Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
spearfish wrote:Stfu. There's been worse accusations, and let's not forget the free_r / james_h scandal. Everyone has a right to suspect and to their own opinion.
Ryan32 wrote:Im just sorta wondering if had a secret allaince between the green and blue player. I though it was weird how blue seemed to help defend greens bonus and then when green was getting 7 bonus armies blue suicided into my 3 army bonus just barely taking it.
2008-02-26 10:48:31 - Ryan32: red u fool!
2008-02-27 09:45:23 - Ryan32: give me a chance geez
2008-02-28 07:03:28 - Ryan32: u fucking retard
2008-02-28 07:03:32 - Ryan32: give the game to green
2008-02-28 07:04:43 - Ryan32: blues a fuckign sped why fucking take my bonus and let gree have a 5 army bonus
2008-02-28 09:29:21 - Ryan32: ur a retard trying to get that bonus
You obviously didn't read the game chat. Ryan was practically begging to be gang-banged.
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