's funny, actually. The reason lots of people originally chose the PSP was that they thought it would have graphics better than a PS2 and amazing speed.
Kinda screwed all THOSE people, didn't it? Heh.
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