Conquer Club

ytfhi8765ergk racist, and trash talker

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should he be...

Poll ended at Mon Mar 03, 2008 12:46 am

left alone completely
Total votes : 14

ytfhi8765ergk racist, and trash talker

Postby Eliminator15 on Fri Feb 29, 2008 12:46 am

I left this guy a negative feedback for I think not coming in, and his response?

game number: 1454498

my feedback----- ruined our chance at the game. In a 4 on 4 team game you have to come in. He skipped out on the first three turns causing it to be 3 on 4. Avoid playing any games with this guy. [edit] [withdraw]

ytfhi8765ergk's response: how do you get a n1qqer out of a tree? cut the rope! how do you stop a n1qqer from drowning? take your foot off the back of its head!

look at this players negative feedback, you will notice I am not the only one who commented on his racism and hatred for people who don't support racism.
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Postby Typherin on Fri Feb 29, 2008 2:13 am

tbh who cares, if jokes about black people are racist and should be banned then I want everyone who has ever told an Englishman, Irishman and scott's joke to be branded a racist.

And before anyone tells me calling someone a Nigger is offensive, It's a term they use themselves !! you cant have it both ways.

Put him on ignore if you like, and update your feedback to show he's an immature little twat and leave it at that.

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Postby KLOBBER on Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:56 am

Right on, Typh!
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Postby Eliminator15 on Fri Feb 29, 2008 3:32 pm

yea, I forgot all about the ignore list.. Sorry for the thread.

~The Eliminator~
Major Eliminator15
Posts: 18
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