Bought to you by the Sir. Ricco Tournament Foundation
This tournament is not about winning but surviving the longest. There will be different versions. Times the Version number by 16 and that will be the amount of people playing in the version. (Example V1 x 16 = 16 players, V2 x 16 = 32 players)
This is a V1 so there will be 16 players.
Game Play:
The game will have 16 players. Each the player will be randomly matched up in 1 vs. 1 game. (You could face the same player 2, 3, or even 4 weeks in a row, not very likely.) The player that loses the quickest (the least number of rounds) is eliminated. Now the player that won a match where the opponent is eliminated week off (only when there is an odd amount of players). This will continue till there are 2 players left. The winner of that game will be the winner.
Game Settings:
Number of Players: 2
Map: Doodle Earth
Game Type: Standard
Play Order: Sequential
Bonus Cards: Escalating
Fortifications: Chained
Fog of War: No