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wilderbeast [pending]

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Postby GabonX on Sun Jan 20, 2008 6:27 pm

Also, I couldn't find the terms and conditions when I looked, but if this site is like 99% of other sites it probably states that they can change the terms for any reason at any time and that has probably been their policy since the beginning. If anyone can link me to the terms I would be grateful.
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Postby kalishnikov on Mon Jan 21, 2008 2:54 pm

GabonX wrote:More importantly than that I would like to know whether or not it is allowed to share a premium account. That's the question that needs to be answered.

If so I may take advantage of this, and if not Wilderbeast should be dealt with accordingly as he has admitted to sharing his account. This is the key issue that needs to be addressed by one of the mods.

I agree. Many idle conversations in this thread, 1 relevant topic now that Beast has quit CC: what level of 'share-ability' do premium accounts have? We've heard many arguments and cases on the topic but have yet to get a definitive statement.

Perhaps because the mods are still discussing it? It is kind of a tricky question and one 'real' statement on it will set the precedent for all future cases so they must be pretty careful indeed.
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Postby Risktaker17 on Mon Jan 21, 2008 3:07 pm

Wilderbeast is funny
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Postby GabonX on Mon Jan 21, 2008 3:49 pm

I'm not convinced that wilderbeast is gone. It's just as likely that he will undergo a name change with the blessing of the mods if what he said about getting permission to share accounts is true. This whole thing is fishy.
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Postby GabonX on Mon Jan 21, 2008 7:47 pm

It looks like he decided not to quit. There still needs to be resolution regarding EVERYTHING.

Game 1609324

"2008-01-21 19:29:56 - Susu: so u quiting cc for a while?
2008-01-21 22:01:36 - wilderbeast: was planning too got alot of resistance emails and msn members telling me not to lol :s
2008-01-22 00:15:08 - Susu: oh okay"
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Postby wicked on Mon Jan 21, 2008 7:49 pm

it's being discussed.
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Postby hulmey on Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:51 pm

Gabon, i dont know how old you are but can see you are from america. Im not sure how retailers treat their consumers in america. But if you buy a product and sign the T&C's in the UK and most civilised countries then the conusumer and conusme have to abide by them until the end of the agreement!
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Postby GabonX on Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:56 pm


If you want to talk about this PM me.

I'm guessing you didn't read or didn't comprehend my post because I addressed that issue.
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Postby TheTrust on Mon Jan 21, 2008 11:59 pm

Yeah guys beast was determined to quit CC for good, he had no interest in playing many more social type games. He randomized his password and hadnt logged in for a bit, he even entertained the thought of sending a password reset to a random email of a non CC friend of his to make sure he couldnt be convinced into loging in again. (missing turns in the remainder of his unfinished games) But (thankfully) due to some continued pleas from JesusReigns and Tyrell as well as many additional trainees that have bombarded his msn... he's agreed to retrieve his password and play a few games here and there with a specific few people for training.

He uses his account now to try a few team game strats with Tyrell and JesusReigns, to train players and to check on the games of his trainees. I doubt we'll see him get actively engaged in the communal games anymore but at the very least (even if its with just a few specific individuals) its nice to have Beast lingering around, even if for just a little.

That said, I'm taking full advantage of his training and will be looking to head up a group of members trained by beast... an elite force that will begin to target those we judge as adequate benificiaries of some hard times ahead. Beast isnt as loud, involved or integrated as he was before but he's far from dead in the game as proven by his msn convos, continual email support for answering questions and training.

So watch out boys, there's an army rising from the depths of the shadows.
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Postby Dancing Mustard on Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:38 am

hulmey wrote:if you buy a product and sign the T&C's in the UK and most civilised countries then the conusumer and conusme have to abide by them until the end of the agreement!

Sorry Hulmey, but I'm not sure you've quite understood this one.

It is only true that a contracted agreement cannot be varied if there is no clause stating that "The [party X] reserves the right to vary these terms or conditions at any time" inserted into the agreement. In English contract law (and I presume other common law jurisdictions such as the USA and Canada) agreements may be varied (within predefined parameters) so long as a clause to that effect is agreed to by both parties at the formation of the deal. Such clauses are in fact very common here in the UK, indeed I'm suprised that you haven't seen one before. If you'd like to find one then perhaps you could check a document such as the contract for service on your mobile phone, I'm fairly sure there'd be a similar clause contained within it.

Basically, deals can be varied so long as the option to vary is made explicit at the formation of the deal. Furthermore it is highly likely that the type of contracts you were discussing would be subject to such options, and as such GabonX is probably in the right here.
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Postby TheTrust on Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:17 am

seems to be a moot point anymore as beasts password is constantly being reset. His room-mates no longer have any access at all to his account.
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Postby lord voldemort on Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:40 am

TheTrust wrote:seems to be a moot point anymore as beasts password is constantly being reset. His room-mates no longer have any access at all to his account.

do u know skoffin by any chance
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Postby TheTrust on Tue Jan 22, 2008 3:56 pm

Cant say I do :s
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Postby GabonX on Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:58 pm

What the hell is with all of this spam? Unless you have something Wilderbeat related stay out of my thread.

In fact stay out unless you have something bad to say about him.
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Postby GabonX on Thu Jan 31, 2008 1:53 am

Pending or forgotten?
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Postby TheTrust on Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:41 am


This is ridiculous, the guy hasnt logged into CC for weeks and has quit because of these sort of accusations.

He's been accused twice of being a multi and he's been cleared twice. He's sick of you guys always comming up with threads just begging mods to find him guilty of something he's not done and he's quit CC because of it. I Wouldnt be surprised if he sends the mods a message telling them to bust him for anything, just to keep you guys happy lol. It really is sad tho. Sometimes players have a very unlikely situation that they play through and that unlikely situation translates into "he must be cheating because this situation is so unlikely" Well I for one will tell you Beast did no cheat, he had a legitimate situation with CC because of his living arrangements and was cleared twice... The guy refuses to come back to CC because among other things, he believes the mods will just be pressured even more to find something wrong with him. He's even said he would pm the mods to bust him on any given "Event X" because he can appreciate the trouble they're getting from players like you Gabon. I would personally love to see Beast come back to the game but I can understand why he wouldnt want to because of a situation that attracts so much attention, whether he's cleared twice or one hundred and twice. In theory he assumes if he doesnt return and the mods get sick of you guys, they can pull something out of their hats and end this with something. It doesnt really affect beast anymore but I find it sickening that the guy liked this place so much and let you guys bully him out lol.
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Postby jiminski on Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:59 am

TheTrust wrote: :lol:

This is ridiculous, the guy hasnt logged into CC for weeks and has quit because of these sort of accusations.

He's been accused twice of being a multi and he's been cleared twice. He's sick of you guys always comming up with threads just begging mods to find him guilty of something he's not done and he's quit CC because of it. I Wouldnt be surprised if he sends the mods a message telling them to bust him for anything, just to keep you guys happy lol. It really is sad tho. Sometimes players have a very unlikely situation that they play through and that unlikely situation translates into "he must be cheating because this situation is so unlikely" Well I for one will tell you Beast did no cheat, he had a legitimate situation with CC because of his living arrangements and was cleared twice... The guy refuses to come back to CC because among other things, he believes the mods will just be pressured even more to find something wrong with him. He's even said he would pm the mods to bust him on any given "Event X" because he can appreciate the trouble they're getting from players like you Gabon. I would personally love to see Beast come back to the game but I can understand why he wouldnt want to because of a situation that attracts so much attention, whether he's cleared twice or one hundred and twice. In theory he assumes if he doesnt return and the mods get sick of you guys, they can pull something out of their hats and end this with something. It doesnt really affect beast anymore but I find it sickening that the guy liked this place so much and let you guys bully him out lol.

Is that you Wilderbeast!?

I hope all is good mate.
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Postby Genghis Khan CA on Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:19 am

TheTrust wrote:That said, I'm taking full advantage of his training and will be looking to head up a group of members trained by beast... an elite force that will begin to target those we judge as adequate benificiaries of some hard times ahead. Beast isnt as loud, involved or integrated as he was before but he's far from dead in the game as proven by his msn convos, continual email support for answering questions and training.

So watch out boys, there's an army rising from the depths of the shadows.

Would this be the same elite force that managed a 5% rate when sharing "the beast's" account? :lol:
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Postby lord voldemort on Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:05 am

Genghis Khan CA wrote:
TheTrust wrote:That said, I'm taking full advantage of his training and will be looking to head up a group of members trained by beast... an elite force that will begin to target those we judge as adequate benificiaries of some hard times ahead. Beast isnt as loud, involved or integrated as he was before but he's far from dead in the game as proven by his msn convos, continual email support for answering questions and training.

So watch out boys, there's an army rising from the depths of the shadows.

Would this be the same elite force that managed a 5% rate when sharing "the beast's" account? :lol:

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Postby edwinissweet on Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:22 am

lord voldemort wrote:
Genghis Khan CA wrote:
TheTrust wrote:That said, I'm taking full advantage of his training and will be looking to head up a group of members trained by beast... an elite force that will begin to target those we judge as adequate benificiaries of some hard times ahead. Beast isnt as loud, involved or integrated as he was before but he's far from dead in the game as proven by his msn convos, continual email support for answering questions and training.

So watch out boys, there's an army rising from the depths of the shadows.

Would this be the same elite force that managed a 5% rate when sharing "the beast's" account? :lol:


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Postby PinkyAndTheBrain on Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:56 am

TheTrust wrote:

This is ridiculous, the guy hasnt logged into CC for weeks and has quit because of these sort of accusations.

Then he won't be editing this quote any time soon....

wilderbeast wrote:Hey Trust. sigh dont worry about the accusations. Deal with the admins about it. Speaking of which I would have preferred you not mention my situation here outside the range of a select few. This is a big building but if your here with your old man I can still find you.

As for the 3-0 good job keep it up.

and no, there really is no difference in who joins if its not freestyle. I'm going to take some turns to wrap up my current games as I've said, Use the virus well, have fun

Just so everyone knows, the trust is a woman lol not the same people. Be kind to her highness

Just a Freudian slip perhaps?
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Postby TheTrust on Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:40 am

PinkyAndTheBrain wrote:
TheTrust wrote:

This is ridiculous, the guy hasnt logged into CC for weeks and has quit because of these sort of accusations.

Then he won't be editing this quote any time soon....

wilderbeast wrote:Hey Trust. sigh dont worry about the accusations. Deal with the admins about it. Speaking of which I would have preferred you not mention my situation here outside the range of a select few. This is a big building but if your here with your old man I can still find you.

As for the 3-0 good job keep it up.

and no, there really is no difference in who joins if its not freestyle. I'm going to take some turns to wrap up my current games as I've said, Use the virus well, have fun

Just so everyone knows, the trust is a woman lol not the same people. Be kind to her highness

Just a Freudian slip perhaps?

No slip... Beast was regarding Ray's thought that Myself and Beast were the same people. Beast said I was a woman (lol which I am) and thus we are not the same people. Its one of those things when you type it online its not the same as saying it face to face where you can emphasize your words. What beast meant to say (I'm assuming) is that I am a woman and that he and I arent the same person/people
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Postby xxtig12683xx on Thu Jan 31, 2008 11:26 am

TheTrust wrote: :lol:

This is ridiculous, the guy hasnt logged into CC for weeks and has quit because of these sort of accusations.

He's been accused twice of being a multi and he's been cleared twice. He's sick of you guys always comming up with threads just begging mods to find him guilty of something he's not done and he's quit CC because of it. I Wouldnt be surprised if he sends the mods a message telling them to bust him for anything, just to keep you guys happy lol. It really is sad tho. Sometimes players have a very unlikely situation that they play through and that unlikely situation translates into "he must be cheating because this situation is so unlikely" Well I for one will tell you Beast did no cheat, he had a legitimate situation with CC because of his living arrangements and was cleared twice... The guy refuses to come back to CC because among other things, he believes the mods will just be pressured even more to find something wrong with him. He's even said he would pm the mods to bust him on any given "Event X" because he can appreciate the trouble they're getting from players like you Gabon. I would personally love to see Beast come back to the game but I can understand why he wouldnt want to because of a situation that attracts so much attention, whether he's cleared twice or one hundred and twice. In theory he assumes if he doesnt return and the mods get sick of you guys, they can pull something out of their hats and end this with something. It doesnt really affect beast anymore but I find it sickening that the guy liked this place so much and let you guys bully him out lol.

Well said beast.

Kinda funny beast decides to leave as his premi runs out, and all of a sudden we have another long winded typer that just happened to appear as beast "leaves" the cc world.

There are so many flaws in your claims Beast.
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Postby Harijan on Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:30 pm

also find it interesting that Trust has a 65% win ratio even though she/he/it/beast is being trained by beast who claims a 95% win ratio.

Hey beast errr Trust, why is the same strategy yielding such a much lower win ratio when your alter-ego uses it?
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Postby TheTrust on Thu Jan 31, 2008 1:16 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol:

for what its worth I'm no alter ego. I'm a seperate individual but I can see where this is going. I'm trained by beast, I'm not as good as he is. I went to I believe 6-0 before my first loss in testing new maps. Beast and I were going over some training for limited maps and styles and I got adventurous and thought I could go further, losses resulted as I joined maps I never talked to beast about or entered with. But early on I did have a solid 6-0 or 7-0 record.
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