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spyhunter [cleared]

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spyhunter [cleared]

Postby GabonX on Wed Feb 20, 2008 11:57 pm

These are suspected Multis/Secret Alliance

Suspect users: Spyhunter

Game number:


All of these games are private games which filled up with the same four new recruits who deadbeated out of all of them. In order for them to have joined these private games spyhunter would have had to know them and give them his password, yet all of them deadbeated out. You would think that if these were his friends they would have stuck around to play but they all deadbeat out.

Whats more, he acused me of doing the same thing. He also claims to know ways to mask IP addresses and country of origin. He said and I quote:

"I googled it there are many ways to mask your IP address and your origin. "

Check out the thread where he accuses me of doing this. He gave himself away on this one. ... sc&start=0
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Postby spyhunter on Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:21 am

I dont know how to mask IP... I just know that it is possible.

Also, of course I know them and I even helped them set up their accounts, on their computer... I made the games private because I wanted to help them learn to play without affecting anybody else.

This really sucks, there are a few big players that I'm pretty sure really are cheaters, and now it gets turned around like this. (I dont mean GabonX, I may have been a little hasty on that one)

I guess what matter here is that they were private games, and didnt affect anybody else..... I guess I dont deserve the points... take them off if you like.
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Re: deadbeats

Postby Genghis Khan CA on Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:27 am

spyhunter wrote:I dont know how to mask IP... I just know that it is possible.

Also, of course I know them and I even helped them set up their accounts, on their computer... I made the games private because I wanted to help them learn to play without affecting anybody else.

This really sucks, there are a few big players that I'm pretty sure really are cheaters, and now it gets turned around like this. (I dont mean GabonX, I may have been a little hasty on that one)

I guess what matter here is that they were private games, and didnt affect anybody else..... I guess I dont deserve the points... take them off if you like.

My gut feel is that you are probably innocent... if you are, then don't worry about it, the multi hunters will be able to clear you easily enough.

If you are innocent, then it will probably show you that sometimes there are other explanations for suspicious looking games... and to be honest your games looked more suspicious than either of the other two.
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Postby GabonX on Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:28 am

Well I'm not going to say anything else about this. You have to admit that it is a little suspicious from my perspective.

Honestly I don't have a problem with spyhunter aside from this thread and the one where he brought me up. I'm not even going to put him on my ignore list.

As for these games it's up to the mods as to what they want to do about it. It is suspicious that he got 5 people to sign up at one time and none of them wound up playing but I don't plan on doing anything else with this topic.

I'm washing my hands of it...Now
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Postby GabonX on Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:31 am

One last thing, I wouldn't have made the topic had it not been pointed out that these games are private. The fact that they are private is what made it look so suspicious to me.
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Postby baajuu on Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:37 am

no problem Gabon, I see where you are coming from. I wanted them to play.... apparently more than they wanted to.... :roll:
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Postby Genghis Khan CA on Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:43 am

baajuu wrote:no problem Gabon, I see where you are coming from. I wanted them to play.... apparently more than they wanted to.... :roll:

Huh? You weren't even in the games... :S
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Postby GabonX on Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:44 am

Genghis Khan CA wrote:
baajuu wrote:no problem Gabon, I see where you are coming from. I wanted them to play.... apparently more than they wanted to.... :roll:

Huh? You weren't even in the games... :S
If it turns out that baajuu is spyhunter I'm going to laugh so hard...
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Postby GabonX on Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:48 am

and they are in alot of games together, played a couple doubles all of which spyhunter won
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Postby GabonX on Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:48 am

whatever, I'm done with this
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Postby spyhunter on Thu Feb 21, 2008 1:25 am

lol... now that looks suspicious even to me... lol

in case your wondering about that, baajuu is my son, we play alot of private games together and some doubles. He left himself signed in, and I didnt realise it.
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Postby GabonX on Thu Feb 21, 2008 1:27 am

spyhunter wrote:lol... now that looks suspicious even to me... lol

in case your wondering about that, baajuu is my son, we play alot of private games together and some doubles. He left himself signed in, and I didnt realise it.
Is that a picture of your son in your avatar?
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Postby baajuu on Thu Feb 21, 2008 1:35 am

Last edited by baajuu on Thu Feb 21, 2008 1:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby baajuu on Thu Feb 21, 2008 1:36 am

i always forget to sign out and he gets mad at me, but no the picutre is not of me
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Postby sully800 on Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:20 pm

Well none of the accounts in question ever returned, so its pretty hard to tell what happened. But I'm inclined to believe spyhunter so hopefully the story is true. Of course if a similar situation happened again with him and new accounts, then it would appear to be a pattern of abuse.

spyhunter is cleared.
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Spycunt's Suspicious Mind Explained

Postby KLOBBER on Sun Feb 24, 2008 7:49 am

A wise man once said that each man thinks others to be like himself.

Spycunt seems to be obsessed with accusing innocent members of cheating, and although the good staff of CC has not been able to prove it in this case, it would seem that his insane suspicion of so many other honest and innocent members would be easily explained by his own shameful cheating propensity. (He also contributed to a false thread in which he repeatedly accused me of cheating -- of which I was CLEARED, and declared in that thread that he knew how to disguise his own IP addresses in order to cheat easily on CC).

Shame on you, Spycunt! Stop accusing innocent, well-intentioned, and honest CC members of being cheaters, like you obviously are! Most of the members here are honest and innocent, like me, but it's the few scumbag cheaters like Spycunt who ruin it for the rest of us!

I am confident that he will eventually be proven to be a cheater. In the meantime, all good CC members who rely on intelligence and skill, like me, instead of on cheating, like Spycunt, should put this bitch-ass cunt on ignore, in order to prevent him from cheating you out of your honestly-earned points.

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Re: deadbeats

Postby GabonX on Sun Feb 24, 2008 6:09 pm

spyhunter wrote:I dont know how to mask IP... I just know that it is possible.
Also, of course I know them and I even helped them set up their accounts, on their computer... I made the games private because I wanted to help them learn to play without affecting anybody else.

This really sucks, there are a few big players that I'm pretty sure really are cheaters, and now it gets turned around like this. (I dont mean GabonX, I may have been a little hasty on that one)

I guess what matter here is that they were private games, and didnt affect anybody else..... I guess I dont deserve the points... take them off if you like.
If you can show where he said that he does know how, not just that it's possible, to mask an IP address it would be a contradiction in his story...
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Postby KLOBBER on Sun Feb 24, 2008 10:40 pm

Dear Gabonx,

You strike me as someone who's a nice, honest person, like myself. It's a shame that Spycunt decided to falsely accuse you, as he did to me.

If you'd like to see exactly what Spycunt said, you can find the thread in the cheating & abuse reports section, under my name (KLOBBER [cleared]). He didn't start that thread (not under the name "Spyhunter," anyway), but he sure did run his bitchy mouth a lot.

He's definitely a cheater -- that's why he's so obsessed with falsely accusing innocents like you and me of cheating, and at any rate, he's also a two-bit punk. This cunt is not really worth your time, if you ask me, but do what you will with the information you find in the thread in which I was cleared of any wrongdoing.

I also suggest you put Spycunt on ignore. He doesn't deserve to interact with anyone who is kind, honest, and upstanding, as obviously are.

Yours truly,

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Postby KLOBBER on Sun Feb 24, 2008 10:41 pm the last sentence:

He doesn't deserve to interact with anyone who is kind, honest, and upstanding, as YOU obviously are.
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Postby GabonX on Mon Feb 25, 2008 1:20 am

Like I said before, I really don't care that much. He isn't that high on the charts and if he's a cheat he hasn't been all that clever thus far and eventualy he will be caught. I don't realy have a problem with him, I just thought that it would be interesting if he said he knew how to mask an IP address one place and said he didn't know how in another.
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Postby spyhunter on Mon Feb 25, 2008 1:41 am

ok I'm a little confused... if a player comes across something that seems suspicious, are they not supposed to post it in this forum. I thought that was what it was for. I'm not being sarcastic when I say that, I really did/do think that. I didnt mean to offend anyone.

That being said, a couple things from my own record have came up that seemed suspicous... I didnt even think about it because I know the explanations and I know that I am not a cheater.

Perhaps that is how KLOBBER and GABONX feel... and if they are innocent, I apologise.

what else am I supposed to do? I think Gabon understands, but KLOBBER seems set on revenge or something.
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Postby sully800 on Mon Feb 25, 2008 3:38 pm

Klobber, this thread has served its purpose. Unless you have new evidence to add, please just let it drop. Also, take your flames to flame wars where they belong. spyhunter seems like a very level headed individual and is not trying to cause any problems in here.
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Postby KLOBBER on Mon Feb 25, 2008 8:59 pm

Sully: I am only telling the truth about Spyhunter.

Spyhunter: I accept your apology. Do not let it happen again.
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