These two teamed me in a 3 player classic game.
Suspected to be Multi's or Secret alliancers.
Suspects: Typherhin and Gen. Petraus
They both have history of playing games together and either or of them will win it.
Gen. Petraus was complaining that i was too powerful and he was taking my territories and my contenet bonusus to stop me which was fine. I was fighting Typerhin and stoping him from getting asia and getting double attacked which i would understand as being the most powerful player.
But When i was weak and was barely holding a contenet and Typerhin was cleary going to take asia and break my bonus Gen. Petraus made an attempt to go for africa once he had SA and he couldve easily stoped Typerhin. Read the game chat they say they don't team but the game log can tell different.
EDIT: It seemed convienient that yes they will attack each other but only at the start of the game when it doesn't exactly matter. It is only a cover for them so that latter on in the game they can team up against the stronger player/the third player where it would seem logical. But the whenever one dominates near the end the other won't do n e thing to stop them thus letting him win.
Here is the game i got teamed in and several others from the data i have gatherd.
And one of which they failed
If you notice you see that they take turns at winning.
Thanks, Me-Da-MiNoRiTY