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Postby baajuu on Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:34 pm

Hard to prove... but this seems more than just fishy..
KLOBBER keeps starting Circus Maximus games, and then the games fills up with brand new players, who usually deadbeat.

A few examples:


also ones that he won


and check out this one... almost everybody on this list was new recruits and joined CC on same day....

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Postby spyhunter on Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:42 pm

I just joined a game with him and I think you are right,
I looked into it, check this one out 1827526
they all joined on the same day
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Postby Genghis Khan CA on Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:42 am

I'm 99% sure this will be cleared - they may be new recruits who joined on the same day, but they are all from different countries! Looking at the games shown the players were from the US, Canada, Germany, Spain, Great Britain, amongst others.

In addition you should think about this - Circus Maximus is an unpopular map. So it is likely that they will have a higher proportion of new recruits joining because they don't yet know how bad it sucks :lol: The more experienced players will tend to avoid the game, hence it stays longer on the "join a game" page and features more prominently to new players.

Factor in the fact that a large proportion of new players are deadbeats and problem solved. I could be wrong but I doubt it ;)
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8 player games

Postby spyhunter on Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:57 am

we are talking about 8 player games... some of which are with KLOBBER and 7 brand new players... who then didnt play any other games.
& players who joined all on one day, and chose that map, and then stopped playing CC? Countries means nothing, you imput that when you sign up.
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Re: 8 player games

Postby Genghis Khan CA on Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:02 am

spyhunter wrote:we are talking about 8 player games... some of which are with KLOBBER and 7 brand new players... who then didnt play any other games.
& players who joined all on one day, and chose that map, and then stopped playing CC? Countries means nothing, you imput that when you sign up.

Actually it is based on your IP, you cannot control the country flag :roll: Unless he is creating and playing all of these accounts in different countries...

Think about it logically for a second... it is well known that new recruits often deadbeat. So once a few new recruits have joined more experienced players are less likely to join because they don't want to suffer deadbeats. I refer to my previous point about the suckiness of circus maximus too. So 7 new recruits joining (from different countries) is probably not all that rare.
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Postby spyhunter on Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:03 am

check this out... scan through it.... ... BER&sort=D

it might get cleared, but only because it will be hard to prove, unless its all from the same IP
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Re: list

Postby Genghis Khan CA on Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:09 am

spyhunter wrote:check this out... scan through it.... ... BER&sort=D

it might get cleared, but only because it will be hard to prove, unless its all from the same IP

I've scanned through it... that's how I know they are all from different countries!

If he is a multi then they will all be from the same IP anyway! Unless you are suggesting he has 100 friends around the world in different countries who create accounts and deadbeat in his games, I guess he would probably get away with it then :roll:
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Postby spyhunter on Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:56 am

when you create an account you put what country you are from.. besides there are ways around your IP being tracked.
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Re: country

Postby john1099 on Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:58 am

spyhunter wrote:when you create an account you put what country you are from.. besides there are ways around your IP being tracked.

Actually, you have that wrong.
It tracks your IP- and according to its location, thats where your country says you're from.

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Re: country

Postby timmytuttut88 on Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:01 am

spyhunter wrote:when you create an account you put what country you are from.. besides there are ways around your IP being tracked.

complete falsety
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Re: country

Postby Genghis Khan CA on Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:03 am

spyhunter wrote:when you create an account you put what country you are from.. besides there are ways around your IP being tracked.

You don't! Why do you keep on insisting something which is simply not true? The flag in your profile is based on your IP. You have no idea what you are talking about. I refer you to question 6 of the FAQ if you still don't believe me :roll:

Granted there are ways of getting around it, but you are trying to imply that he has created at least 5 or 6 different IP's in different countries, changed his IP each time to set up a new account, and made sure he never signed in with his original account. What you are suggesting is nowhere near as plausible as the more likely explanation that they are just newbie deadbeats.
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Postby spyhunter on Wed Feb 20, 2008 11:11 am

I seem to remember imputing what country I was from... but it was awhile ago now, so I must be remembering wrong.
About the IP address though he wouldnt have to change his IP everytime, there are ways of scrambling what IP you send out.
The possibility of that many new players being interested in that map and all joining before anyone else could, and then pretty much all deadbeating is very unlikely. Has it ever happened to you? I must say I am beginning to wonder why you are so quick to defend him.
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Postby Harijan on Wed Feb 20, 2008 11:23 am

yeah Ghengis obviously loves to get his anus tickled by Klobber.

I have played in 2-3 of those Circus games with Klobber, and I also became suspicious.

here is why I never reported it.

1. Look at all the games Klobber plays on Circus, not just the ones he wins. You will see that he loses many of the circus games he plays.
2. The only viable way for Klobber to benefit is by creating multis, using those multis to invalidate the fog, then using the multis to gather cards before setting it up for Klobber to take them out.

I did not see any patterns that would suggest the newbs were working with Klobber to win the game. It was just as likely that the newbs who were deadbeating after a few rounds would get taken out by someone else, or just deadbeat and let the cards go back in the pot.

If he is cheating, its not going to be provable, so you are better off just ignoring him if you don't like playing his games.

Klobber appears to be a nice guy and he has found a system that works well for him. Doing those 8-player circus games is something any CCer could do and get a big point boost. But it is not cheating.
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Postby spyhunter on Wed Feb 20, 2008 11:47 am

I'm thinking it will probably be impossible to prove.. He does play alot of that map, he loses alot... when it fair and square.
But most of his wins are like this

It really sucks, and I've checked out a few other high ranking players that seem to be doing the same thing. If it is unprovable, then CC is screwed for everyone else.
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Postby oggiss on Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:30 pm

I joined one of his game (or many) but this is an example, I joined his, he leaves it. And I wait and I see it starts with 7 privates :/

I don't know why, but somehow I get to play with 7 privates. Pretty strange imo.
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Postby KLOBBER on Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:33 pm

Brilliant! How did you ever manage to detect my ingenious system?

You're right -- I have a private jet that I use to travel all over the world, setting up multi accounts in as many different countries as I can find internet cafes, on Conquer Club, starting many different games and joining them with my multiple "noob" screen names, jetting back to the US, playing my turns as KLOBBER, then hopping back in my private jet to play my international multi-accounts! You may wonder why I go to so much trouble, but it is well worth it to maintain my rank as CAPTAIN on CONQUER CLUB! Moohoohoohaahaahaahaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

Sure, it costs me thousands of dollars each day to travel all over the world and cheat your sorry ass in this way, but it's well worth it. After all, it has made me CAPTAIN! CAPTAIN, I SAY!!! What luxury in the history of the world could be better than being CAPTAIN on Conquer Club? Who would not put himself through incredible hardships for this distinct honor? Who, I ask you -- WHO?!?!?

Today, Conquer Club -- tomorrow, THE WORLD!!!!

More likely, you're a paranoid little computer geek who has nothing better to do than to "investigate" people with higher ranks than you, because you are envious of our superior skills, and just shutting TF UP and playing your own miserable games isn't satisfying to you because you lose so much.

Yeah, I think I'll go with the second choice, jackass.

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Postby KLOBBER on Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:35 pm

My thanks to Harijan for the heads up!
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PPS -- for Spyhunter

Postby KLOBBER on Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:36 pm

You want to play with privates? I got some privates for you to play with, RIGHT HERE!!!

; )
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Postby Harijan on Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:39 pm

Well, there it is. He admits it. Obviously Klobber needs to be banned.

Lovely post. :)
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Postby KLOBBER on Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:45 pm

Spyhunter says:

"it might get cleared, but only because it will be hard to prove, unless its all from the same IP"

Here's a little life lesson for you, poindexter -- one that will prove especially helpful in your pitiful case:

Paranoid delusions are ALWAYS hard to prove.

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Postby KLOBBER on Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:55 pm

Spyhunter writes:

"I must say I am beginning to wonder why you are so quick to defend him."

That's because he and I are the same person, geek! In fact, so is Harijan! Actually, every single account on the site is actually set up and operated by me, except yours! You are the only obstacle that stands between me and TOTAL WORLD -- er, I mean -- TOTAL CONQUER CLUB DOMINATION!!!

I am the SUPER CHEATER! You have no hope of ever beating me, so you may as well give up now! Muhuhuhuhuhuhaahaahaahaahaaaaaaaa!!!

(But please don't tell anyone, or I might get in trouble).

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to catch a flight to Bora Bora -- one of my many multi accounts has an available game there, then I'm off to Zimbabwe, Outer Mongolia, and the Scottish Highlands to play a few others! Gotta jet, jackass!

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Postby sully800 on Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:11 pm

Klobber is cleared
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Postby KLOBBER on Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:19 pm

Cleared, you say? CLEARED?!?!? WTF does THAT mean?

Does that mean that I lose my new title as "KLOBBER -- SUPER CHEATER?!?!?"

Damn! Maybe I should actually try doing what these pocket-protected, panty-waist, egg-suck, mother-loving computer geeks have been saying I did!

Nah -- that other crap is way too complicated -- I'll just keep playing it straight like I have always done, and I'll still kick the geek squad rejects' sorry, unskilled asses.

; )

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Postby oggiss on Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:27 pm

KLOBBER wrote:Cleared, you say? CLEARED?!?!? WTF does THAT mean?

Does that mean that I lose my new title as "KLOBBER -- SUPER CHEATER?!?!?"

Damn! Maybe I should actually try doing what these pocket-protected, panty-waist, egg-suck, mother-loving computer geeks have been saying I did!

Nah -- that other crap is way too complicated -- I'll just keep playing it straight like I have always done, and I'll still kick the geek squad rejects' sorry, unskilled asses.

; )


Don't be like that when they cleared you :/
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Postby KLOBBER on Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:39 pm

Eggass writes: "Don't be like that when they cleared you :/"

Dude, it was a frikkin' JOKE!

Why do you frikkin' geeks take this site so frikkin' seriously? Do you have no frikkin' life apart from your frikkin' computers?

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