cicero wrote:Surely if people holding a continent, or just a territory, simply fortify all their armies away from the neutrals so that they don't get attacked by them ... the human players will see this and attack the player themselves?crzyblue wrote:cicero wrote:
When making an attack the target territory selection will be as follows:
[Remember bombardment attacks are not possible.]
(i) select bordering territory with largest number of non-neutral armies
if more than one territory qualifies:
(ii) select bordering territory occupied by player with the largest total number of armies in territories bordering the attacking territory
if more than one territory qualifies:
(iii) select territory alphabetically (see footnote 1)
Sorry but that again I feel it is stupid, either make it random, or people holding like Europe with neutrals surrounding it and other players on the other side of it will just keep they're number of armies lower then that player, I mean come on... it's not rocket science to see this really just give the advantage to the person that can keep the least number of armies closest to the NZ, Randomize it or make it head for bonuses, they're either smart or stupid, there's no middle... if they're smart enough to determine number of troops near them then smart enough to see who gets a terr. bonus, or either they're so stupid that they act randomly.... take your pick
And re randomness, you're going to have to re-read the thread. Randomness is a no go area. Why? You're going to have to re-read the thread.
I have read it "there's already to much randomness blah blah blah" well then lets see in a freestyle game, if I'm going last, knowing that neutral will attack me if I have the most there and I want to keep my bonus, well I'll just move all armies away from there, then at the start of next turn deploy some there to keep ahold of it and so on.... it's not that hard to fool them then, which is why I suggest random or make it go for terr. make people have to use strat. to get past neutral and hold a bonus. I can keep on listing instances where this would get abused over and over