Conquer Club

secret alliance (The cove, pringleplace) [noted]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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secret alliance (The cove, pringleplace) [noted]

Postby goneb4sunrise23 on Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:39 am

Game: 1724693

After beginning the game by saying "oh dam this is not a doubles game like I thought," pringleplace did not legitimately attack the cove once and never defended the borders of her continents. The cove partook in the same. By round 5, they were clearly the strongest 2 players in the game, pulling in 16 armies per turn, but yet they felt that borders of 1-3 armies were a strong enough deterrent from attack by their counterpart.

When asked about it, pringleplace said "just cos I know her does not mean we have an alliance." In her denial is her confession.

Such a blatant abuse of the game should seriously be considered grounds for a ban. If players are allowed to ruin the integrity of the game like so, I don't think ConquerClub will remain the trusted gaming site it is. Something must be done. Thank you.

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Postby king achilles on Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:27 am

Yes, they do know each other. It is not against the rules to play with people you know in real life. However, we would need more than one game with evidence to show that they do likely have a secret alliance with each other. You can leave a feedback about this and back it up with supporting facts from the game. For now, we can mark this report as noted.
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