Conquer Club

1v1 Singles League Season 4 [WINNER: The1exile]

Tournaments completed in 2008.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Postby whitestazn88 on Wed Jan 30, 2008 1:46 pm

if it were the winner of division one gets to be considered the winner, that wouldnt be fair, cuz arent the first 3 divisions based on rank?
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Postby amazzony on Wed Jan 30, 2008 2:11 pm

whitestazn88 wrote:if it were the winner of division one gets to be considered the winner, that wouldnt be fair, cuz arent the first 3 divisions based on rank?

We took over last season's results and moved highest rank people up and also new highest rank people got moved a bit higher to avoid cooks playing lieutenants. Though yes, it's not the fairest rule but to keep the competition more lively then we feel that it's fair to make it like that. At the end of each season 2 best of from each division move up to higher division and 2 last from each division drop down 1 div. That way, everybody can fight themselves up to the top. Of course, it will take a lot of time (i.e. a lot of season) when you start from division 10 (or any lower) but it's actually the same in sports - best teams are in top divisions and the weaker you are the lower division you are. Of course, there's a lot of argue about how much rank and skill are related in CC but for now, this is the only thing that we can use as comparison when making divisions.

Anyway, and after my random rant, the answer is that division 1 winner won't be the winner of the tournament. If we decide not to use the play offs then there's no winner, then it's just an ongoing League where you can play against a lot of other people and see how good you are in 1v1 with various settings and maps :)

We also have in mind making different Scoreboards that will show different kind of best of the best results during all the seasons (for example, most wins) but this is for future.

Btw, AARRGH, you'll be added to the reserve list.

Finally, we've needed some time to make last preparations and then we had a little confusion with privs and tourney name so it will take a few more hours before the games will be made. We don't want to start with a huge mess up so we'll take some extra time. Some more patience and wait for the PM :)

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Postby amazzony on Wed Jan 30, 2008 6:25 pm

I'm done :D :D 2 hours, 300 games, probably a few mistakes and a paranoid me :lol: It's creepy, in first 3-4 divisions, I made mistakes and I was able to correct them. Later on I made them a lot less. It's probably not true, I did make them but I just wasn't able to realise that there was something wrong :P and at the same time the more games I made, the more paranoid I became and it seemed more and more that I made a mistake somewhere... with final divisions I wasn't sure anymore if Chained is fortification or cards :lol:
Anyway, games have been made and I'll be taking a short brake before preparing excel sheet for sending out messages. In a few hours you'll get your first games :)

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Postby amazzony on Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:58 pm

:twisted: Messages are being sent right now, first misunderstand solved and I'm going to sleep now :lol:

All correction of mistakes will be made in 10-11 hours.
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Postby simor on Wed Jan 30, 2008 9:59 pm

and already 1st game finished: dividedbyzero vs Risktaker17 from Division 2, won by Risktaker17 (away).

899 left overall :P
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Postby Easy n Dirty on Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:22 am

I'd be curious to see what others might think about a provision in the future to disallow unlimited fortifications in this league. There's such a distinct advantage to going first in a 1 vs 1 game, but especially in games with unlimited forts.

Just throwing it out there to see what others think.
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Postby simor on Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:17 pm


Hit refresh to see the most up to date version.

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Postby Risk_Killer_1 on Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:29 pm

im in classic map no fow and unlimited and flat rate
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Re: ok

Postby amazzony on Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:40 pm

Risk_Killer_1 wrote:im in classic map no fow and unlimited and flat rate

Yes, you are in :) And we've sent you a message to join your games ;)
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Postby amazzony on Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:41 pm

Easy n Dirty wrote:I'd be curious to see what others might think about a provision in the future to disallow unlimited fortifications in this league. There's such a distinct advantage to going first in a 1 vs 1 game, but especially in games with unlimited forts.

Just throwing it out there to see what others think.

I'll keep my mouth shut right now to see what others think...
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Postby whitestazn88 on Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:04 pm

im in favor of unlimited forts. risk has always kind of been about luck. from dice to placement and even who rolls first. i didnt get to go first, and my maps are 2.1, you just gotta find a way to win.
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Postby multiplayertim on Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:06 pm

I beat J-HSX at home in Division 10
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Postby amazzony on Fri Feb 01, 2008 8:50 pm

People either aren't interested or they just haven't bumped into this thread but... here's what I think.

We haven't put any limitation to home settings. As it's such a huge League then we have a lot of different people with a lot of different views and with a lot of different playing habits and different settings. That's why we have decided that all kind of home settings are acceptable. There are a lot of people who don't like Adjacent fortification but there are some who are really good at them so if we would reject them then a lot of people would be happy but some would lose their home field advantage. Same goes for cards and fort and map. With map there's another thing. With maps there's another thing - some maps give an advantage to the player who goes first (advantage, in no case, equals winning the game without giving other person even a chance!). So, when people pick those maps then they know that it might happen but it's all fair because we'll never know who goes first - either the person who picked it as his/her map or his/her opponent.

My overall point is - probably there won't be any limitations to maps or anything else :roll:
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Postby TheKidsTrumpet on Fri Feb 01, 2008 9:04 pm

As far as looking at the header do you mean UPDATED February 1st? lol

Also I agree with you totally amaZZony, restrictions would just make things real complicated and harder on you the organizer, might discourage players as well.
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Postby amazzony on Fri Feb 01, 2008 9:10 pm

thekidstrumpet wrote:As far as looking at the header do you mean UPDATED February 1st? lol

Of course, I just keep making these tiny mistakes and you get a good laugh out of it all the time :D

thekidstrumpet wrote:Also I agree with you totally amaZZony,

Ahhaa, very good, very good :lol:

thekidstrumpet wrote:restrictions ... might discourage players as well.

Well, I just know that I'm very disappointed when somebody says that I can't play with Crossword and as I'm that kind of player who thinks that all maps and other settings are opened for everybody to "learn" if they just wish then there's no reason for limitations.
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Hall04 Game results

Postby hall04 on Fri Feb 01, 2008 9:59 pm

Tournament Game: 1v1 Singles League Season 4 - Week 1. Div 4. hall04 vs pogophiles -->Winner Hall04
Tournament Game: 1v1 Singles League Season 4 - Week 1. Div 4. hall04 vs Easy n Dirty-->Winner Hall04
Tournament Game: 1v1 Singles League Season 4 - Week 1. Div 4. vs hall04-->Winner Hall04
Tournament Game: 1v1 Singles League Season 4 - Week 1. Div 4. whitestazn88 vs hall04-->Winner whitestazn88
Tournament Game: 1v1 Singles League Season 4 - Week 1. Div 4. Lubawski vs hall04-->Winner Lubawski
Tournament Game: 1v1 Singles League Season 4 - Week 1. Div 4. hall04 vs cjoe --> waiting on cjoe
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Postby Risktaker17 on Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:27 pm

Do we have to announce winners?
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Postby TheKidsTrumpet on Sat Feb 02, 2008 4:13 am

amazzony wrote:Well, I just know that I'm very disappointed when somebody says that I can't play with Crossword and as I'm that kind of player who thinks that all maps and other settings are opened for everybody to "learn" if they just wish then there's no reason for limitations.

Oh I know, I say don't play if you don't agree or cry about it.
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Postby amazzony on Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:25 am

Risktaker17 wrote:Do we have to announce winners?

simor says that it's not necessary ;)
amazzony adds that you can brag if you want :D
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Postby chopsiu on Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:21 am

game # 1711157 div 5
chopsiu over badmoon
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Postby DAZMCFC on Sun Feb 03, 2008 11:08 am

Katya v DAZMCFC i won. :lol: div 2.

DAZMCFC v dividedbyzero i won. :lol: div 2.

DAZMCFC v DimnjcarStef i won. :lol: div 2.
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Postby bonobo`s son on Sun Feb 03, 2008 1:18 pm

wonderbeezz has not joined yet in game 1710615
home 4 me:
won against merz and forza az and lost from dragon dor
out 4 me:
wom against goggles paissano and lost from godd
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Postby amazzony on Mon Feb 04, 2008 5:18 am

wonderbeezz will be replaced in this tournament because he have family issues that don't let him play. We'll make the replacement as soon as we can :)
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Postby Levezinho on Mon Feb 04, 2008 8:01 am

Why didn't DBo join the game nr 1711379 yet??
Is something wrong??
One more thing, if the tournment was updated 1st february, why the division 7 is not updated? :?
Thanks. :)
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Postby DAZMCFC on Mon Feb 04, 2008 10:05 am

iamacaveman v DAZMCFC i won. :lol: div 2.
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