by mighty dumpling on Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:53 pm
u can take what 2dank says with a grain of salt...
hes a sore loser, he crys when he doesnt win.. u can check the game im in with him if u want an example.
2 people, me being 1 broke his 3 of his 7 bonuses up, cause he is growing stronger every turn and right at both our back doors and this is what he says:
2008-02-29 20:08:49 - 2dank: bye bye guys
2008-02-29 20:45:15 - 2dank: I'm deadbeating. Based on both your attacks on me. Have fun. This could be viewed as a secret allaince between you too
guy is a sore loser and quick to raise the multi/cheater flag
deal with it dank u suck