Put a little ferry between launceston and melbourne.
Change the sleeper spacings or colours for different long-distance. Currently it looks like the indian pacific goes through adelaide towards melbourne. Different coloured sleepers on these tracks would make it easier to distinguish on a quick glance. Also a different spacing could also work, take out every second sleeper perhaps on the overlander.
With the territ list down the bottom, you need to be careful that people don't think you only need to hold the territories listed, state that all stations on the line are needed
I really like the new colour scheme. Very outback. Very aussie rail-scenery.
A possible change of kink/direction in the PGA-ADL link, or perhaps some bend, to show that it passes alongside the adelaide station then heads back up to BHL.
Perhaps you could put "termination point" graphics at the start and end of the legend, and then the on the stations? (not sure where they would fit...)
Should the WYA [P] be in the top right like all the rest? could you move the rail line slightly left to go past this? (i figure it's been moved cause it was covering up the rail?) this is a little pedantic, but hey!
Are you going to have an Apple Port in Hobart? How else will they run the Sydney to Hobart yacht race?
Anyway, there's a few balls to bounce about the table.