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Postby Maggog on Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:04 am

PinkyAndTheBrain wrote:
CrimsonDeath wrote:TheTrust seems to look past unlucky dice and stick with his growth Virus formula.

His, huh.

Pinky I believe you are reading too much into it without understanding the full story. I respect you, I really do. But you dont understand fully what has been taking place up here. Before Crimson comes on and takes a brash arrogant shot at you I will clear it up.

"TheTrust seems to look past unlucky dice and stick with "his" growth Virus Formula"

His being Beasts as she (and many others) learned it from him, we refer to it as His Virus. Sometimes "The Virus" "A Virus" whatever you want to call it, I believe if you quote further up, you will find Crimson must have made some reference to beast as well.

Lets see....

Listen Pat... I havent got the time to read all of beasts emails, I personally no longer care for the training ok? I've lost a huge interest in his teachings since they never seemed to work for my unlucky dice. TheTrust seems to look past unlucky dice and stick with his growth Virus formula.

Sure enough there it is. As for earlier I dont know. I wasnt around in CC back then. I remember reading somewhere that selma is gone (because beast has no female room-mates now) Aces either I really have no idea. If I find out I will tell you.

I can see where always trying to explain the same things can get tiring. I dont know what answers can be given that would satisfy the accusers. I also do not know exactly who can answer the questions you want and would be believed. Sometimes Context takings (as proven above), lack of "definit" (sorry couldnt resist) knowledge of 1 key fact or an assumption that crosses a very thin line can completely mislead people.
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Postby Genghis Khan CA on Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:24 am

Frankly I find this whole thing a bit boring now... but I must say, TheTrust wins a suspiciously high number of games (mainly assassin and public) with Crimson Death and Magog in them.

Some examples:

Having a look through quickly Crimson Death and Magog seem to attack TheTrust's target more than I'd expect in an assassin game. However, without having seen the board during play or looked through the logs in great detail it's hard to conclude myself. Worthy of further investigation in my opinion.

They may or may not be multies but those games to me suggest a possible secret alliance at least to get TheTrust's score up.
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Postby lofty on Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:15 am

Snorri1234 wrote:
lofty wrote:Jesus, you "gays" have too much free-f*cking time on your hands! try finding the mistype??

wrestler1ump wrote:I deadbeat.
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Postby Maggog on Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:17 am

Genghis Khan CA wrote:Frankly I find this whole thing a bit boring now... but I must say, TheTrust wins a suspiciously high number of games (mainly assassin and public) with Crimson Death and Magog in them.

Some examples:

Having a look through quickly Crimson Death and Magog seem to attack TheTrust's target more than I'd expect in an assassin game. However, without having seen the board during play or looked through the logs in great detail it's hard to conclude myself. Worthy of further investigation in my opinion.

They may or may not be multies but those games to me suggest a possible secret alliance at least to get TheTrust's score up.

Hello Genghis. We make sure that whenever we join assassin games together, we always play fog. (there may have been 1 time we joined a game and it wasnt fog. We play in fog to keep the game entirely from first person perspective, I can only see what I can see, I cannot see what TheTrust can see or Crimson can see and they cannot see what I can see. When I play in assassin I still look to take a bonus region. I try not to go for bonus regions that require attacking 1 player too much and I often like to take a bonus region where I can evenly distribute my attacks but sometimes its not the case. The "australias" of the maps seem to be 1 sided in the control of a certain player before I make a move for it.

I can assure you (again the validity of words may be in question) Nobody has an alliance to help trust win games Crimson joins doubles games with her just to muck them up and rub it in her face ( We are playing for ourselves only. In games my strategy is to lock down a bonus region. In assassin that may look suspect but I'd rather take 2 or 3 territories away from a player who isnt my target than allow them to get a bonus knowing that other players are also getting weak or I could possibly be their target.

I would in any situation be willing to talk through any game with you Genghis if it would clear things up for you. Again this can all look terribly suspect when your not standing up here looking at things the way we are. Otherwise we'd all be apologizing over a batch of cold ones together :) :lol:
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Postby TheTrust on Wed Feb 20, 2008 8:15 am

lmao. Maggz knows he cant hold his liquor ;)
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Postby xxtig12683xx on Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:05 pm

after talking with crimson/beast today, he talking about how beast was an AMAZING college football player avg. 150-200 yds rushing per game as the quarterback of the team.

one slight problem, the school that you "supposed" nit-wits claim to go to does not have an athletic program.

more and more lies, beast you really are sad, i fear the end is near for you mate.
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Postby Maggog on Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:01 pm

xxtig12683xx wrote:after talking with crimson/beast today, he talking about how beast was an AMAZING college football player avg. 150-200 yds rushing per game as the quarterback of the team.

one slight problem, the school that you "supposed" nit-wits claim to go to does not have an athletic program.

more and more lies, beast you really are sad, i fear the end is near for you mate.

pssssst recreational league my friend. Recreational league. The team uses the Quidi Vidi lake football/Rugby area for the games. The students play a big part in setting it up outside of Study sessions because as you have mentioned opposing teams are tough to come by when you have "College of the North atlantic" "Compucollege" and "Marine Institute" You cannot make numerous teams competing with 3 segments. Beast captains/leads the only group of players that represent CONA. However I am beyond thinking you are capable of actually thinking for yourself lol.

Beast Plays Soccer and Wrestles with The Memorial University SeaHawks. (yes they do have a program). And as above mentioned, the football is with the student-organized recreational league. The league fluctuates (english) on interest levels but there are always a good number of 30-40 players that form teams and play. Stats are held and there are winners and losers. Sorry again but look up facts.

Memorial University of Newfoundland = MUN

sports program: MUN SeaHawks

TheTrust is infact in a flury of shots here.

As for beast... there is a picture of him here in the MUN soccer roster.

Can you see now why nobody is interested up here in putting up with your junk? You think its so simple to look up information and fill in any gaps you find with an accusation. Not only is it unfounded but it does nothing but drive players away.
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Postby CrimsonDeath on Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:15 pm

Maggog I think beast is going to find you for posting his pic online. Don't heckle tig for not handling the facts well when you yourself neglect to realize that beast hasnt even shown his friends his picture or given his name. You may think your just narrowing it down to prove he exists but it could piss him off.

Besides I dont want you to show where they can find my pic :wink:

"Ashlea" isnt such a big deal as a good number of people must know shes on the cheer squad by now. I know for a fact that JR knows, Tyrell knows... a few others as well and the pics there are practically the entire squad so I dont think she'll too pissed. As for Beast... you've narrowed him down to a specific line-up in the soccer team lol.

And the really funny part is that despite all of this it will change nothing. xxtigxx can never allow this to drop because he's taken such a heavy attack against beast/friends/family that even showing pictures of the seperate individuals will just encourage him to look for more problems. I want to make a disclaimer right now come tonight beast is going to know whats just been made available to this community and I can 99.9% guarant"ie" (yes PatP.) that he will not indulge any personal messages from CC members. He's had enough from LoD/CC knowing just his screen-name. When he finds out you guys have access to his picture and real name, he will most certainly go into lockdown mode. You should have thought this through more "maggz" but I guess its the thought that counts yes? Maybe tig isnt the only moron around here, he could sure use some company no?
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Postby wcaclimbing on Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:13 pm

any response on this from the mods?
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Postby hwhrhett on Wed Feb 27, 2008 12:13 pm

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Postby xxtig12683xx on Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:11 pm

well, thetrust, magoog, and our pal crimson(all who are more than likely beast) have been banned from playing with each other, thetrust no longer has its premi for some reason, and yet still no word as to why this has happened from the mods??

kinda looks like they want it to just go away.
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Postby king achilles on Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:30 am

As of the latest development, TheTrust was busted with CrimsonDeath, Maggog, Jennifer H. TheTrust is stripped of his premium membership and is now a freemium account. This case is currently being appealed to and we are evaluating their side. For now, as what xxtig12683xx said, the other accounts are busted and TheTrust is even blocked from playing with them.

TheTrust and Skoffin are not multis with each other.

If there will be any other turn of events regarding to this case, we shall update this thread.
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Postby LFAW on Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:51 am

Wow... wasn't expecting that...
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Postby rayray on Thu Feb 28, 2008 4:35 am

Nice work King :D
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Postby Dancing Mustard on Thu Feb 28, 2008 8:49 am

king achilles wrote:As of the latest development, TheTrust was busted with CrimsonDeath.

TheTrust and Skoffin are not multis with each other.
Sounds to me like Skoffin has another, higher profile, multi going on there...
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Postby Curmudgeonx on Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:09 am

rayray stated:
Nice work King Very Happy

Actually nice work Pinky
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Postby KLOBBER on Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:21 am

How about those morons who type "your" when they mean "you're?"

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Postby xxtig12683xx on Fri Feb 29, 2008 4:05 am

finally, do me a favor tag wilderbeast's name to all of this and we can call it a day.
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Postby jpcloet on Sat Mar 08, 2008 1:44 pm

I think Beast will be more difficult to see the pattern. Let's give this more time.
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A Salute to Wilderbeast!

Postby omega777 on Sat Mar 08, 2008 2:28 pm

My dear friend - you are the Beast who will die from 10,000 mosquito bites - looks like they won't give up especially this Pink and the Brain clown and RayRay.

It's too bad they don't go back to serial masturbation :roll: or whatever their hobby was before pursuing beast and associates spelling mistakes. Not to mention your roommates are all figments of your imagination, and yet they make you a multi at the same time even though they don't exist according to the same people.

Death to all fanatics of every persuasion! :twisted: :twisted:

My sincere best wishes and hope that you can get past all this nonsense!
Despite all their nonsense I still consider you to be the ULTIMATE PREDATOR. :D
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Postby KLOBBER on Mon Mar 10, 2008 12:56 pm

Here's a good one from wicked:

"This thread has served it's purpose and is now locked."

It's spelled, "its" when it's the possessive form of "it," and it's spelled "it's" when it's the contraction of "it is." The above is not a contraction of "it is," and so it should be spelled, "its."

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Postby Skoffin on Tue Mar 11, 2008 10:46 pm

Dancing Mustard wrote:
king achilles wrote:As of the latest development, TheTrust was busted with CrimsonDeath.

TheTrust and Skoffin are not multis with each other.
Sounds to me like Skoffin has another, higher profile, multi going on there...

What is this nonsense?
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Postby Anarkistsdream on Tue Mar 11, 2008 10:51 pm

KLOBBER wrote:Here's a good one from wicked:

"This thread has served it's purpose and is now locked."

It's spelled, "its" when it's the possessive form of "it," and it's spelled "it's" when it's the contraction of "it is." The above is not a contraction of "it is," and so it should be spelled, "its."


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Postby Iliad on Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:59 pm

wicked wrote:
Dancing Mustard wrote:
king achilles wrote:As of the latest development, TheTrust was busted with CrimsonDeath.

TheTrust and Skoffin are not multis with each other.
Sounds to me like Skoffin has another, higher profile, multi going on there...

What is this nonsense?
You're not fooling me!
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