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Euchre tournament!

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Should we play with 7-Ace or 9-Ace

Poll ended at Sun Mar 02, 2008 5:09 am

Total votes : 5

Euchre tournament!

Postby Skittles! on Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:47 pm

This is a callout for those who wish to partake in a euchre tournament. This will be a group, so it'll have it's own private forum to do the tournament (seeming it'll be way too hard to do it in forum games)

This will be modded via me, and maybe someone else just to help me get used to the North American way of playing.

It'll work in a bracket, with 16 different starting brackets (or however many people actually join). I hope everybody knows how brackets work, so I don't need to explain anymore with that.

With the cards, would shuffle them and the ordering for everyone would go 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3 (so everyone has 5 cards). To who will go first and how the order would go, it would go in normal order, with choosing the first person so it's not unfair.

Players work in a doubles team. I won't partake because I'll be dealing the cards via PM and such so I'll know too much.

1 - fircoal and freezie

I think that's everything, so join up!
Last edited by Skittles! on Sun Feb 24, 2008 5:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby greenoaks on Sun Feb 24, 2008 12:32 am

how do north americans play this game ?
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Postby Skittles! on Sun Feb 24, 2008 12:57 am

greenoaks wrote:how do north americans play this game ?

I heard they play 9-Ace, and go up to 10.. But that's just unusual of how I play
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Postby greenoaks on Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:47 am

downunder i think we play 7 to ace and use the 5 & 6 to score. the five is on top 'cause the jockey rides the horse.
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Postby Skittles! on Sun Feb 24, 2008 3:53 am

greenoaks wrote:downunder i think we play 7 to ace and use the 5 & 6 to score. the five is on top 'cause the jockey rides the horse.

Yep, that's how I play it. I would of set it up that way except I was talking to a bunch of North Americans when deciding what should be the tournament rules.

So you gonna sign up? You may not have a partner but if another lone trooper signs up, you can go with them
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Postby greenoaks on Sun Feb 24, 2008 4:34 am

if you play by the official rules according to Hoyles i will play.

The official rules according to Hoyle.

Long a popular game, Euchre is best suited to four-handed play, with two teams of partners. A 32-card pack, running from Aces down to Sevens is utilized in this game, which is played as follows.
The pack is shuffled and five cards are dealt to each player. One suit is declared to be trump; and its Jack becomes the Right Bower or highest card of the suit. Next is the Jack of the same color, or Left Bower; then the trumps run A,K,Q,10,9,8,7. Thus Hearts as trump would rank as follows.
J J A K Q 10 987
Play normally begins with the player on the dealer's left, who leads a card. The others follow suit in rotation, until all four have played, making a trick. If unable to follow suit, a player may play any card he wants. The highest card of the suit led wins the trick; but trumps take all others.
Whoever wins the first trick leads to the next; this continues until all tricks are taken. The object of each team is to take three tricks; and in some cases all five. This depends upon the manner in which the trump is made or chosen, according to the following rules.
Immediately after the deal, the dealer turns the next card face up on the pack. Whatever its suit, each player now has the privilege of making that suit trump, beginning with the player on the dealer's left. If he thinks his hand is strong enough for his partner and himself to win three tricks, he announces, "I order it up," which means that the dealer picks up the trump card from the pack and discards another from his hand, face down.
If the first player does not like his hand, he says, "I pass," and the choice goes to the second player. If he wants the turned up card to represent trump, he announces, "I assist," because the dealer is his partner. The result is the same. The turned up cards becomes trump; the dealer picks it up and discards another.
The second player can pass if he wants to; the third player then has the same options of ordering it up or passing. The latter choice leaves it up to the dealer, who can say, "I take it up" and so on, if he thinks his hand is good enough. Otherwise, he can say, "I turn it down." In that case, he slides the turned up card under the pack and its suit is no longer a possible choice of trump.
The first player then may make another suit trump, but if his hand is weak, he can say, "I pass the making." If he passes, it goes on to the second player, then the third, and finally the dealer. If nobody cares to make a new trump, the hands are thrown in and the cards are passed along to the next dealer.
Once the turned up trump has been accepted, the play begins, as described. If the team that decided on the trump takes 3 or 4 tricks, it scores one point. Taking all five is a march and scores two points. If they take less than three tricks they are euchred and the opposing team scores two points.
During the preliminary of accepting or making the trump, each player may also announce, "I play alone." This means he has a strong hand and does not need his partner's help. So his partner lays his hand face down and play proceeds. If the man on the dealer's left has laid down his hand, the dealer's partner makes the first lead.
When playing alone, a player scores four points if he takes all five tricks; if he takes 3 or 4, he scores one point; if he takes less than three, he is euchred and the opposing team scores the usual two points.
The first team making five points wins the game.
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Postby Skittles! on Sun Feb 24, 2008 5:08 am

greenoaks wrote:if you play by the official rules according to Hoyles i will play.

The official rules according to Hoyle.

Long a popular game, Euchre is best suited to four-handed play, with two teams of partners. A 32-card pack, running from Aces down to Sevens is utilised in this game, which is played as follows.

7-Ace is how I've played, but I was out numbered by NorthAmericans to change it to 9-Ace. We will see by a pole if we should play by 7-Ace. Either way, it doesn't matter to me.

But I hope a rule like that shouldn't matter if you play. 4 cards difference.
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Postby Dekloren on Sun Feb 24, 2008 8:50 am

I play 9-ace.

But I can learn any other way.

7-ace gives you less of a count though. Would be alot harder to call off the 9 ^^

No benny?
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Postby jnd94 on Sun Feb 24, 2008 9:19 am

Fill me in wherever.

And i think 9-Ace will be much easier.
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Postby greenoaks on Sun Feb 24, 2008 9:50 am

don't be brow-beaten into playing 9-ace because some children here can't handle the variables that a standard 7-ace game encompasses.
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Postby jnd94 on Sun Feb 24, 2008 3:32 pm

greenoaks wrote:don't be brow-beaten into playing 9-ace because some children here can't handle the variables that a standard 7-ace game encompasses.

Excuse me? I don't think you should make blind accusations like that, or they may bite you in the ass. I've learned 9-Ace, and that is just how it is.
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Postby Dekloren on Mon Feb 25, 2008 10:56 am

He makes a good point though.
7-ace, there's more cards, so, instead of 3 cards buried, there's 11.

That would definately be very different, and more challenging.

Never heard of 7-ace though!
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