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Postby yeti_c on Mon Feb 04, 2008 10:11 am

Not sure I like the new gameplay with this one...

Prefer the "linear" continents.

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Postby Unit_2 on Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:08 am

c'mon cairs... its looking good, but its alittle bright can you dim it alittle?
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Postby Tieryn on Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:25 am

Little note:

The Ghan down the bottom lists "FGA" not "KGA"
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Postby Tieryn on Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:28 am

Perhaps the overlander rail lines could be done in a different STYLE of rail way (with the colours changing on a state basis)

Eg, you could have double lines along one, a double line/crossed train track, a triple line, a thin line...

Would make it easier to identify where that rail line goes to the next one, without adding in splotchy dots everywhere.

It's very hard at the moment to work out the overlander route, at easy first glance.
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Postby gimil on Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:32 am

cairns can you update the title with the page of your map :)

Its a requirement on colemans list to move out of ideas, Which ill do if he isnt on later since i havent heard from him in a couple of days.
What do you know about map making, bitch?

natty_dread wrote:I was wrong

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Postby cairnswk on Mon Feb 04, 2008 12:48 pm

gimil wrote:cairns can you update the title with the page of your map :)

Its a requirement on colemans list to move out of ideas, Which ill do if he isnt on later since i havent heard from him in a couple of days.

Version 3

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Postby cairnswk on Mon Feb 04, 2008 12:53 pm

Unit_2 wrote:c'mon cairs... its looking good, but its alittle bright can you dim it alittle?

which parts unit_2...cause i don't know if you are joshing me or not!
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Postby cairnswk on Mon Feb 04, 2008 1:05 pm

yeti_c wrote:Not sure I like the new gameplay with this one...

Prefer the "linear" continents.


C...common....think of this as welcome return to classic with some linear bonuses included for long distance passenger trains....and i think they are good incentives. :wink:
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Postby onbekende on Mon Feb 04, 2008 1:06 pm

cairnswk wrote:
Unit_2 wrote:c'mon cairs... its looking good, but its alittle bright can you dim it alittle?

which parts unit_2...cause i don't know if you are joshing me or not!
think he means the circle, to be more presice, the border of the circle (in the middle, can't miss it)
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Postby Unit_2 on Mon Feb 04, 2008 1:09 pm


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Postby cairnswk on Mon Feb 04, 2008 1:10 pm

Tieryn wrote:Perhaps the overlander rail lines could be done in a different STYLE of rail way (with the colours changing on a state basis)

Eg, you could have double lines along one, a double line/crossed train track, a triple line, a thin line...

Would make it easier to identify where that rail line goes to the next one, without adding in splotchy dots everywhere.

It's very hard at the moment to work out the overlander route, at easy first glance.

OK...thanks for that Tieryn...another idea is always good for the mix...i was having trouble with what to do with these long trains services.
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Postby cairnswk on Mon Feb 04, 2008 1:11 pm

Unit_2 wrote:here:


Oh that....yeh i can fix that for's meant to represent the desert in the middle of australia, but i have toned it down in the next version.
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Postby cairnswk on Mon Feb 04, 2008 1:23 pm

Version 4.

1. Red heart dulled.
2. code on ghan fixed.
3. onbekende suggestions for bonuses - some adjusted.
4. text on water lightened

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Postby cairnswk on Tue Feb 05, 2008 3:46 am

VErsion 5.

As a solution to the long distance rail journeys....would the below be suitable?

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Postby Skittles! on Tue Feb 05, 2008 6:29 am

I am sad. No local train station for me. :cry: Too bad there's no room between Sydney and Newcastle, eh?

Looking good Cairns. This is going to be FUN!
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Postby cairnswk on Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:43 am

Skittles! wrote:I am sad. No local train station for me. :cry: Too bad there's no room between Sydney and Newcastle, eh?

Looking good Cairns. This is going to be FUN!

Sorry Skittles....Gosford, Hornsby, Hawkesbury River...i used to do that run all the time on the XPT when i worked on the NSWRail. :)
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Postby cairnswk on Wed Feb 06, 2008 4:52 am

VErsion backgropund appearing similar to Rail USA....what do others think?

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Postby Tieryn on Wed Feb 06, 2008 6:33 am

I quite liked the red heart desert... it looks more realistic and gives a nice feel for the empty spaces in the centre. I find the v5 background a bit splotchy. Australia isn't USA, and the background shouldn't be aiming to give the same impression. It's a vastly different country, and I think it should feel different to look at.

I like the idea of what you've done with the long distances, although I'd like to see them as better looking rail lines, and some spacings need fixing... Did you just change the style of the single lines to a double line? or did you re-draw single, thinner lines? Some connections don't look good, ie tnc/asp. I wouldn't want to run that line... they need to be parallel between stations, and preferably equidistant apart all the way across the map. Ones like Per-Coo-ADL looks okay, but Alb-Coo-GBN is ugly...

As a note on ports, rather than connecting all ports together (which I think opens the map up -too- much), I'd rather see ports connecting only to adjacent ports, with a ship setting out from one and coming into the next one, before progressing on... Otherwise holding port+mineral will be quite difficult.
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Postby cairnswk on Wed Feb 06, 2008 7:00 am

Tieryn wrote:I quite liked the red heart desert... it looks more realistic and gives a nice feel for the empty spaces in the centre. I find the v5 background a bit splotchy. Australia isn't USA, and the background shouldn't be aiming to give the same impression. It's a vastly different country, and I think it should feel different to look at.

Fair drew one from you! :)
I prefer the red heart also, but i still would like some people's feedback on this.

Code: Select all
I like the idea of what you've done with the long distances, although I'd like to see them as better looking rail lines, and some spacings need fixing... Did you just change the style of the single lines to a double line? or did you re-draw single, thinner lines? Some connections don't look good, ie tnc/asp. I wouldn't want to run that line... they need to be parallel between stations, and preferably equidistant apart all the way across the map. Ones like Per-Coo-ADL looks okay, but Alb-Coo-GBN is ugly...

Naturally the lines would be made more professional down the track with this map Tieryn,,,this is only something to guage what player might think about that style of line for the long distance trains.

As a note on ports, rather than connecting all ports together (which I think opens the map up -too- much), I'd rather see ports connecting only to adjacent ports, with a ship setting out from one and coming into the next one, before progressing on... Otherwise holding port+mineral will be quite difficult.

OK once again, fair comment and i understand...however the Mineral + port bonus can be increased to cover for holding such a large attak range from other ports.
More comment is needed from others as to this as well. please.
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Postby Tieryn on Wed Feb 06, 2008 8:51 am

Code: Select all
I like the idea of what you've done with the long distances, although I'd like to see them as better looking rail lines, and some spacings need fixing... Did you just change the style of the single lines to a double line? or did you re-draw single, thinner lines? Some connections don't look good, ie tnc/asp. I wouldn't want to run that line... they need to be parallel between stations, and preferably equidistant apart all the way across the map. Ones like Per-Coo-ADL looks okay, but Alb-Coo-GBN is ugly...

Naturally the lines would be made more professional down the track with this map Tieryn,,,this is only something to guage what player might think about that style of line for the long distance trains.

*nod* I figured as much. I like the way you've expressed them in the legend, it's easy to see which states they pass through/from. I'd like to see these as rail+sleeper type of ones that I have seen in some other map.

If the stations inside the states are the single colour, and non-unique rail lines are that colour, I think you could possibly make the long-distance ones unique colours? even though they run through the states, the state bonuses are easily seen by the statelines + station colours... Not sure if this would look better/worse tho...
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Postby Kaplowitz on Wed Feb 06, 2008 3:51 pm

i liked v3 the best, i think it should just have been dulled down a bit.
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Postby Tieryn on Sun Feb 10, 2008 9:11 am

I'm also missing the kangaroo in WA :( it was a happy kangaroo... I was going to call it Albert.
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Postby cairnswk on Sun Feb 10, 2008 3:52 pm

Version 6

I heard Kaplowitz etc and tried to achieve V3 colours lightened. but along the way discovered this colour configuration, so though It was good and would put it up for consideration.

It achieves the reed heart, Tieryn's albert Roo, and puts that green timge around the edge of the contintent to represent somewhat the non desert areas.

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Postby cairnswk on Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:17 pm

Version 7

Long distance rails added.


Any chance that this can be moved to got more feedback in the Map Foundry.
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Postby benny profane on Fri Feb 15, 2008 2:23 pm

hey cairns, this looks great!
i much prefer the changes you made for version 7.

i only have one suggestion:
the color bars you use to represent the long distance lines in the legend are a great idea.
and while i know that space is very tight, is there any way you might be able to make them a *tiny* bit thicker?
it hurts the eyes a bit trying to distinguish them.
not a major problem, and if there isn't room, it's understandable.
otherwise, i agree that this should be moved to the foundry.
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