1. fixed short/long screwy borders
2. made u'rl dock more visible
3. replaced rock golems with troglodytes
4. faded the blood water.
5. reworded the lyches decay text in the legend
6. muted blue text in ice elementals continent
to do
1. replace power rune for pit fiends
2. add flowy molten rivers, barren land and stuff for the pit fiends
3. make rock golems/troglodytes land texture smoother so that text is easier to read.
4. add icons for easy recognition in the legend
5. rename runes to fire water ice life, etc
“In the beginning God said, the four-dimensional divergence of an antisymmetric, second rank tensor equals zero, and there was light, and it was good. And on the seventh day he rested.”- Michio Kaku