Conquer Club

wall and king2bebest [cleared]

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wall and king2bebest [cleared]

Postby Psigun on Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:38 pm

These are suspected Secret Alliance

Suspect users: wall and king2bebest

Game number:


The players I am accusing of a secret alliance I do not believe started the game out intending to ally from the start. Once they had a common border they called a truce at the very beginning of the game. From that point on it seemed like both of their doubles teams were working together in far more than that capacity, communicating privately to work out deals as one of the teams' members mentioned in a private message to me.

Seeing that the game was about decided for one of the teams I suspected of allying I made a plea for people to take notice. Surprisingly, karoo97, king's teammate sent me a private message that they were forging a private deal with each other. I'm not sure if Salouma (wall's partner) was in on the deal or not and I didn't witness any outright examples of him allying outside of an unwillingness to attack karoo.

I called them on the alliance deal they were making. They called it a 'truce' in the chat but it lasted nearly from the start of the game until it is now all but decided for one of these two teams. They still haven't fought each other even though king has a border of 1-army provinces to wall.

This last turn was what made me post this because it was very obvious they were allied at that point. king explicitly stated 'truce over'... king sent almost all of his armies defending himself in Africa to karoo in asia and wall didn't even both denying one region with the large amount of troops he deployed that turn. wall then sent most of his armies Russia.

Lieutenant Psigun
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Postby Psigun on Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:41 pm

I forgot to post this. It is the message sent to me which tipped me off that something shady was going on. karoo97 was the author.

"I know red and green are getting to strong, my partner is trying to make a deal with them - just wrong ( i know you take the strongest out ) I will be counter attacking the other team. I want to build up around them and attack.

Lieutenant Psigun
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Joined: Sat Dec 22, 2007 9:48 pm

Postby sully800 on Tue Feb 05, 2008 3:15 pm

The announcement about an alliance was posted in the game chat as you said:

2008-01-21 11:46:50 - king2bebest: ok red peace but til the first person is elimnated

Then the details of the alliance were discussed privately I suppose. That is not illegal as long as it is announced in game chat, but many players wouldn't like to face opponents who resort to that. So its a fine case to leave negative feedback and use your ignore list if you would like.
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